Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy


September Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday September 25, 2017 at 6:30 PM


Scholars Board Room

Directors Present

A. Gozycki, J. Wagler, M. Mittal, M. Scruggs, R. Watson, S. Liner, S. Scott

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

R. Watson

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

J. Wagler opened meeting, R. Watson stuck in traffic.

Also in attendance:
  • School Director: J. Cuneo
  • Staff: T. Hemming, T. Miller
  • Guests: E. Lewis, K. Wheeler


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Wagler called a meeting of the board of directors of Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy to order on Monday Sep 25, 2017 at 6:35 PM.
J. Wagler stated that we will be recording this board meeting and future board meetings through the conference line, so that the audio recording can be posted online.  This is being done to increase board transparency by making the recording available quickly after the conclusion of the board meeting, and to allow members of the community to listen to the board meeting in its entirely if they are not able to attend in person or on the live call. 


Read Mission Statement

S. Scott read mission statement.


Approval of Prior Minutes

M. Scruggs made a motion to approve minutes from the August Board Meeting on 08-28-17 August Board Meeting on 08-28-17.
S. Liner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Adoption of the Agenda

M. Scruggs made a motion to adopt the meeting agenda.  A. Gozycki seconded. All voted in favor to approve the motion.

II. Community Comments (First Opportunity) - subject to guidelines


Community Comments - guidelines

No community comments.
R. Watson arrived.

III. Director's Report


General Items

J. Cuneo provided the following updates in the Director's Report:
  • iReady testing will be completed Wednesday 9/27
  • All of the S.P.I.T. sub-committees will be meeting this month, full S.P.I.T. committee meeting scheduled for early October
  • T. Hemming is working on a marketing brochure for the school and is focusing on school communications
  • Planning for Nov. 8th site visit from (30) teachers as part of NAGC conference
    • School is in session that day, conference participants will see the school in action
    • Palmetto Scholars Academy (6-12th grade gifted charter school in SC) will also set up shop here on-site
  •  Donuts with Director starting Wednesday
  • CMS settle-up calculations from past two school years received, almost $13K
    • 20th day of school not as crucial for attendance as originally thought
    • Confirmed that 1st day of school is very critical
  • Contract analysis documents provided for janitorial bid and employee healthcare
    • New Contract Analysis Template is working well
  • Beginning Teacher Support Program provided (already approved) and is being implemented through a S.P.I.T. sub-committee


IV. Finance Committee


New item

    M. Mittal provided updates on the following:
  • Budget amendments for kindergarten desk purchase approved in August have been implemented in August budget
  • Existing 403(b) plan will be reviewed over the next few months, was last reviewed in 2009
    • Smaller plan with 5 participants (all former employees) and no current contributions will be phased out, total assets are around $1000 here
  • Finance Committee agreed to increase credit card limit for administrators (J. Cuneo and A. Pieper) for $10K each, in line with policy and allows for more online purchasing

V. Diversity Committee


Implementation Plan

 Amendment to Strategic Plan for diversity presented for review by M. Scruggs
  • Theme is to attract and retain diverse students
  • Strategic Planning Committee to review and present amendment at the next board meeting


Admissions change proposal

M. Scruggs presented amendment to Admissions Policy
  • Allows for low SES target to be set each year by the board
  • Accompanied by a recommended per pupil budget to remove financial barriers (lunch, transportation, field trips)
  • R. Watson: policy amendment designed to allow us flexibility year to year, with the goal of making sure the applicants can attend
  • Board discussed detail around low SES spots with lottery
    • There is a need to keep this label private and be sensitive to it
  • M. Mittal asked if the financial barriers are known roadblocks for low SES students looking at the school currently
    • J. Cuneo responded that this information is not currently captured in the admissions process
  •  Word of Mouth is important for charter school - we are missing the low SES segment
    • Diversity Committee planning community outreach efforts as well
  •  Low SES is the only change we can make via policy due to blind admissions, but it starts the movement
  •  J. Cuneo would need low SES targets approved by end of January 2018 to prepare for lottery

VI. Policy Committee


Review / approve proposed policies

Vote on Admission Policy change - based on revisions discussed
  • If low SES eligibility is greater than number of spots, applicants who did not secure a spot will still qualify for general enrollment lottery
  • If low SES slots not filled after lottery (low SES student turned down spot), preference is applied to any remaining low SES applicants in the waitlist
  • Additional revision to wording "one measure will be used" per J. Wagler
J. Wagler made a motion to Pass Admissions Policy, pending revisions as discussed.
S. Liner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Watson
M. Scruggs
S. Liner
M. Mittal
J. Wagler
A. Gozycki
S. Scott
S. Liner presented additional policies for discussion and vote:
  • Code of Student Conduct Policy
    • Reflects positive discipline
    • Revise to include staff handbook signature
      • All signed conduct copies for staff and students are kept on file
    • J. Wagler motioned to approve, M. Scruggs seconded, all voted unanimously to approve policy 7:35pm
  • Purchasing Policy for use of Federal Funds
    • Follows requirements imposed by DPI specifically for purchasing with use of federal funds  
    • J. Wagler motioned to approve, M. Mittal seconded, all voted unanimously to approve policy 7:38pm
  • Proposed Amendment to Bylaws
    • Intended for administrative, time-sensitive, or exigent matters
      • Changes made primarily to get board minutes out in a more timely matter, improves board transparency
      • Can be used in cases where a timely approval is needed
      • Anything of significant value still requires a meeting
    • S. Liner will aid in procedure for email vote/approval
    • M. Scruggs motioned to approve amendment, A. Gozycki seconded, all voted unanimously to approve policy at 7:50pm

VII. Educational Excellence Committee


Review / approve Committee Charter

A. Gozycki presented Educational Excellence Committee Charter for review and approval
  •     Kick off meeting is Thursday 9/28 after half day dismissal
J. Wagler made a motion to approve the Educational Excellence Committee charter.
M. Scruggs seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Governance Committee


Review / Approve Committee Charter

R. Watson presented Governance Committee Charter for review and approval
  •  Allows to add sub-committees in the future
M. Scruggs made a motion to approve Governence.
J. Wagler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Discuss Agenda for Next Meeting

  • Town Hall Oct. 23rd 5pm
    • Board will gather questions in advance via form
    • A. Gozycki to speak with R. Alsop on form used last year
    • Aim for form to be live for Oct. 6th newsletter
  • Initial agenda items were set for the next meeting (scheduled for Oct. 23 at 6:30pm), to be refined and finalized one week prior to meeting
  • Community Comments (not able to insert in that section):
    • K. Wheeler, PTO President, thanked M. Scruggs for presenting the Diversity Initiative at the September PTO General meeting, and invited any and all board members to attend or present at the upcoming general PTO meetings scheduled for December, March, and May

IX. Closed Session


Motion to convene in Closed Session (if needed)

Not needed.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

M. Mittal made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
M. Scruggs seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Gozycki