The Neighborhood Charter Network


NCN September Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 10, 2024 at 3:00 PM


Enlace Academy Media Center

The Neighborhood Charter Network is hosting a board meeting on the second Tuesday of every other month.


Public comment sign up:


Public Comment:

  • Speakers are allowed two (2) minutes to offer comments to the board.
  • A timer will start when you begin; please briefly conclude your remarks when you hear the timer go off.
  • Comments should be directed to the board collectively, should not be abusive or disruptive, and should not address a topic that might be of a confidential nature or that would compromise the impartiality of the board.
  • While the board is happy to receive your comments, we will not respond or answer questions.

Directors Present

A. Segarra-Hansen, B. Delk, B. Storey, J. Servaas (remote), J. VanDeWalle, K. Britt, R. Zavaleta (remote)

Directors Absent

C. Byczko, P. Castaneda, R. Hall

Guests Present

B. Anderson, Brad Weinstein, D. Castellanos, Emma Kersey, K. Dulay, S. Campos, Tamera Dillard

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Servaas called a meeting of the board of directors of The Neighborhood Charter Network to order on Tuesday Sep 10, 2024 at 3:03 PM.


Approve Minutes

B. Delk made a motion to approve the minutes from NCN July Board Meeting on 07-09-24.
K. Britt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Hall
B. Delk
C. Byczko
A. Segarra-Hansen
J. VanDeWalle
B. Storey
P. Castaneda
K. Britt
J. Servaas

II. Academic Excellence


Academic Updates

Katie reported that things are going well. The start of the school year was calm and Enlace is fully enrolled. 

Mission Moment

Katie reported that Enlace is being intentional about our four truths. Specifically with one of our truths which is that everyone is socially, emotionally, and mentally present. 


Started the school year with cultural goals. 

  • 95% students and staff attendance
  • 85% participate in family engagement
  • Less than 12% suspension rate
  • 60% of students respond favorably to three key panorama surveys. 

Enlace received the NextGen SIG grant last year. All the things that were set out to happen within the grant are on track. It was a big summer of hiring, such as ML Teachers, and Bilingual Instructional Assistants. A school counselor was hired, Tamera Dillard. She is primarily working with our 6-8 students but also supports with K-8 initiatives. 


Tylie Mendoza-Robertson is our K-5 ASL, Brad Weinstein is our 6-8 ASL. Brad is the author of Hacking School Discipline. 


Brad reports that ACT Inc. came out and did social skits with students. It was a fun engagement opportunity for the students. Every Thursday, the students are engaged in a lesson that Tamera is planning and designing which incorporates integrity and citizenship. The goal was to create an intentional culture of joy.


Something new is restorative circles. Every class at the end of the day will do a closing circle. It gives the students a way to reflect on themselves. All students get to share and have a voice. The teachers have bought in.


Something new, piloting to recognize positive behaviors equitably. Every Thursday students reflect on 3 key traits, integrity, self-control, and citizenship. They score themselves to reflect. It’s a talking point between students and teachers. It unlocks points for rewards. It includes attendance, GPA, learning, and other criteria. Every student gets a shot to earn a total of 25 points. House prizes are provided for meeting the points. Parents get to see their reflections. 

Butler Partnership

Enlace started a buddy system and mentoring partnership with Butler. The goal is college exposure for our students. 


Academic Updates

Katie reported that there are a lot of plans and goals for this year. 

Academically, the goals are: 

  • 70% or more of our students make typical to high growth as measured by IReady. 
  • IRead: 10% increase in IRead pass rate.
  • ILearn 5% increase in combined proficiency. 

Katie and Stephanie met with Jenner. As a state, the EL students declined 6% statewide while Enlace grew by 3%.


Katie shared the 24-25 NCN Board Goals dashboard to the board. 


Katie is beginning a listening tour regarding staff retention. With the goal being that we are more proactive and intentional regarding staff retention and compensation. 


Mark Mosias updates the schoolwide data dashboard weekly. Teachers are being celebrated with the highest mastery level. Teachers have caddies and certificates that reward students for growth. Students are testing but it does create a competitive vibe every Thursday. Students and staff are bought in. Ultimately what counts is the state tests. 


Lilly has a huge initiative of  600 million, to invest in Indianapolis public schools. The implementation grant would be 50,000. The goal is to utilize this money for a consultant to help us write the Phase 2 and Phase 3 grants. Phase two for Enlace would be $375k. The Phase 3 is a possible grant of up to $15 million. Bi-monthly committee to plan for these grants. 

III. Finance


Finance updates

Brian provided year end financials to the board. 

  • Enlace finished in a strong position 308 days of cash on hand. 
  • There was fixed assets and some depreciation. 
  • Salaries paid in July but get booked at the end of June. 
  • Ended ahead of budget and with a surplus.

IV. Governance



Katie reported that Enlace is seeking for a total of 3 board members. If the board has any recommendations, they can send that information to Katie and Joan. Looking to get to 10 board members. 


Looking for experts in legal/HR, STEM/Science, Finance/Accounting, Development, or PR/Marketing. 

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:29 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. VanDeWalle

Lots of opportunities to attend family events. 

9/26 at 5:30pm - Hispanic Heritage Art Show

10/10 TBD - Career Fair

11/7 at 5:30pm - Fall Festival Needing Trunk or Treat volunteers

Bi-weekly. Thursday - Community Pantry

Every Wednesday 8-9am - Reading Rocketz: PACT Time