The Neighborhood Charter Network


Board Meeting: December 2021

Date and Time

Tuesday December 14, 2021 at 3:00 PM


Enlace Academy in person or on Zoom
The Neighborhood Charter Network is hosting a board meeting every other month as posted on the news/events of the Enlace and Kindezi Academy websites.

Directors Present

C. Byczko (remote), D. Casey (remote), K. Britt (remote), M. Dezelan (remote), P. Castaneda (remote), R. Hall (remote), R. Zavaleta (remote)

Directors Absent

T. Baker

Guests Present

B. Anderson (remote), C. Whitesell (remote), D. Castellanos (remote), K. Dulay (remote), K. Kubacki (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Byczko called a meeting of the board of directors of The Neighborhood Charter Network to order on Tuesday Dec 14, 2021 at 3:05 PM.

II. Approval of Minutes


August Meeting Minutes

P. Castaneda made a motion to to approve the October 2021 board meeting minutes as presented.
D. Casey seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Byczko
D. Casey
M. Dezelan
R. Hall
P. Castaneda
K. Britt
R. Zavaleta
T. Baker

III. Public Comment


Public Comment

There was no public comment. 

IV. Finance Committee


Finance Update

Brian reported that NCN received a clean financial audit. There was one minor finding. The audit meets the December 31st deadline. 


Brian presented the board with financials through the end of November 2021. 
  • Both schools remain in a strong cash position
  • The reimbursement-based grants have now come in.
  • Each school and NCN overall meet all targets
  • NCN overall has 135 days of cash on hand.
  • NCN continues to have an extremely low debt-to-asset ratio. 


V. Academic Committee


Board Dashboard Update

Kevin presented an update on the board dashboard.


NCN is in a strong financial position. 


The goal is to be between 70.0%-79.9% of students that are track to make sufficient and adequate gains (typical or high growth) 
  • Enlace Q1 42.5%   Q2 38.5%
  • Kindezi Q1 -2%.     Q2 -4%
Students who have been enrolled at the school for two or more consecutive years show an increase in the combined proficient rate of 5 or more percentage points. 
  • Enlace Q1 -2%.   Q2 -4%
  • Kindezi Q1 1%.   Q2 0%
Enlace Academy 
  • ELL data is driving the results 
  • Approximately 500 students are considered ELL
  • Approximately 300 students are a WIDA level 1 or 2
  • We had significant teacher turnover, and many new teachers don't have the toolbox to be successful yet. 
  • Enlace Is focusing on professional development and coaching and being intentional. 
Kindezi Academy
  • Recent growth in ELL population, mostly Spanish 
  • Many new teachers don't have the toolbox to be successful yet 
  • We retain roughly 1/3 of our students from Fall to Fall
  • Our upper grades students have significant gaps in reading. 
  • Kindezi Dir. of Academic Langues will plan and co-teach lessons with upper-grade teachers that have high ELL concentrations. 
  • There will be a Power Hour, in which there will be an hour-long intervention block. Using the best teachers, administrators, and interventionists to target foundational literacy skills. 
Culture Update 
  • Attendance goals for both schools are that Kindezi rises to 90% by the end of the year. Enlace's attendance to rise to 95%
  • Currently, Enlace was at 92% and Kindez was at 88% for the first quarter. 
  • The total number of suspension incidences will be less. 
  • There was a bump in violent incidents due to a high number of students who are going through trauma. 









Referendum planning

Kevin reported that the IPS referendum was passed. IPS will share referendum money with innovative network schools. It is $500 per student residing in the IPS catchment area per year, paid in installments in December and June at the beginning of this month. NCN will use the money to: 


1. Recruit great teachers (salary, benefits, branding)
2. Retain great teachers (ongoing education, bonus structures)
3. Develop future great teachers (residency program)


The innovation schools will be included in future referendums. Plans for the referendum money will be presented at the January 2022 board meeting. 

VI. Governance Committee


Kindezi Innovation Renewal

Kevin reported that Kindezi signed a 180-day waiver with IPS. Kindezi along with a number of other schools signed this waiver to give us time for negotiations since it would not be ready on time. 


IPS will have a facilities master plan in the spring and will vote in the summer. Tear down and re-build would be for 23-24 at the earliest. 


Kevin is currently working with Heather to review the nature of the IPS agreement. Kevin will present any updates to the board and will then vote once finalized. 



Board election planning

Caitlin reported that the bylaws will be reviewed and voted on in January 2022. Conversations with the board are ongoing with the general overview of the next two years. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:24 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Byczko