Lake George Charter School

Board Meeting

Published on June 14, 2021 at 10:44 AM MDT
Amended on August 11, 2021 at 2:25 PM MDT

Date and Time

Wednesday June 16, 2021 at 5:00 PM MDT
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I. Board Work Session 4:30 PM
  A. Mill Levy
II. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Record Attendance and Guests
  C. Approve Agenda
  D. Approve meeting minutes from May
  E. Approve Minutes 06-08-2021
III. RE-2 Mill Levy Presentation
IV. Administrator Report
  A. Administrator Report
  B. Preschool Director's Update
Currently: 5 - 3yo & 13 - 4yo
Account is reconciled with Gloria for end of year close out. 
V. Committee Reports
  A. Lions Pride


  B. Finance
Funding updates: ESSER II & III


Approve financials for Apr/May


  C. Policy Committee
Policies to remove from books:
BGC Rev., Policy Revision and Review

BGD Rev., Charter Board Review of Regulations
BGF, Suspension/Repeal of Policy
BIA, New Charter Board Member Orientation
BIB, Charter Board Member Development Opportunities
BIBA, Charter Board Conferences, Conventions, & Workshops
GBGG Rev. 4, Staff Sick Leave (See GCCAA)
CHB Rev., Regulations Communications
CK Rev., Administrative Consultants
DBC Rev., Budget Planning, Preparation, and Schedules
DBC-E Rev., Deadlines in Budgeting Process Set by Statute(These two policies have been re-lettered and are now DBG and DBG-E)
VI. Board Communications
  A. Comments
Welcome Dr Wade!
   Summer Priorities:
     - Hiring of Staff
     - Emergency Response Plan
     - Facility Maintenance
     - Enrollment
VII. Public Comments
  A. Comments
VIII. Old Business
  A. Policy 2nd Reading
DBD Rev2, DBG Rev2, DBG-E Rev2
IX. New Business
  A. Approval of Certified Salaries
Brings pay schedules compliant with 2021 minimum wage increase
  B. Approve new contracts for Paraeducators
Includes pay under new pay-schedule: Caroline Pyle, Carol Kohrs, April Patton, Jamie McCarthy
  C. Accept Resignations/Retirements
Retirement: Keith & Leisha Lanz
Resignations: Lizzie Meyer, Allison Hanson, Jennifer Baublits, Megan DeNio
  D. Approve advertising of open positions
  E. Approval of preliminary 2021-2022 budget
  F. Renew Board on Track membership
Annual Cost: $8,200. 
Includes board training, resources and meeting/portal management
  G. Approve 2nd Step salary increase for returning staff
When we approved step increase in March, estimated cost 1-step ~$15,000
For remaining staff the one-step increase (already approved) cost: ~ $9,000
Second step would cost ~ $ 16,500 (total). 

*Note this does not apply to new hires (hired in May/June 2021)
X. Record of Email Votes
  A. Approved advertising of Interim Administrator position
First - J. Geffre
Second - J. Gilley
Vote: S. Bernstetter (yes), J. Geffre (yes), J. Gilley (yes), M. Normandin (yes), F. Zuercher (absent) 
  B. Advertise for open teaching positions
First - J. Geffre
Second - J. Gilley
Vote: S. Bernstetter (yes), J. Geffre (yes), J. Gilley (yes), M. Normandin (yes), F. Zuercher (absent) 
XI. Closing Items
  A. Aug Work Session Items
  B. Top 3 Communication Items
  C. Adjourn Meeting