Compass Charter Schools


Scholar Leadership Council Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 11, 2021 at 2:00 PM

CCS Central Office: 850 Hampshire Road, Suite R, Thousand Oaks, CA 91361
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

For questions or requests regarding accessibility, please call Miguel Aguilar at (805) 807-8199.

Directors Present

A. Gordon (remote), A. Ruediger (remote), A. Stansbury (remote), A. Yeung (remote), C. Ruediger (remote), E. Christopher (remote), K. Effie (remote), K. Vreeman (remote), M. Effie (remote)

Directors Absent

L. Hearne-Hooker

Ex Officio Members Present

J. Lewis (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

J. Lewis (remote)

Guests Present

J. Garcia (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

E. Christopher called a meeting to order on Tuesday May 11, 2021 at 2:01 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests

II. Consent Items


Consent Items

A. Gordon made a motion to approve the consent items.
M. Effie seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Christopher
K. Vreeman
A. Ruediger
K. Effie
A. Yeung
M. Effie
A. Stansbury
A. Gordon
C. Ruediger


Approval of the April 13, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes

A. Gordon made a motion to approve the minutes from Scholar Leadership Council Meeting on 04-13-21.
M. Effie seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Gordon
E. Christopher
A. Ruediger
C. Ruediger
K. Vreeman
A. Stansbury
M. Effie
A. Yeung
K. Effie

III. Public Comment


Public Comment

No public comment.

IV. Reports


Staff Report

Mr. Lewis led the council in an overview of the Staff Report. He gave an update on the enrollment process(94% of current scholars have re-enrolled), the new number of scholars attending CCS for next year is 3130.
Lottesse was conducted on Tuesday, April 27 at 2pm with 571 seats set for 2021 Fall.
Compass is planning to hire at least 16 more supervising teachers.
Mr. Lewis then explained that this week there are promotions for charter schools such as CCS partnering with Panda Express where 28% of the funds when using a code will go back to Compass. 
Mr. Lewis then mentioned that tomorrow is California Day of Teacher and next week will be Classified School Employee Week.
We have received our 2021 Rising Firebird and Loud and Proud scholarship submissions and will be up for review where next Friday, May 21st will be the announcing the scholar.
Mr. Lewis then talked about National Charter School Week and how we are highlighting Ms. Chavez and welcomed scholars to submit themselves to be featured in Compass experience blogs and highlights.
Mr. Lewis then continued and spoke about a summer enrichment program we are working with called "Fired Up" for grade levels 2-9 with Claremont Graduate University to combat distant learning for social change and mentioned Compass will also be paying the registration fee for qualifying scholars.

V. Unfinished Business


2020-21 SLC Survey

Ms. Elizabeth Christopher gave the following proposal:
  • Reconstruct & reorganize the Monday Morning Update by:
    • Organize information by charter, program (Online & Options), and by grade level (Elementary, Middle school, & High school).
    • Include SLC information, such as Meeting Minutes from previous meetings and invitations to the public to join & participate in meetings.
    • Consider a new or additional form of the MMU, in video format.
  • Improve the SLC by:
    • Advertising the SLC in places like the MMU (see above) & in Learning Labs.
    • Reconsider & reorganize the topics & issues the SLC addresses from the beginning of the year. For example, a strong recommendation would be to discuss graduation & graduation plans by the start of the second semester, so there is time to consider graduation rates & celebrations before it is too late.
    • Introduce an end-of-year summary to present to the public (perhaps via the MMU).
    • Reword the SLC Scholar Survey by placing an emphasis on how and why the SLC & CCS can & should make specific adjustments & improvements.

VI. New Business


Review and Discussion on the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan

Mr. Lewis reviewed the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan. He then opened up for ideation on strategies and ideas to use these funds. We could hire tutors, offer more scholarships, additional subscriptions, more training for staff, or not use(keeping in mind that the grants would end within (1)one year).
Alexis G. stated, “Putting money into more scholarships would be a good idea.”
Kate V. stated she liked the idea of more training for staff.
Michael E. Jr. agreed with the idea of tutoring and an additional counselor.
Email for more ideas or information on how to use funds for the upcoming school year.
LCAP - Due to COVID-19 there was no ELCAP this school year. Four goals and associated action; increase scholar academic and achievement, increase scholar and parent engagement and involvement, increase career and college readiness for our scholars, ensure late entrance to CCS with short of credits can graduate with a high school diploma.


Review and Discussion on the 2021-24 Local Control & Accountability Plan

Mr. Lewis began the discussion by reviewing Compass's goals for 2021-24.
Goal #1 is to increase scholar achievement in core academic subjects by providing scholars with basic services such as teachers, core curriculum, summer academic services, interventions, support on duplicate scholars, and include staff development onboarding for 90 days. Also, offer professional development through workshops, avid training, scholar engagement and demonstration of learning. 
Mr. Lewis began discussing Goal #2, to increase scholar engagement and parent involvement by providing parent/scholar awards, enrichment activities, school communication, and providing the end of year celebrations.
Goal #3 for Compass is to increase college career readiness for scholars by providing summer school, a 4-year academic plan through A-G approved courses, and community service opportunities. Also, by potentially piloting with a University for dual enrollment, and becoming a RAMP school for school counseling.
Goal #4 is to ensure late entrance to Compass Charter Schools to scholars who have faced challenges and are completing a course of study leading to a diploma can make progress towards earning their high school diploma by caring for emotional needs first so the scholar can then focus achedemicly, and support the supervising teachers.


Council Member Feedback

Alexis G. asked if we can put more money into scholarships and include more funds for staff training.
Kate V. mentioned she wants more funds for teacher/staff training.
Airis Y. asked if we can use funds for the Options Learning.

VII. Closing Items


Upcoming Meetings

This was the last meeting of the 2020-21 school year for the Scholar Leadership Council. The next meetings of the Board of Directors are Sunday, May 23 at 10 am and Sunday, June 27 at 10 am.

Mr. Lewis expressed his appreciation to both Elizabeth Christopher and Mick Effie for their service on the Scholar Leadership Council, and wished them well on their upcoming graduation as part of the Class of 2021.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:56 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Garcia