The Neighborhood Charter Network


NCN Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 9, 2019 at 3:00 PM


Enlace Academy

The Neighborhood Charter Network is hosting a board meeting on the third Thursday of each month.

Directors Present

C. Byczko, D. Casey, K. Britt, L. Turner (remote), R. Zavaleta, T. Baker

Directors Absent

A. Vigil-Martinez, M. Dezelan, P. Castaneda

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Kubacki

Non Voting Members Present

K. Kubacki

Guests Present

Brian Dickey, D. Castellanos, L. Kuruzar, Morgan Cooksey

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Casey called a meeting of the board of directors of The Neighborhood Charter Network to order on Tuesday Apr 9, 2019 at 3:07 PM.


Approve Minutes

K. Britt made a motion to approve minutes from the NCN Board Meeting on 02-19-19 NCN Board Meeting on 02-19-19.
T. Baker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Public Comment


Public Comment

No public comment. 

III. Academic Updates


Kindezi Academic Update

Dennis reported that a letter was received from OEI due to performance issues at Kindezi Academy. They requested a school improvement plan be submitted by June 1st. 

Kevin reported that he has coordinated with OEI on the due date timeline of the requested improvement plan. Kindezi is in the process of a school improvement plan with Equitable Education Solutions. Kevin provided a timeline of the plan to the board. (Timeline attached to the agenda.)

Kevin will submit the official response to OEI. 

Kindezi had a 60% student turnover rate for the 2018-2019 school year. 

Brian with OEI stated that they wanted to acknowledge the challenges that Kindezi has experienced and that this is not the ideal time for a notice considering the change in the state interim assessment this year. They would like to see what the school's plan is and how it will shape the school for the next 3 years. 

OEI will revisit the outcomes until May or June of 2020. They will monitor outcomes based on student outcome and once the plan is implemented. If the outcomes do not improve they have a tier that they will use and it escalates based on non performance and ultimately the charter not being renewed.

Next year Kindezi will have a mid charter review. 

Dennis would like a prepared response to the letter for the community. 


Enlace Academic Update

Kevin reports that Kipp negotiated free transportation with some management fees with IPS. IPS contacted Kevin and stated they would like to offer Enlace the same offer.  There is a management fee but essentially IPS is willing to negotiate transportation. It would free about $250k of general funds. If we move forward with this agreement IPS would probably provide transportation by IPS for the 2020-2021 school year. 

Dennis likes the transportation independence but sees the potential for savings. 

Teachers salaries were increased at IPS due to the referendum. 15% for top end teachers and took administrative salaries and increased them by 25%. 

There are thirty-two 8th graders graduating at Enlace Academy on June 5th at 6pm. The ceremony will be held at Marian University, Student Hall. 

IV. Finance


Budget Update

The finance committee did not formally meet but spoke on the phone. They would like to meet every month moving forward. They would also like to provide trending reports and graphical data to the board. In addition they will present possible scenarios regarding the facility issue and what it would look like in the budget. They will keep an eye on additional funding resources and conduct a review of internal financial operations. A finance meeting will be held later this month. 

Purchased services is over budget which is due to an increase for special education and substitute services. Kevin reported a possibility for an IPS SPED collaboratively. The numbers looked a little high for a basic level. However, students would not be at our facility and wouldn't need so many aides. 

There is a possible $500 bump per student at Enlace that will be decided by legislation at the end of April. If approved it would be effective for the next school year.

The finance team is going to keep considerations for competitive salaries, and also address the structural budget issue at Kindezi. 

The finance team will present a budget draft at the next board meting with a goal to approve and submit a final budget by May 30th. ​​​​​​


V. Board Functionality


Board Candidates

In addition to that we had a meeting March 21st an executive meeting. Items: CEO performance review and job description for Kevin. We will formalize that process held in July of each school year. Kevin is putting together recommended data metrics in the body of the review in terms of measuring the CEO review. Formats for executive director review. 

Board candidates have some turnover since Patricia Castañeda is leaving. LaTonya is leaving at the end of June. This will be an ongoing challenge. The board currently has 4 candidates. Kevin will bet, gage their interest if comfortable with fit of current board he will recommend a meeting with board members and discuss on exec. committee. Some characteristics is leadership, diversity, skill set. Dennis ask for the board to recommend anyone who they feel would be a good fit. 

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Next board meeting will be held on May 7, 2019 at 3pm at Kindezi Academy. 
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Casey