Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy


October Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday October 23, 2017 at 6:30 PM


Scholars Board Room

Directors Present

A. Gozycki, J. Wagler, M. Mittal, M. Scruggs (remote), R. Watson, S. Liner, S. Scott

Directors Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

Also in attendance:
  • School Director: J. Cuneo
  • Staff: T. Hemming, T. Miller, M. Bernard
  • Guests: A.J. Farooqi


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Watson called a meeting of the board of directors of Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy to order on Monday Oct 23, 2017 at 6:31 PM.
R. Watson reminded community that the meeting is being audio recorded and will be posted online in the public Board On Track portal, which can be accessed on the board page of the school website.


Read Mission Statement

M. Mittal read mission statement.


Approval of Prior Minutes

J. Wagler made a motion to approve minutes from the September Board Meeting on 09-25-17 September Board Meeting on 09-25-17.
M. Mittal seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Per September board meeting decision, the board will approve and post draft meeting minutes within 2-3 days following each board meeting, and will vote to formally approve those minutes in the subsequent board meeting.


Adoption of the Agenda

Per M. Mittal - Item 6b under Finance Committee is an item for vote.
J. Wagler made a motion to approve agenda.
A. Gozycki seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Community Comments (First Opportunity) - subject to guidelines


Community Comments - guidelines

No comments shared.

Second Round: T. Hemming shared her excitement about those involved in the Development Committee this year.

III. Director's Report


General Items

M. Bernard presented SPIT (Strategic Plan Implementation Team) 2017-18 goals
  • Goals span (9) objectives via sub-committees, each featuring a collaborative team of administration and teachers.
  • Full committee SPIT meets quarterly and receives updates on progress from each sub-committee, which are then presented to the board.
M. Bernard left meeting after presenting.

J. Cuneo shared end results of 2016-17 strategic planning goals
  • Some goals that were met will stay on the list for 2017-18 to be fine-tuned.
Teacher Evaluation Process for 2017-18
  • Looking into using Danielson Framework vs. NC NCEES state tool
  • Process outlines evaluation formats, professional development, summative evaluations, mentors, and action plans
Administration is looking at alternatives for emergency back up calls due to unforeseen events
  • Call 'Em All is a paid service that wasn't processing payment into order to make the call last Tuesday during power outage, which caused the delay in reaching families.
  • Looking into Powerschool, Constant Contact or website for back up plan
  • J. Cuneo to check with school security system for outage alert potential, or standardized automated push notice
Moving forward, enrollment will not be discussed at each meeting unless there are trends that J. Cuneo wants to share
  • Board can review each month as updates will continue to be provided by J. Cuneo within Board on Track

IV. Development Commitee


Update on Development initiatives

J. Wagler presented committee updates
  • Development Committee will be meeting monthly
  • Currently working on launching Partnership sub-committee
  • Special Events sub-committee (led by S. Schroeck) is currently recruiting science fair judges, NAGC/Blue Ribbon events will feature collaboration with PTO
T Hemming shared updates on the Annual Giving Campaign
  • Money raised/pledged is higher vs. this time last year, though family participation is down slightly to date from last year
  • Campaign ends 11/3, at which point parent campaign helpers will assist in contacting families in each grade who have yet to donate
S. Scott discussed plans for Partnership sub-committee
  • New school marketing brochures will include sponsorship inserts to help in talks with companies
  • An opt-in community database will be created (with the help of teens needing service hours) to assist with volunteers/sponsors and allow for targeted communications
  • There is additional discussion around an on-going monthly gift feature, which could extend giving even after a family moves on to high school
  • Diversity sponsorships are being explored as a way to supplement this initiative


V. Education Excellence Committee


Update on committee plans/agendas for next meetings

A. Gozycki provided updates on Educational Excellence:
  • Meetings will be the first Friday of each month, next meeting planned for Nov. 3
  • Committee will collaborate with SPIT sub-committees that are working on curriculum
  • Initial goals are to establish the measurement and metrics for educational success at Scholars
    • Intellectual, social and emotional goals will be set, corresponding with the school's mission, vision and values
    • November meeting will include discussion of academic goals
    • December meeting to focus on qualitative measurement of SEL program
  • Committee is also reviewing past work by the school's Vision Committee on the creation of an Advisory Panel
    • Looking to include curriculum experts as well as gifted psychologists
    • Contacts and connections made at NAGC will help with this

VI. Finance Committee


Quarterly Snapshot

M. Mittal presented quarterly financial snapshot as well as detail around budget amendments (listed in next section.)

J. Cuneo updated on Acadia opportunity brought forward by B. Pantuso:
  • Acadia sponsoring $500 in gift cards for teachers for rest of year


Proposed Budget Amendments

M. Mittal presented budget amendments for vote:
  • Budget Amendment
    • Adjustments for stock donations and restricted contributions received
    • CMS payout received, as discussed in September board meeting
  • Additional amendment
    • Executive Director has received a $1000 bonus from the state based on school test scores
      • J. Cuneo would like to pass this to teachers
      • Working to figure out payment process with Acadia
Motion to approve these amendments was made by M. Mittal, seconded by J. Wagler. Board voted unanimously in favor of both budget amendments.

VII. Strategic Planning Committee


Diversity Theme Approval

S. Scott made a motion to approve Theme #6 Diversity Theme for Strategic Planning.
S. Liner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Small changes made to wording of Goal #1 in Theme #6.  No other changes made.

S. Scott will send out the Strategic Planning Trello board for board review and comments.
  • Trello board will allow committee members and board as a whole to see progress made against each theme in the Strategic Plan

VIII. Policy Committee


Policies for Approval

S. Liner presented updates from Policy Committee:
  • First official policy meeting is Wednesday 10/25 at 9:30am
  • Restricted Contributions Policy
    • Discussion around restricted contributions vs. potential need within operating funds of school
      • Some company donations need to be earmarked for specific initiatives
    • Policy will be updated to add: "The board reserves the right to unrestrict contributions to the extent that the annual operating funds of Scholars Academy are not sufficiently covered."
  • Contract Policy
    • Had been previously approved, DPI required changes to the section pertaining to federal funds

S. Liner made a motion to approve Restricted Contributions policy (with discussed changes) and Contracts Policy (updated with section specific to Federal Funds).
J. Wagler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Closed Session (if necessary)


Closed Session

J. Wagler made motion to move into closed session, M. Mittal seconded. All voted unanimously in favor of moving into closed session.

Motion made to move out of closed session by J. Wagler
A. Gozycki seconded. All voted unanimously to move out of closed session.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Discussed November Agenda items.
J. Wagler made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
M. Mittal seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Gozycki