Compass Charter Schools


Scholar Leadership Council Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday January 21, 2020 at 2:00 PM

CCS Central Office: 850 Hampshire Road, Suite P, Thousand Oaks, CA 91361
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

For questions or requests regarding accessibility, please call Miguel Aguilar at (805) 807-8199.

Directors Present

A. Gordon (remote), A. Ruediger, A. Yeung (remote), C. Ruediger, E. Christopher (remote), K. Effie (remote), L. Hearne-Hooker (remote), M. Effie (remote)

Directors Absent

A. Stansbury, K. Vreeman, L. Battle, M. Zorba, V. Linares

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

A. Ruediger, C. Ruediger

Ex Officio Members Present

J. Lewis (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

J. Lewis (remote)

Guests Present

M. Aguilar

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Lewis called a meeting to order on Tuesday Jan 21, 2020 at 2:04 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests

II. Consent Items


Consent Items

A. Gordon made a motion to approve the consent items.
E. Christopher seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of the December 17, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes

A. Gordon made a motion to approve the minutes from Scholar Leadership Council Meeting on 12-17-19.
E. Christopher seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Special Guests


Peer Mentoring Discussion with Jason Bee and Oscar De Jesus

Mr. Bee and Mr. De Jesus shared an overview of the Compass Peer Mentor Program. Mr. Bee shared how to engage with the club.

Ms. Gordon suggested changing the meeting date from Monday to Friday. She mentioned that there may be many scholars that are busy at the beginning of the week.

Ms. Christopher shared the possibility of incentives in order to increase participation. She also shared that the purpose of the program had not been clear, but is now interested in joining. 

IV. Public Comment


Public Comment

No public comment.

V. Reports


Staff Report

Mr. Lewis led the council in an overview of the Staff Report. He shared we continue to grow and currently have over 3,030 active scholars.

He shared updates from the Curriculum Review Committee, which reviewed and evaluated curriculum providers to find the best fit for our scholars. The staff will recommend transitioning to Accelerated Education as the Online Learning Program curriculum provider at the January board meeting.

VI. Unfinished Business


2019 SLC Survey

The Scholar Leadership Council Survey was released on Monday, January 13. As of today, we have 37 survey participants. The council plan to analyze and share feedback on survey results available for the February meeting on a year over year basis. The Parent Advisory Council also released a survey for Learning Coaches. 

VII. New Business


Council Member Feedback

Ms. Yeung shared she is happy to see how much Compass has grown.

Ms. Gordon suggested having Counseling Services discuss the transition from middle to high school within the Online Learning Program.

Ms. Christopher shared her happiness to see the Compass family grow and suggested having Mrs. Aguilar, Community Relations Coordinator, share a presentation on Marketing. She also suggested taking a look and consolidating material for the Online Learning High School History course material.

Ms. Hearne-Hooker enjoys having guest speakers and learning about Compass staff academic backgrounds.

Mr. Ruediger suggested having an e-games club for scholars.

Ms. Ruediger enjoys the contests led by Mrs. Rebecca MacAlpine, Director of Engagement, and would like to see more throughout the school year.
C. Ruediger arrived.
A. Ruediger arrived.

VIII. Closing Items


Upcoming Meetings

The next Scholar Leadership Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 2 pm.

The next Board of Directors Virtual Meeting will be on Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 10 am.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:52 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Aguilar