Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy


1/19/21 - Special Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday January 19, 2021 at 6:00 PM


Zoom Registration:

Directors Present

A. Farooqi (remote), A. Starling (remote), A. Young (remote), C. Lewis (remote), M. Dixon (remote), M. Ramasamy (remote), S. Dasu (remote), S. Korrapati (remote), S. Liner (remote), S. Schroeck (remote)

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

A. Pieper (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

A. Pieper (remote)

Guests Present

Josi Williams Amaral (remote), Karen Pietrafesa (remote), Katherine sechler Stephenson (remote), Katrina Hardison (remote), Kerbie Neal (remote), Megan Vespa (remote), Mrudula Pericharla (remote), Natesha Morrison (remote), Noelle Zagorski (remote), Silviya Petrova (remote), Valerie Yates (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Dixon called a meeting of the board of directors of Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy to order on Tuesday Jan 19, 2021 at 6:01 PM.


Read Mission Statement

A. Young read the Mission Statement.


Adoption of the Agenda

S. Dasu made a motion to adopt the January 19, 2021 Special Board Meeting Agenda.
M. Ramasamy seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Administrative Matters

M. Dixon reminded participants of the procedures and rules of the Zoom Webinar Platform.


Approval of Prior Minutes

S. Schroeck made a motion to approve the minutes from SPECIAL Board Meeting - 1/12/21 on 01-12-21.
S. Korrapati seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Community Comments (First Opportunity)- subject to guidelines


Community Comments - guidelines

There were no members of the community who wished to make a comment.

III. Director's Report


General Items

A. Pieper gave the Director's Report.

During last week's Board Meeting a directive came from the Mecklenburg County Health Department to stay home and use Virtual options for school until February 2. Because the directive was received after the board had already voted to adopt the agenda, the Board was not able to make any decisions based on that information at the time. The Directive does not constitute a mandate from the State or the County.

-Parent and Staff feedback has helped to guide decision making throughout the pandemic.
-Providing opportunities to change attendance option has been a key component.
-An option was provided for all current and 3rd quarter new hybrid students to choose full virtual for the duration of the directive.
  • 4 current hybrid students will be virtual until Feb 2nd.
  • 5 current virtual request delay of switch to hybrid until Feb 2nd
Other decision making factors:
  • School remains at zero case count for students and staff.
  • We have the staff and resources to adhere to the health and safety protocols that we established at the beginning of the year.
  • Low hybrid attendance numbers allow adequate space for social distancing throughout the school building and close monitoring of any illnesses.
  • Hybrid parents have been cooperative in keeping children home when they have any symptoms.


3rd Quarter Plan

A. Pieper recommends continuing with our current hybrid instruction schedule through February 2nd.
-New hybrid students begin on February 4th (changed from January 26th)
  • K-4: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (dismissal at 1:00PM)
  • 5-6 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
  • 7-8: Tuesday, Thursday NO Change
-Schedule changes will be sent to students/parents as required.
-Orientation for all NEW to hybrid students on February 3rd.

K-4 Hybrid Fridays begin on February 5th
-Regular Drop-off time (7:45-8:10AM)
-Will continue to use this day for reinforcement and extension activities - no new lessons.
  • Virtual students will have morning check in with teacher then complete asynchronous work
  • Hybrid students will do the same work as the virtual students with teacher support in school.
-Early Dismissal (1:00-1:20 pm) to allow teachers to plan for the next week.
-Superlative Club will be offered from 1:00-6:00 pm.

Flexibility and Responsiveness:
  • We will continue to monitor the situation and respond as required
  • Local or state mandates, school based cases, hybrid numbers, and teacher availability are all factors that could cause a change in the format or schedule.
  • Thank you to our staff for working hard every day to keep our students safe and engaged in learning. 
  • Thank you for your patience, support, and flexibility as we continue to navigate these difficult times.
Several Board Members expressed thanks to Ms. Pieper for considering parent and staff feedback in making this proposal.
S. Korrapati commented that the Board and Scholars Academy have a social responsibility towards helping to stop the spread of COVID-19, but Scholars Academy is in a unique position because of the type of school it is, and has had zero cases so far, and therefore is not contributing to community spread. A choice whether to attend has also been presented to families. S. Korrapati directed a question to A. Pieper regarding whether staff had the choice to work remotely.

A. Pieper responded that if there is a staff member that chooses to stay home, he or she may approach her. Scholars Academy has a teleworking policy based on the staff member's role, position, etc. Ms. Pieper also stated that not one staff member has approached her yet. 
M. Dixon quoted a study from the American Academy of Pediatrics regarding data gathered on the spread of COVID-19 in North Carolina that showed no significant community spread attributed to North Carolina schools during the first nine weeks of hybrid attendance.
S. Dasu made a motion to approve the 3rd quarter plan as presented.
M. Ramasamy seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Farooqi
M. Ramasamy
S. Schroeck
S. Dasu
S. Liner
C. Lewis
S. Korrapati
A. Young
A. Starling
M. Dixon

IV. Community Comments (Second Opportunity)- subject to guidelines


Community Comments-guidelines

There were no members of the community who wished to make a comment.

V. Closed Session


Closed Session

S. Dasu made a motion to convene in closed session pursuant to N.C.G.S. ยง143-318.11: to prevent the disclosure of privileged or confidential information: to discuss contract negotiations; to discuss personnel matters involving an individual employee or prospective employee.
M. Ramasamy seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

S. Korrapati made a motion to adjourn.
A. Farooqi seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Schroeck