Lake George Charter School

Board Meeting

Published on July 27, 2020 at 8:47 PM MDT

Date and Time

Wednesday January 15, 2020 at 5:00 PM MST


38874 US Hwy 24 Lake George, CO 80827


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Pledge of Allegiance
  C. Approve Agenda
  D. Record Attendance and Guests

Voting order: Pam Adams, Barb Egan, Jennifer Geffre, Julie A. Gilley and Jason Kirkland

  E. Approve Previous Board Meeting Minutes
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on November 20, 2019
  F. Approve Work Session Minutes
    Approve minutes for Board Work Session on November 20, 2019
II. Administrator Report-submitted in writing
  A. Administrator Report
  B. Cripple Creek Parks and Recs
Update Building Use Form
III. Business Manager Report-submitted in writing
Academic Task Force
  A. Comments
Bob Harms has installed the new AEDs. New dishwasher has been installed. No news on the septic system temporary fix or bid for additional work. 
IV. Board Communications
  A. Comments
V. Public Comments
Facilities Task Force
  A. Comments
VI. Committee Reports-submitted in writing
  A. Lion's Pride
  B. BAC
  C. Finance
Approval of November financials
  D. Policy
  E. Building Facility/Infrastructure
  F. Safety and Security
VII. Old Business
School Accountability (SAC) - Academic Excellence
  A. Academy attending the High Trails Camp
VIII. New Business
  A. Approval of Amendment to Budget
Approve to give a $200 bonus to each employee in December at a total of $5,800.00
  B. Floor Stripping/Cleaning Bid
X. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting