Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy

Board Meeting

November 23, 2020

Date and Time

Monday November 23, 2020 at 6:30 PM EST


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
Confirm meeting recording.
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
Do we have a quorum? Welcome to the Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy Board Meeting.
  C. Read Mission Statement
Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy provides a differentiated and challenging learning environment that supports the distinctive intellectual, social and emotional needs of highly gifted children and enables them to form meaningful relationships with their intellectual peers.
  D. Administrative Meeting Review
Zoom Webinar Etiquette/Rules:


Meetings will be broadcast to the public via the Zoom Webinar Platform. This medium is more secure as it requires attendees to register, limits interactivity, removes the ability to communicate without permission and does not permit anonymous participation, comment, or annotation.  Registration will require the submission of a first and last name and an email.
  E. Approval of Prior Minutes
Official approval of posted draft minutes
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on October 26, 2020
  F. Adoption of the Agenda
Are there any Amendments to the Agenda?
II. Community Comments (First Opportunity) - subject to guidelines
  A. Community Comments - guidelines
The public is welcome to speak; limited to three minutes per speaker.
Topics should not cover private, confidential or personal information.
The board will not respond or enter into a dialogue on topics discussed.
At this time you may indicate your desire to participate in Community Comments by raising your hand.
  1. If you would like to raise a hand, click “Participants” in the lower or upper section of your Zoom chat.
  2. In the “Participants” window select “Raise Hand{Windows: Alt+Y} or {Mac: Option+Y} keyboard shortcuts to raise or lower your hand.
  3. When it is your turn, a moderator will identify you by name and then grant you access to speak.
III. Director's Report
  A. General Items
  • Director's Report
  • Any contracts to be discussed in closed session
  • Any personnel matters to be discussed in closed session
IV. Expansion Committee
  A. Status Update
  • Any contracts to be discussed in closed session
  • The expansion committee has been under negotiations to purchase an existing building located 5 miles north of our current building. The purchase of the new building is contingent on the sale of our existing building and we are currently negotiating with a potential buyer on an offer for our existing building. There are no guarantees that the deal will be successful until the date of closing. Therefore, we ask that our Scholars community not make significant decisions based on a potential move until  there is a public School Board announcement. We are on track to finalize our plans - whether it is purchasing the new building or staying in our existing building - by the admissions lottery date, which is March 25th, 2021.
V. Governance Committee
  A. Status Review
  • Committee Update
  • Year one strategic plan update
VI. Diversity & Inclusion
  A. Status Review
  • Committee Update
VII. Educational Excellence
  A. Status Review
  • Committee Update
VIII. Whole Child Committee
  A. Status Review
  • Committee Update
IX. Policy Committee
  A. Status Update
  • Policy Recommendations
  • Hiring Policy First Read
  • Future Policy Needs
X. Development Committee
  A. Status Review
  • Campaign Status
  • Committee Update
XI. Foundation Committee
  A. Foundation Committee Update
  • Committee Update
XII. Finance Committee Update
  A. Finance Recommendations
  • Committee Update
  • Quarterly Finance Dashboard
XIII. Community Comments (Second Opportunity) - Subject to Guidelines
  A. Agenda Item Summary
The public is welcome to speak; limited to three minutes per speaker.
Topics should not cover private, confidential or personal information.
The board will not respond or enter into a dialogue on topics discussed.
At this time you may indicate your desire to participate in Community Comments by raising your hand.
  1. If you would like to raise a hand, click “Participants” in the lower or upper section of your Zoom chat.
  2. In the “Participants” window select “Raise Hand{Windows: Alt+Y} or {Mac: Option+Y} keyboard shortcuts to raise or lower your hand.
  3. When it is your turn, a moderator will identify you by name and then grant you access to speak.


XIV. Closed Session (if necessary)
As noted in the Agenda or Meeting:
  1. to prevent the disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential 
  2. to discuss  material terms of a contract or proposed contract
  3. to discuss or consider employment contracts
  A. Closed Session
XV. Closing Items
  A. Vote on any items from Closed Sessions
  B. Adjourn Meeting