The Neighborhood Charter Network


NCN Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday July 22, 2020 at 3:00 PM


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Meeting ID: 226 676 9465
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The Neighborhood Charter Network is hosting a board meeting every other month as posted on the news/events of the Enlace and Kindezi Academy websites. 

Directors Present

C. Byczko (remote), K. Britt (remote), M. Dezelan (remote), P. Castaneda (remote), R. Zavaleta (remote), T. Baker (remote)

Directors Absent

D. Casey

Guests Present

D. Castellanos (remote), K. Kubacki (remote), Katie Dulay, L. Kuruzar (remote), Valerie Carlisle

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Byczko called a meeting of the board of directors of The Neighborhood Charter Network to order on Wednesday Jul 22, 2020 at 3:08 PM.

II. Public Comment


Public Comment

No public comment made. 

III. Back to School Discussion


School Calendar

Caitlin reported that the purpose of this meeting is to have a back to school discussion. 

Kevin reported that he has a meeting with IPS and the Marion County Health Dept. after this meeting to further discuss school reopening so things may change. 

Kevin reported that as of now Enlace & Kindezi are following IPS's lead. 
  • Enlace and Kindezi will offer an in person option and a remote option and the schools continue to plan on this option. Families can opt in or out every 9 weeks or on a quarterly basis. 
  • The IPS board voted to push the school year to start on August 17th. This was based on the Marion county positive cases which is at 12% we want to see that number at 10%. 
  • IPS followed the lead of Wayne and Warren Township to delay start. 
  • Washington Township announced that they would be going completely virtual which was a surprise decision. As of right now, other schools have not followed this lead. 
  • Both schools have masks, dividers, sanitizers, groupings to create safest environment possible. 
  • IPS has given both Enlace and Kindezi technology. At Enlace we are 100 laptops short of being able to go to 1:1. Kindezi has enough technology to go to the 1:1 model. 
  • Currently have a 40 page reopening plan
Kevin reported that the bylaws don't state that the board has to approve the start of the school year or approve the employee handbook. After checking with Patrick at OEI, he recommended the board have a discussion to keep record. 

Kevin suggested to the board to follow IPS's lead and start on August 17 with possibly bringing everyone back earlier than IPS. IPS indicated they would not open the buildings, provide food services or transportation services. 

Patrica stated that the difference between IPS and NCN is that you are able to opt back into school after you have opted out. In IPS if you choose remote you cannot back into in person. 

Patricia asked what is the tech price is.

Kevin reported that Chromebook's are around 279.00. This would be an unplanned expense. NCN does have the financial ability to purchase them. The other factor is timing because it is tough to get devices right now. There is still hope that we can bridge the gap with IPS in the event we would need to purchase tech.

Patricia stated the governor was having a press conference. The State of Indiana will have to wear masks. There is a need to be ready for complete virtual rather than later and would like the board to consider that. 

Kevin stated that 40 hot spots were included in a grant. There are talks with Fairbanks and the mayor's office about funding a city wide network for public school kids would be able to access. The earliest access would be November so it is not a solution right now. The only issue with hotspots is they have an ongoing cost. 

Marty stated that he doesn't think the decision about when education starts is dependent on the bylaws or the handbook. It is dependent on the innovation network contract which has some specific language on access to the facility. If it is an issue on in delay that's just an update to the board because that is what IPS has decided. If there is another IPS delay and we can get started virtually, that is a conversation that the board needs to have. If IPS decides they will go virtual all year we would just need to ramp up. 

Caitlin asked Marty if the suggestion is that the board does not need to vote on the delay or that we should vote on the virtual delay now? 

Marty thinks the board needs to take action, but doesn't think the board needs to because it's being in compliance with our contract.

Caitlin suggested a motion to grant Kevin the ability to make the decisions in the best interest of the schools during the pandemic, including to but not limited to following the innovation contract and delaying the start of school. 

Kevin stated that the benefit of a motion would address the changes to the handbook which include language for the pandemic. Had an HR lawyer reviewed the handbook and it is within legal compliance. The board has not voted on the handbook before to approve but wanted to give the option if they wanted to it has been reviewed by an HR lawyer.  The bylaws do not say anything about the board approving the handbook.

Caitlin asked if the board has seen the handbook changes.

Kevin responded that the handbook was included with the agenda. Changes were: 
-FMLA guidelines
-Covid updates were made

Marty asked if there was a separate reopening plan outside the handbook? 

Kevin reported there was. 

Patricia stated that it was a 40 page document that Kevin referred to. 

Ken stated that there are two options that are being considered
-Follow IPS's lead to start physical onsite on August 17
-Or start virtual and once buildings open we bring the kids back. 

Marty responded that if Kevin and team think we should start virtual before IPS because there has been another delay we would discuss as a board. Not suggesting we should, we don't have authority over when we take possession of the building.

Ken stated that the Covid-19 concern isn't going away and it change hour by hour. There is a likelihood that there will be another change. The long we wait to act, the more challenging it is to have staff ready. 

Kevin stated that at this point the preference is to follow IPS's lead. Due to the number of operational challenges. In the even of another delay NCN would begin online instruction on Aug. 17th. It would be harder to plan after the 17th because there will no additional waiver days give. Also if there were more changes it would be difficult on the staff with the shift of our calendar. 

Patricia shared that through a parent perspective, as a mom of two children, it is important for families to know what is going to happen so that they can plan accordingly. She thinks it is important to make a statement as a board on what the recommendation is even if the reason is just to support Kevin, pushback from a community standpoint, or parents standpoint, The vote is important to support Kevin in the decision of starting school on the 17th. 

Marty reported that he recommends we review our plan from a liability standpoint in case we reopen and someone gets sick. 

M. Dezelan made a motion to The board understand that we cannot physically occupy the building before August 17th but if IPS decides to pushback a physical start again we will do everything within our power to start distance learning on August 17th.
K. Britt seconded the motion.
Kevin stated that he could be ready by the 17th, it would be hard to be ready before that. 
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Casey
C. Byczko
P. Castaneda
M. Dezelan
R. Zavaleta
K. Britt
T. Baker

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 3:43 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Byczko