Lake George Charter School

Board Meeting

Published on July 27, 2020 at 8:43 PM MDT

Date and Time

Wednesday May 20, 2020 at 5:00 PM MDT




I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Pledge of Allegiance
  C. Approve Agenda
  D. Record Attendance and Guests

Voting order: Pam Adams, Barb Egan, Jennifer Geffre, Julie A. Gilley and Jason Kirkland

  E. Approve Previous Board Meeting Minutes
    Approve minutes for Zoom Meeting on April 7, 2020
  F. Approve Previous Board Meeting Minutes
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on February 19, 2020
  G. Approve Previous Board Meeting Minutes
04/28/2020 minutes will be added when available 
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting with COVID-19 Update on April 28, 2020
II. Administrator Report
  A. Administrator Report
III. Business Manager Report
  A. Comments
Septic update
IV. Staff Report
V. Board Communications
  A. Comments
VI. Public Comments
  A. Comments
VII. Committee Reports
  A. Lion's Pride
LP purchased the Student's year end t-shirts, helped paid for the all school write books and supplying the classrooms with new electric pencil sharpeners for the 2020-2021 year.
  B. BAC
  C. Finance
Approval of April financials
Update on State funding numbers for 2020-21 school year
  D. Policy
  E. Building Facility/Infrastructure
  F. Safety and Security
VIII. Old Business
  A. Policies-Second Reading
KB Rev. 3 Parent Involvement
KFA Rev. 4 Public Conduct on School Property
KI Rev. 3 Visitors to School
IX. New Business
  A. PreSchool Tuition Increase Proposal
Our current rates are: $140 for the 3's and $180 for the 4's plus a $10 per month snack fee. We are no longer allowed (by DHS) to charge a snack fee for the 10 CPP funded spots.
With less than a 10% increase we could establish a flat rate of $225 for the 4year old program and $170 for the 3 year old program. 
  B. Water Treatment Operation Bid 2020-21
Larry Watters-no price increase
  C. Technology Bid proposals
Onsite: $7,446.00
TeamLogicIT $ 8,839.00



Laptop recommended quote costs:
Dell Teacher laptop replacements x12 $690.00 each ($8,280.00 total)
Student Chromebook replacements x40 $230.00 each ($9,200.00 total)
plus $30.00 each (for all 52) for Google licensing ($1,560.00 total)


  D. Board on Track Renewal
$6840.00 by 5/31/2020
$7,200.00 by renewal date 8/15/2020
X. Record Email Votes by Board
Contracts for staff positions for 2020-21 year
  A. Enter Executive Session
  B. Exit Executive Session
XIII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting