The Neighborhood Charter Network
NCN July Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday July 9, 2024 at 3:00 PM
Enlace Academy Media Center
The Neighborhood Charter Network is hosting a board meeting on the second Tuesday of every other month.
Public comment sign up:
Public Comment:
- Speakers are allowed two (2) minutes to offer comments to the board.
- A timer will start when you begin; please briefly conclude your remarks when you hear the timer go off.
- Comments should be directed to the board collectively, should not be abusive or disruptive, and should not address a topic that might be of a confidential nature or that would compromise the impartiality of the board.
- While the board is happy to receive your comments, we will not respond or answer questions.
Directors Present
B. Delk, C. Byczko (remote), J. Servaas, J. VanDeWalle, K. Britt (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Segarra-Hansen, P. Castaneda, R. Hall, R. Zavaleta
Guests Present
B. Anderson, Bill Storey, Brad Weinstein, D. Castellanos, Emma Kersey, K. Dulay
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Roll Call | |
K. Britt |
J. VanDeWalle |
R. Hall |
P. Castaneda |
R. Zavaleta |
J. Servaas |
A. Segarra-Hansen |
B. Delk |
C. Byczko |
II. Finance
Finance updates
III. Governance
Joan introduced Bill Storey to the board. Bill has a strong financial background and great involvement with the Oaks Academy. Joan would like to nominate Bill as a board member as part of the financial committee.
Roll Call | |
R. Hall |
J. VanDeWalle |
P. Castaneda |
R. Zavaleta |
C. Byczko |
A. Segarra-Hansen |
J. Servaas |
B. Delk |
K. Britt |
Employee Handbook is reviewed annually. According to the complaint policy that could not be resolved goes to the financial committee. We would like to change that to be routed to the governance committee first.
Roll Call | |
P. Castaneda |
J. Servaas |
R. Zavaleta |
R. Hall |
A. Segarra-Hansen |
C. Byczko |
K. Britt |
J. VanDeWalle |
B. Delk |
IV. Academic Excellence
Academic Updates
Mission moment
- Katie shared that the summer has been busy. Enlace had its first musical performance, Seussical. Some of our very quiet students came out of their shells. The impact on their self-confidence and ability on the stage was amazing.
- 20 staff members and 10 community partners attended an NCFL professional development. The push is to make family engagement feel very purposeful and intentional. Such as inviting parents to our classrooms via PACT time.
- Enlace offered an extended school year for students with IEPs, 2 days a week. A student struggled behaviorally, he was so engaged this summer that he opted into 3 days a week. He had a very positive touchpoint at Enlace.
Academic Update
Katie shared that we were waiting for our summer iRead scores and Panorama data. Katie shared the EOY Dashboard with the board. Enlace consistently meets our financial goals and has good systems to meet compliance. The focus will be to increase student academic growth and proficiency in iRead and iLearn.
- Attendance is 94.3%, the target being 95%
- Family Engagement data was 86.5%, the goal was 80%
- 94% of our students will be returning the next school year.
- Suspension Rate was 15%, the goal was to be under 12%
Enlace is transitioning to iReady, a benchmark assessment approved by the state. We will no longer be using NWEA. This will help get a clear view and allow teachers and students to create goals so that students can get on track to hit their goals.
There was a slight uptick in iLearn math and iLearn ELA went down slightly by .3 points. Due to this, we will have co-teachers in ELA to have strong support, increase writing, and double the reading interventions to continue to support the foundational literacy skills. 4 and 5th grade will be moving to compartmentalized grades.
In iRead we saw an increase in 3rd grade however we are still far from where we were pre-pandemic. ML teacher per grade level and include high dosage tutoring for 3rd grade. Our incoming K through 2nd graders are performing differently with foundational skills.
Our students take the Panorama survey mid-year and then in Spring to measure culture. Increased from Spring to Fall but then dipped from Fall to Spring. For the new school year. We want to focus on a feeling of belonging in our school.
There were strong gains in student culture from spring to fall but dipped in spring.
- Had inconsistent data because 3rd grade was excluded.
- Mid-year turnover of teachers and SST staff members
- Spring testing disrupts scheduling and adds stress to students and staff who get pulled to test.
Add a counselor position, and split the assistant school leader to drive student culture in K-5 and 6-8th.
Weekly pulse check and add a question about sharing things that they would like us to know.
OEI Reporting
The 23-24 Board Assessment is due July 12
The 23-24 CEO Evaluation is due July 12
The 24-25 Charter Handbook Assurance form is due to OEI by July 30. This is signed via DocuSign.
Brian Anderson reported the financials to the board through the end of May. Year-end accruals and Form 9 to close out the year. We usually don't send June financials in July however they are shared in August. Ahead a million in revenue due to additional grant revenue. Over in expenses 942k. Net 191k through the year.
9.2 million in the bank. We don't have a lot of liabilities. Deferred revenue is part of a capital grant that we are using for next year. No real debt except for the charter school loan, it is at a 1% interest rate and a couple of years are left. We are meeting or exceeding all financial targets across the board. The purpose of the money is to be used during the charter renewal process.
Enlace was able to fund every program as needed this year. However, the state requires one ML teacher for every 30 students, we are not able to afford that or sustain it long-term due to the amount of EL students served at Enlace. Instead, we funded for our teachers to get their ML license but that is not the same. It is an unfunded mandate from the state.
Katie has been speaking to other executive directors who have shared their salaries and bonus structures.