Lake George Charter School
Board Meeting
Published on March 17, 2021 at 10:18 AM MDT
Date and Time
Wednesday March 17, 2021 at 5:00 PM MDT
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Meeting ID: 884 7919 8866
Passcode: 954027571
Zoom App
Meeting ID: 884 7919 8866
Passcode: LGCS80827
Dial In (by your location)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 884 7919 8866
Passcode: 954027571
I. | Opening Items | |
Opening Items
A. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
B. | Record Attendance and Guests | |
C. | Approve Agenda | |
D. | Approve Previous Board Meeting Minutes | |
Approve minutes for Board Meeting on February 17, 2021 | ||
II. | Administrator Report | |
A. | Administrator Report | |
III. | Committee Reports | |
A. | Lions Pride | |
Lions Pride held our monthly meeting last week and have voted to move forward to order a buddy bench as requested. So we are in the process of purchasing one, this was previously approved by Mrs. Holmes in our February meeting. The most durable and long lasting one found is steel which will run around $500. We are also in the process of purchasing an enclosed storage container for the playground balls to help minimize weather damage. We are still reviewing options for the additional playground equipment and will continue to do so in the upcoming months. Lions Pride has offered to purchase prizes for students if the school chooses to run a contest for this years All School Write. I apologize due to unforeseen circumstances I do not have financials for you this month, however there has been no change in the last 3mos.
~ Jesse Vigil
B. | Finance | |
Funding updates: PPR adjustment
Budget: 21-22 revenues are expected to be $150k less than the 20-21 year. Welcome suggestions for cuts.
Approve financials for Jan (pending review by Finance Committee at 16 Mar meeting).
C. | BAC | |
D. | Policy Committee | |
List of policies to remove from books
IV. | Board Communications | |
A. | Comments | |
V. | Public Comments | |
A. | Comments | |
VI. | Old Business | |
A. | Policy 2nd Reading | |
BDG, BEDD Rev., BEDH Rev 2, and BID-BIE
VII. | New Business | |
A. | Policy 1st Reading | |
B. | Approve By-laws | |
C. | Approval of school calendar 21/22 | |
Student & Staff
D. | Approval of Academy Program Changes | |
E. | 2021-2025 District Contract Approval | |
F. | Approval of Development Committee | |
G. | Staff Budget Discussion | |
VIII. | Executive Session | |
Reason pursuant to CRS 24-6-402 (4)(f) - Personnel matters - Administrator Evaluation
IX. | Record of Email Votes | |
X. | Closing Items | |
A. | March Work Session Items | |
B. | Top 3 Communication Items | |
C. | Adjourn Meeting |