Lake George Charter School
Board Meeting
Published on July 27, 2020 at 8:47 PM MDT
Date and Time
Wednesday February 19, 2020 at 5:00 PM MST
I. | Opening Items | |
Opening Items
A. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
B. | Pledge of Allegiance | |
C. | Approve Agenda | |
D. | Record Attendance and Guests | |
Voting order: Pam Adams, Barb Egan, Jennifer Geffre, Julie A. Gilley and Jason Kirkland |
E. | Approve Previous Board Meeting Minutes | |
Approve minutes for Board Meeting on January 15, 2020 | ||
II. | Administrator Report | |
A. | Administrator Report | |
III. | Business Manager Report | |
A. | Comments | |
IV. | Staff Report | |
A. | Maggie Kline | |
V. | Board Communications | |
A. | Comments | |
VI. | Public Comments | |
A. | Comments | |
VII. | Committee Reports | |
A. | Lion's Pride | |
B. | BAC | |
C. | Finance | |
Approval of January financials
D. | Policy | |
E. | Building Facility/Infrastructure | |
F. | Safety and Security | |
VIII. | Old Business | |
A. | Policies-Second Reading | |
BEAA, Electronic Participation in Charter Board Meetings
BEDF Rev. 2, Voting Method GBEC-R, Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace (new)
KDE Rev., Crisis Management |
IX. | New Business | |
A. | Policies-First Reading | |
KB Rev. 3 Parent Involvement
KFA Rev. 4 Public Conduct on School Property
KI Rev. 3 Visitors to School
B. | Replace Carpet Extractor-Bid | |
for $2,064.35, cost for repair of current extractor that is 8 years old was estimated at $1,100.00
C. | IT Repairs/Update-Bid | |
D. | Pre-School Expansion Proposal | |
E. | Keys to Lead Bid | |
for $2,225.00
F. | RF Consulting-Bid | |
for $3,600.00
G. | Approve Substitute Teachers | |
Michelle Howell, Lisa Egeler and Roger Meade
H. | E-Learning for snow day alternative Proposal | |
I. | Approval to change the calendar based on school closures and delays | |
10/24-2hr delay
10/28-snow day
10/30-snow day
12/16-2hr delay
2/4-snow day
2/18-2hr delay
A. | Enter Executive Session | |
Personnel (Section 24-6-402 (4)(f))
Zoe Ann Holmes
Bobette Faux
Angela Wolcott
B. | Exit Executive Session | |
XII. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |