Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday April 23, 2018 at 6:30 PM EDT


Scholars Board Room


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Read Mission Statement
Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy provides a differentiated and challenging learning environment that supports the distinctive intellectual, social and emotional needs of highly gifted children and enables them to form meaningful relationships with their intellectual peers.
  D. Approval of Prior Minutes
Official approval of posted draft minutes - discuss status of pre-approvals
    Approve minutes for Special Board Meeting on March 14, 2018
  E. Approval of minutes

Official approval of approved draft minutes

    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on March 26, 2018
  F. Adoption of the Agenda
II. Community Comments (First Opportunity) - subject to guidelines
  A. Community Comments - guidelines

The public is welcome to speak; limited to three minutes per speaker.
Topics should not cover private, confidential or personal information.
The board will not respond or enter into a dialogue on topics discussed.

III. Director's Report
  A. General Items
Directors Report
Potential slate?
IV. Development Commitee
Development Commitee
  A. Volunteer Database Update
V. Finance Committee
Finance Committee
  A. Quarterly Financial Snapshot
  B. Budget Amendments
  C. Budget - FY19 Priorities
  D. Review Tax Filing
VI. Strategic Planning Committee
VII. Diversity Committee
  A. Admissions Policy
DC's proposed revisions to the Admissions Policy related to the Economic Diversity preference
VIII. Policy Committee
  A. Grievance Policy
IX. Governance
  A. Board Recruitment Status
  B. Set Next Month’s Agenda
X. Community Comments (Second Opportunity) - subject to guidelines
XI. Closed Session (if necessary)
  A. Closed Session
XII. Closing Items
  A. Vote on any items from Closed Sessions
  B. Adjourn Meeting