MCCPS Board of Trustees
MCCPS December Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Trustees Present
Carol McEnaney, James Lewis (remote), Katie Holt, Kimberly Nothnagel, Lindsay Smith, Nick Santoro, Paul Baker (remote), Polly Titcomb (remote), Rodolphe Herve (remote), Stephanie Brant, William Rockwell (remote)
Trustees Absent
Ian Hunt, Jessica Xiarhos
Guests Present
Elizabeth Burns (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Katie Holt called a meeting of the board of trustees of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Jan 9, 2024 at 7:09 PM.
Approve Minutes
Nick Santoro made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Trustees November 2023 Meeting on 11-28-23.
Paul Baker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Ian Hunt |
Kimberly Nothnagel |
Nick Santoro |
Carol McEnaney |
Rodolphe Herve |
Jessica Xiarhos |
Stephanie Brant |
James Lewis |
Katie Holt |
Polly Titcomb |
Paul Baker |
Lindsay Smith |
William Rockwell |
II. Spring Fundraiser: FYI and Call for Assistance
Description and discussion of April/May BOT sponsored fundraiser; BOT member expectations.
- Kim discussed the idea of a Board sponsored fundraiser
- Ideas include a cash bar, auction items (ex: Lunch with Mr. Santoro and three friends)
- Theme, structure, etc. still TBD
- Stephanie has scheduled meeting to discuss this on Thursday at 8am
- Stephanie mentioned that fundraisers such as this are often 10-12 months in the making (takes time to find sponsors for auction items for example)
- Sponsor would be signage at the event, public shout-out
- Given that this fundraiser would be approx. 12 weeks out, there would have to be some level of expectation setting in terms of how much this could raise
- Would this year's event be geared more towards community building, with an eye towards adding larger items next year?
- Stephanie mentioned that fundraisers such as this are often 10-12 months in the making (takes time to find sponsors for auction items for example)
- Need to identify primary objective for this event: is it more about community building or raising revenue, because these two things may at odds and event will operate differently depending on what the goal is
- The Board noted that this could be two different events- PTO is already planning events for the Spring (also recently did a movie night)
- Board discussed merits of each of the two goals and how MCCPS can appropriately convey the urgent need of funds when promoting this event
- Stephanie has scheduled meeting to discuss this on Thursday at 8am
III. HoS Report
Report Discussion
- Please see attached Interim HOS Report for full text
- Calling Snow Days
- Phone call re: school cancellation/delays can come as late as 5:30am the morning of
- Stephanie is now on the early call list
- MCCPS will mirror MPS' decision on delays/closures
- Phone call re: school cancellation/delays can come as late as 5:30am the morning of
- Enrollment
- Added two students after winter break (one from Peabody, another from MHD)
- Enrollment is 175
- Admissions
- Currently in "prime admissions season"
- Recently held open house in Dec. with 12 families signed up (all of which are from sending districts and have since applied)
- Extended times for January open house to accommodate demand (currently 19 families signed up, 10 of which are from sending districts)
- Postcard campaign effective for generating interest from Peabody/Danvers
- Question raised regarding whether opening of Peabody Charter School will affect applications numbers
- Second targeted mailing to be sent to MHD, SWMPST, NHT
- Given that these are our in-district communities, MCCPS must make push to get applicants from these towns
- Applications are up YOY
- 75 total applications last year, over 100 so far this year
- 20-25 more applications this year from funding-eligible communities than last year
- 75 total applications last year, over 100 so far this year
- Lottery will close 2/26
- Community event for new families will take place in March
- Currently in "prime admissions season"
- Student Transportation
- Stephanie has spoken with transport company that will provide estimate for transportation to/from communities outside MHD (potential options would include Nahant, Swampscott, Danvers, Peabody stops)
- Staffing
- 5th grade humanities teacher resigned prior to Winter break
- Recent restructuring since then- Meghan Hale will be taking responsibility for this position for remainder of SY23-24
- 5th grade humanities teacher resigned prior to Winter break
- Advisories
- Experimenting with combining 8th grade advisories (science as well)
- 8th grade staff supported trials of this
- Their hypothesis was that lack of peer models affected learning, and combining classes has not only allowed for new/different student groupings but has also made staff coverage easier (because all teachers know what's going on in each other's classrooms)
- Leadership team may make this permanent for remainder of SY23-24
- 8th grade staff supported trials of this
- Experimenting with combining 8th grade advisories (science as well)
- SSU/MCCPS Partnership
- Stephanie has signed MLU with Salem State to begin interviews with SSU fellows
- Applications will be sent to MCCPS in March
- MCCPS has taken 3 pre-practicum students this year, fellows next year would be at MCCPS daily
- Applications will be sent to MCCPS in March
- Stephanie has signed MLU with Salem State to begin interviews with SSU fellows
- Safety Care
- MCCPS' PE teacher has agreed to become certified in safety care
- Staff involvement with DESE
- Molly Wright serving on development committee for MCAS
- Jenny Prag serving on DESE committee assessing qualifying grades for humanities teachers
- Jess X serving on training program through WPI
IV. Committee Updates
Finance Committee
- Didn't meet this month, but are prepared to share financials
- Figures FinCom had planned to review were fine, January is first month MCCPS has gotten updated funding numbers from DESE
- FinCom will be reaching out to DESE regarding new numbers and will provide update afterwards
- Figures FinCom had planned to review were fine, January is first month MCCPS has gotten updated funding numbers from DESE
Governance Committee
- This committee didn't meet this month
- Polly has been having trouble cancelling old meetings
- Will to send list of current committee members to Polly
- Polly has been having trouble cancelling old meetings
Personnel Committee
- Katie is new chair of Personnel Committee, will be scheduling meeting for next month
Academic Excellence
- This committee didn't meet
Development & Communications
- Committee will be meeting later this month
DEI Committee
- DEI met last month, is up to 12 members
- Established list of objectives, now prioritizing
- #1 focus is parent survey
- Established list of objectives, now prioritizing
HOS Search Committee
- Met last month
- Committee is fully formed, 14 current candidates (application process closed beginning of Dec.)
- Lindsay gave DEI presentation
- Committee has generated grading matrix with which to compare candidates
- When committee meets next week, they'll compare grades and decide who will be invited to interview (planning to interview in late Jan.)
V. Public Comment
Public Comment
- Elizabeth Burns asked whether the Board will involve community in HOS hiring process, mentioned that the community has had opportunity to meet with final candidates in the past
- Also mentioned that Stephanie has done a great job and asked why the Board hasn't simply named her as permanent HOS
VI. Closing Items
Recap Action Items
- Board member to-dos
- Board members should consider how to help with fundraiser
- Updates on finance, fundraiser
Board Comments
- Paul confirmed that he is eligible to serve as Treasurer
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:48 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
William Rockwell
Katie Holt made a motion to adjourn this evening's Board of Trustees meeting.
Lindsay Smith seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Ian Hunt |
Jessica Xiarhos |
Kimberly Nothnagel |
Polly Titcomb |
Lindsay Smith |
William Rockwell |
Katie Holt |
Carol McEnaney |
James Lewis |
Paul Baker |
Nick Santoro |
Rodolphe Herve |
Stephanie Brant |