MCCPS Board of Trustees


Board of Trustees November 2023 Meeting

Trustees Present

Carol McEnaney, Ian Hunt, James Lewis (remote), Jessica Xiarhos, Katie Holt, Kimberly Nothnagel (remote), Lindsay Smith, Nick Santoro, Paul Baker, Polly Titcomb (remote), Rodolphe Herve, Stephanie Brant, William Rockwell (remote)

Trustees Absent


Guests Present

Elizabeth Burns (remote), Emma Kim Milligan (remote), Meghan Hale

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Katie Holt called a meeting of the board of trustees of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Nov 28, 2023 at 7:06 PM.


Approve Minutes

Katie Holt made a motion to approve the minutes from MCCPS Board of Trustees on 10-24-23.
Rodolphe Herve seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
William Rockwell
Kimberly Nothnagel
Ian Hunt
Rodolphe Herve
Lindsay Smith
Polly Titcomb
Stephanie Brant
Jessica Xiarhos
Katie Holt
Nick Santoro
Paul Baker
James Lewis
Carol McEnaney

II. MCAS Presentation and Discussion


Review of MCAS Data

  • Meghan Hale delivered a presentation on statewide and MCCPS-specific data
    • Please see attached presentation for full slide deck
    • Summary
      • Next Gen. MCAS
        • Began rollout in 2018, meant to focus on students' critical thinking skills (students have to explain their work/provide supporting evidence more than on previous iteration)
        • Digitized- no longer written out
        • New, revised achievement categories
      • Results
        • Statewide 2023 ELA results
          • 42% met or exceeded expectations (down from 52% in 2019)
        • Statewide 2023 Math results
          • 40% met or exceeded expectations (down from 49% in 2019)
        • MCCPS Math
          • 35% met or exceeded expectations (down from 51% in 2019)
        • MCCPS ELA
          • 51% met or exceeded expectations (down from 53% in 2019)
        • Science (tested only in grades 5 and 8)
          • 56% of 5th graders met or exceeded expectations (+3% from 2022)
          • 46% of eighth graders met or exceeded expectations (down 8% from 2022) 
      • Accountability standards
        • 22/23 test marks the return of accountability categories 
          • Every school receives an accountability percentile and accountability category
      • Special Ed results
        • 32% met or exceeded expectations in ELA (up 5% from 2022)
        • 19% met or exceeded expectations in Math (+1% from 2022)
      • Student makeup
        • Residential makeup has changed slightly since last year
      • MCCPS v. MHD/Swampscott ("SWT")
        • Math: MHD and SWT both outperformed MCCPS (MHD more so)
        • ELA: MHD outperformed MCCPS (with exception of Grade 4), MCCPS outperformed SWT 
        • Note: when looking strictly at students who have been at MCCPS 3+ years, their performance is significantly better (on par with MHD)
      • Results from state data dives after reviewing results
        • ELA Challenges
          • Inferences, Poetry, Open Response Writing
        • ELA Action Steps
          • Aligning vocabulary used with kids to MCAS, adding poetry units and Department-wide writing goals connected to MCAS Writing
        • Math Challenges
          • Fractions, Expressions, and Equations Multi-step and response questions
        • Math Action Steps
          • Cross-referenced achievement with iReady scores and set student achievement goals based on domains with the largest achievement gaps
      • Additional Action Steps
        • Weekly Standards Based Data Analysis
        • Adopted MTSS System
        • Learning Acceleration Block (LAB)
          • Many students are enrolling in this 
    • Board was very impressed with the presentation itself and the action items being taken to eliminate the gap between MCCPS/MHD
      • Jess X: this is priority at department level, ongoing discussions about how this will be improved
    • Kim: have results affected morale?
      • Stephanie- recent staff satisfaction survey showed very high levels of satisfaction 
      • Meghan: since sharing results, staff seems energized... we have seen some creative problem solving, input, and solution implementation, much of which is being developed without being told to make changes
        • Meghan also explained other measuring tools such as iReady 

III. New Board Composition--Discussion and Vote


Vote: Jeff Lewis new committee chair

  • Per last month's discussion, neither Thomas nor Kathy could join the Board at this time due to perceived conflicts of interest 
    • This requires new committee chair for HOS Search and Personnel Committee
Katie Holt made a motion to Appoint Jeff Lewis.
Nick Santoro seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Ian Hunt
Katie Holt
Stephanie Brant
Kimberly Nothnagel
Lindsay Smith
Paul Baker
William Rockwell
Carol McEnaney
Nick Santoro
Polly Titcomb
James Lewis
Rodolphe Herve
Jessica Xiarhos


Vote: New Personnel Committee Chair

Ian Hunt made a motion to Appoint Katie Holt as Chair of the MCCPS Personnel Committee.
Paul Baker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Polly Titcomb
Ian Hunt
Rodolphe Herve
Kimberly Nothnagel
Jessica Xiarhos
Carol McEnaney
William Rockwell
Stephanie Brant
Paul Baker
Nick Santoro
Lindsay Smith
Katie Holt
James Lewis

IV. HOS Report


Monthly Report

  • Stephanie delivered her monthly HOS Report 
    • Please see HOS report attached to this agenda
    • Summary
      • School Culture & Climate Survey Results (survey was anonymous) 
        • Culture takeaways
          • 91% or 31 out of 34 staff reported that the working environment is either extremely positive or quite positive. 
          • 88% or 30 out of 34 staff members reported they feel extremely positive or quite positive that the school is moving forward in a positive direction
          • 93% are trusted quite a bit or a tremendous amount
        • Some Areas of concern
          • Enrollment and Staffing 
          • Adequate funding 
          • Fair and equal discipline 
          • Disruptive behavior of some students that may cause parents to take their kids out 
      • Enrollment
        • Currently at 173
        • Special Ed represents 45 of 173 students 
      • Admissions
        • Applications opened 11/1
          • 43 applications received but many from outside MCCPS district
        • Open Houses scheduled for Dec., another for Jan.
        • Post card campaign to begin next week
      • Teacher Eval. System
        • Current state
          • Purchase and roll-out of Teachpoint system 
          • All staff have completed self-assessments 
          • All staff have completed Educator Goal Plans  
          • Observations and Feedback sessions are underway
        • Professional Practice goal for Math
          • Math/Science Department will collaborate to identify and implement at least 3 different differentiation strategies in their classes that are based on student assessment data.
        • Professional Practice goal for Humanities
          • Collaborate to identify 2-3 instructional strategies aligned to the demands of MCAS writing at each grade level
      • Athletics
        • Record number of students participating in basketball
        • Secured “home” gym space at Salem Charter Academy
      • Fundraising
        • Calendar Fundraiser 
        • Annual Fund
        • Spring Fundraiser
      • Community Events
        • Upcoming movie night

V. Committee Updates


Finance Committee

  • Finance Committee met this month
    • Key takeaways
      • PPE/student remains in line with what was expected
      • FEMA providing $14,600 in grants to MCCPS 
      • MCCPS anticipating reimbursement from Friends of Marblehead Public School
      • $9,400 in expenses accrued in October 
  • Board also discussed ongoing legal fees
    • Katie, Jeff, and Polly working to clearly define what's in/out of scope for Al's retainer 
Ian Hunt made a motion to name Katie Holt, the Board of Trustees Chair, as signatory to the MCCPS School Account.
Lindsay Smith seconded the motion.
  • Polly raised the question of whether Paul Baker, given that he has a fiduciary duty to the Devereux School, has a conflict of interest that would prevent him from being a signatory for MCCPS 
    • The Board will reach out to State Ethics Committee to get answer and revisit Paul's candidacy at a later date
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Stephanie Brant
Paul Baker
Ian Hunt
Nick Santoro
Jessica Xiarhos
Carol McEnaney
Lindsay Smith
James Lewis
Rodolphe Herve
Kimberly Nothnagel
Polly Titcomb
Katie Holt
William Rockwell


Governance Committee

  • Polly in process of scheduling next meeting 
  • Polly provided several updates regarding governance
    • Scope of COI and Ex-Officio rule
      • COI: conflict law prohibits state employees' immediate family (parents, spouses, children) from serving on same Board
      • Ex-Officio: even if you're not a voting member, COI rules still apply (so Board members' family members are prohibited from serving as committee members as well) 
      • Board can amend its size and MCCPS student composition figures 
        • Stephanie: met with DESE to discuss changes to in-district proportions 
          • MCCPS at cap for Salem/Lynn students (cap based on whether these districts are in bottom 10% of standardized testing)
            • Should state lift this cap, MCCPS could submit proposal to amend MCCPS' Charter but this would require DESE sponsorship and may not be long-term solution


Personnel Committee

  • No updates


Academic Excellence

  • During last meeting, Meghan presented MCAS results
  • Next meeting Monday


Development & Communications

  • Stephanie has run DevCom while Kim has been sick 
  • Kim commented on the PTO's fantastic work ethic


DEI Committee

  • Lindsay provided update on committee's first meeting
    • Committee met and got to know each-other, discussed mission/definition of DEI 


HOS Search Committee

  • Jeff, new Chair, provided updates on committee
    • Jeff mentioned addition of two new members
    • Job posting went up, 10 applicants thus far
      • Well-qualified, most are somewhat local 
      • Application period closes on Friday
      • Next step is to schedule committee meeting during which the committee will set up grading rubric, first-round interview questions, standardized grading scale 
      • Goal would be to present candidate to Board no later than February 
    • Board members involved include Katie, Paul, Rudi, Jeff, and Lindsay
    • Board also discussed merits of including teachers on the hiring committee 
      • Nick mentioned 7 teachers have expressed interest in joining 
      • Board agreed to confirm that having teachers on hiring committee would not present conflict of interest and, should this be the case, to seek 2 teachers to join hiring committee

VI. Public Comment


Public Comment

  • Meghan Hale mentioned that teachers are primarily evaluated by Jess and Molly rather than by Stephanie
    • Also pointed out importance of including teachers given experience with prior HOS 

VII. Public Comment


Public Comment

  • N/A

VIII. Closing Items


Recap Action Items

  • Several action items related to COI lie wi th Paul and Polly


Board Comments

  • Polly confirmed that Stephanie can vote on all matters with which she does not have a conflict 
  • Board will not meet in December, will meet 1/9 
    • WR to send email to Meg Upton requesting change in school calendar to reflect this


Adjourn Meeting

Katie Holt made a motion to adjourn tonight's MCCPS Board of Trustees meeting.
Paul Baker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Carol McEnaney
Katie Holt
Kimberly Nothnagel
Polly Titcomb
Jessica Xiarhos
William Rockwell
Ian Hunt
Nick Santoro
Stephanie Brant
Paul Baker
Rodolphe Herve
Lindsay Smith
James Lewis
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
William Rockwell