Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday July 16, 2020 at 6:00 PM EDT
Location: Join our Zoom meeting
Topic: Special Board of Directors Meeting
Time: Jul 16, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Password: 1x2kHa

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Meeting ID: 896 4417 5114
Password: 662823

Conference Line: 980-224-1999


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  A. Opening Items
A. Read Mission Statement
Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy provides a differentiated and challenging learning environment that supports the distinctive intellectual, social and emotional needs of highly gifted children and enables them to form meaningful relationships with their intellectual peers. [Aura Young] (2m)
B. Administrative Meeting Review (2m)
C. Adoption of the Agenda (1m)
  B. Community Comments (First Opportunity) - subject to guidelines
A. Community Comments - guidelines:
The public is welcome to speak; limited to three minutes per speaker.
Topics should not cover private, confidential or personal information.
The board will not respond or enter into a dialogue on topics discussed.
  C. Director's Report
While this summer looks a lot different than past summers, I hope everyone has been able to enjoy the time off from school so far and the opportunity to reconnect at a more relaxed pace.  I also wanted to take a minute to thank our many parents who serve as healthcare professionals, first responders, and countless other essential service providers that continue to provide services to keep our community moving during this unprecedented pandemic.  While we don't know when things will go back to "normal," I hope everyone stays safe and healthy until we are able to come together in person again. 


I know that you are waiting to hear about what school will look like for the upcoming school year. Our admin team and the Return to School Committee have been working hard to develop three different models for the operating environment at Scholars Academy as described below.  As a public school, we are bound by all NC legislative and executive orders.  Governor Cooper has announced that this week he will make a decision about the status of schools for the fall and this decision will affect which model we adopt.


Below is a brief recap of the plan options for return to school that were explained in the last newsletter. Under Plans A and B, a comprehensive health and safety plan, including mandatory protective facial coverings, daily screenings with temperature checks and increased cleaning protocols, will be followed.


Plan A model: In this model, for this who choose in person learning, students would physically attend school on all school days with additional health and safety protocols implemented.  Social distancing would be used as space allows. 
Plan B model:   In this model, for this who choose in person learning, students would have both remote and in-person learning days.  Reduced capacity of students in the classroom would allow for strict social distancing throughout the day.  
Plan C model:  In this model, all student instruction would be remote with no in school attendance.


Remote Attendance for the 2020-2021 School Year
Regardless of which plan is implemented all parents will have the option to choose remote learning for their child for the 2020-2021 school year.  In person attendance will not be mandated.  Based on the parent questionnaire, there are many families who are not yet ready to send their children back for in person instruction. This is a very complex and difficult situation, and the school will fully support the tough decision made by each individual family. Under all three plans, a comprehensive remote instruction platform will be offered.


Remote Instruction Plan 
The school is required to submit a detailed remote instruction plan.  This plan will be used for all virtual instruction provided throughout the school year.  Yesterday, the Board voted to approve this plan which took comments and feedback from parents and staff after the spring session.   The remote instruction plan includes instructional improvements that better meet the needs of our students, detailed daily schedules and expectations, and methods for providing feedback on student progress.
School Calendar
The first day of school will be August 17th, no matter what plan is approved by the Governor. 
  D. Governance Committee
  • Personnel matter discussed in closed
  E. Expansion Committee
Status Update
As noted in the Agenda or Meeting:
  1. to prevent the disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential 
  2. to discuss  material terms of a contract or proposed contract
  3. to discuss or consider employment contracts
III. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting