Compass Charter Schools


Scholar Leadership Council Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday May 9, 2018 at 3:00 PM

CCS Central Office: 850 Hampshire Road, Suite P, Thousand Oaks, CA 91361
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

For questions or requests regarding accessibility, please call Miguel Aguilar at (805) 807-8199.

Directors Present

A. Gordon (remote), A. Stansbury (remote), E. Christopher (remote), V. Linares (remote)

Directors Absent

A. Millaris, E. Perez, M. Zorba, Z. Senior

Ex Officio Members Present

J. Lewis

Non Voting Members Present

J. Lewis

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Lewis called a meeting to order on Wednesday May 9, 2018 at 3:05 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests

II. Consent Items


Consent Items

A. Gordon made a motion to approve then consent item.
E. Christopher seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Aguilar
A. Stansbury
Z. Senior
A. Gordon
V. Linares
A. Millaris
M. Zorba
E. Christopher
E. Perez


Approval of the March 14, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes

A. Gordon made a motion to approve minutes from the Scholar Leadership Council Meeting on 03-14-18 Scholar Leadership Council Meeting on 03-14-18.
E. Christopher seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Z. Senior
A. Gordon
A. Millaris
M. Aguilar
E. Christopher
V. Linares
M. Zorba
E. Perez
A. Stansbury

III. Public Comment


Public Comment

No public comment.

IV. Reports


Staff Report

Mr. Lewis led the council in an overview of the Staff Report. He started by sharing his appreciation to each of them for serving as inaugural Scholar Leadership Council members and thanking them for all of their participation and feedback this year. He also shared that this is both National Charter Schools Week and National Teacher Appreciation Week, and while teachers should be celebrated all year, this was a week really to amplify that appreciation and celebration. He shared that Employee of the Year Nominations are open for scholars and learning coaches to nominate teachers, counselors, staff, administrators - anyone and everyone who scholars believe are deserving of recognition. The overall nominee will be recognized at the Annual Meeting on Monday, June 25.

V. New Business


Council Member Feedback

The Scholar Advisory Council shared feedback on their reflection on the 2017-18 school year.

Ms. Gordon shared that this school year has been great with a few technical issues that were corrected along the way. She wished that for next year, the community tab will be more interactive and posts will be received quicker.

Ms. Christopher mentioned that one thing she would like to comment on is the Learning Labs - she really love these as another learning tool, as well as a way of connecting with teachers and peers. She really thinks that having them as easy and accessible learning aides is fantastic and hopes that next year they have improved even more so! Next year she think that teachers should really emphasize how important they are, and thinks that teachers should really try to put together fun, engaging lessons, that aren't straight from the courses. For example: Ms. Frost's Learning Labs are the best, she engages with scholars, and brings new ideas to everyone; she also makes this more real and normal and shows us that we are not just screens - she makes it feel like we're in an actual classroom, only better.

Ms. Linares shared that she likes this new system better, StrongMind. She finds it easier to navigate and learn from.

VI. Closing Items


Upcoming Meetings


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 3:31 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Lewis