MCCPS Board of Trustees


Facilities Task Force Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 6, 2022 at 7:00 PM



17 Lime Street

Marblehead, MA 01945



Zoom Information:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 985 3515 6572

Passcode: MCCPSfac

Please note that the in-person meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the remote connection.

Committee Members Present

Andrea Barlow (remote), Ariane Purdy (remote), Brad Rogers (remote), Christian Strom (remote), John Romano (remote), Nathan Dye (remote), Peter Cohen (remote), William Rockwell (remote)

Committee Members Absent

Jen Stoddard, Jim Gaudette, Karen Zieff, Marisa Fava, Peter Cheney

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

William Rockwell called a meeting of the Facilities Task Force Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Thursday Oct 6, 2022 at 7:03 PM.


Approve Minutes

Ariane Purdy made a motion to approve the minutes from Facilities Task Force Meeting on 08-16-22.
Christian Strom seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrea Barlow
Peter Cheney
Nathan Dye
Christian Strom
Marisa Fava
Peter Cohen
William Rockwell
John Romano
Ariane Purdy
Jen Stoddard
Brad Rogers
Jim Gaudette
Karen Zieff

II. MCCPS Summer '22 Projects


Progress since last FTF Meeting

  • Fire Panel
    • Fully installed and ready- had one false alarm recently but Marblehead Fire Dept. checked today and all looks good- waiting for final report
  • Roof
    • Still haven't paid final invoice
      • Nicked a couple minor pipes during installation- waiting for heavy rainfall (to ensure 
  • Kitchen
    • Plumbing issues arose after vendor used own subcontractor
      • Lesson learned- use our own people
      • Issues have since been resolved 

III. Warehouse Expansion


RFP for Architects

  • Edit
    • Christian
      • Need to finalize what we're asking for
        • We'll require programming/code narrative
        • Do we know of any hazardous materials at the moment?
          • Peter- will verify this but believe this has previously been confirmed
  • Addition
    • Ariane
      • Need a mechanical/engineering support component- no one will price this without that
        • Note: Will likely need more fixtures- believe bathrooms will likely eat into more of this center space than currently laid out 
  • Budget
    • Christian- is $10,000 a placeholder?
      • Brad- $10,000 is on the lower side
      • Christian- code narrative is likely $5,000 
  • Ideas to limit costs
    • Brad
      • Could we narrow scope by stating that programming has been done?
      •  Brad- difficult to find engineer to do anything for less than $5,000, therefore 10k is likely low 
        • Could be ways we describe scope of work that would help bring number down
  • Addition
    • Christian- existing conditions drawn which may help but architect will want to do own due diligence
  • Additional Comments/Input
    • Ariane- pre-construction pricing has risen, estimators often come with pre-construction fees
    • John- impossible in this current environment to accurately budget given 6 month lag and difficulty of procuring materials 
    • Brad- we're seeing a lot of estimates that are not worth it- everything's coming in over budget 
    • Ariane- think we need code review 
    • Brad- will architect be meeting with end-users? Limiting these meetings may be way to cut costs
      • Peter- could we limit meetings and gather information outside of meetings
      • Ariane- ask for realistic rendering as line item ($1,500/rendering), don't specify indoor/outdoor rendering
    • Ariane- 2-3 renderings, one of STEM lab, another for performance space, another with view from corridor out to study spaces/lockers
      • Note: 
  • Timeline
    • Will to revise RFP by EOD 10/12
      • Project Description section
        • Item 2: change to "new bathrooms to meet occupancy requirements"
        • Item 4: add to reference backfilling space/improving traffic flowRemove budget section
      • Project Scope
        • Remove this section
      • Expectations
        • Item 2: change to "communicating updates/narrative of code upgrades" and pull "financial costs" into something else
        • Renderings as line item cost
      • Budget
        • Remove this section
      • Timeline
        • Send RFP 10/20
        • Add date/time for walkthroughs
        • Add date for proposal due date
        • Contract
          • Christian- recommend using architectural standard contract
            • Contractors typically comfortable with simpler AIA contracts
        • Interviews
          • In person
      • Addendums
        • Add plans of current site and photos of the warehouse
    • Brad, Christian and John to review prior to 10/18 FTF meeting


MCCPS Capital Improvement Plan

  • This item will be revisited once RFP is finalized

IV. Closing Items


Action Items & Next Steps

  • Next FTF meeting will be held virtually 10/18
  • RFP will be updated prior 


Adjourn Meeting

Nathan Dye made a motion to Adjourn the Oct. 6th Facilities Task Force meeting.
Christian Strom seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
William Rockwell