MCCPS Board of Trustees


MCCPS Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday July 26, 2022 at 7:00 PM


17 Lime Street

Marblehead, MA

Trustees Present

Artie Sullivan (remote), Jessica Gelb, Jessica Xiarhos, Nick Santoro, Paul Baker, Peter Cohen, Rodolphe Herve, Tim Wadlow, William Rockwell

Trustees Absent

Ian Hunt, NDack Toure

Guests Present

Carol McEnaney (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Tim Wadlow called a meeting of the board of trustees of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Jul 26, 2022 at 7:07 PM.


Approve Minutes

Paul Baker made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Board Meeting on 06-28-22.
Rodolphe Herve seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Public Comment


Public Comment

No public comment.

III. Review of Previous Meeting Action Items


Review of Previous Meeting Action Items

  • Reviewing proposed BOT goal of recruiting new members
    • Per Rudi, Finance Committee needs people
    • Paul Baker identified Steve Gleason as potential member
  • Increasing participation as a whole (Board, parents, community, etc.)
    • Dr. Cohen identified this as a broader objective for the Board and MCCPS at large
      • Also mentioned the possibility of using BoardOnTrack to create and monitor Board members' individual goals throughout the year(s)
    • Tim Wadlow agreed with this as worthy objective
  • Drafting annual Board goals
    • Tim Wadlow offered to reach out to Ian Hunt requesting an update on this

IV. Board Annual Items


Upcoming Meeting Agenda Items

  • Discussing monthly discussion topics for upcoming School Year
    • August – Adopt HOS and Board Goals, Open Annual Board Self Assessment
    • Sept – Review Annual Board Self Assessment, Approve Committee Memberships and Vice-Chairs
    • Oct – Adoption of the Annual Audit (must be done by Oct 31), Presentation on HOS Evaluation Process by the Personnel Committee,
    • Nov –  MCAS Presentation
    • Dec – 
    • Jan – HOS Mid-year review
    • Feb - Adopt School Calandar for next School Year
    • March – Set up Satisfaction Survey, Set Annual Board Retreat Date, Presentation of HOS Annual Evaluation Form
    • April – Presentation by HOS of Annual Goals, Budget Adoption
    • May – HOS Annual Evaluation
    • June – Annual Board Retreat


Board Goals for SY 2022-2023

  • Proposed Board goals for SY 22-23
    • Note: need to be formally written up- will be done by August meeting
    • Goals included
      • Board recruitment- finding new members
      • Increased community engagement
      • Facilities improvements

V. HOS Report


Monthly Report

  • Please see Meeting Packet for Dr. Cohen's complete Monthly Report
  • Summary
    • Facilities updates
      • Roof
        • Lower roof being done by local company, to be finished this week
        • Rooftop units examined 
          • Audit done on these- some work to be done
          • This to be reviewed during next Facilities Task Force meeting 
      • Fire Panel
        • Updated fire panel being installed this week
          • Note: new panel is expandable and will therefore be able to accommodate whatever is done in warehouse expansion
      • Kitchen
        • Floors currently being redone, new equipment is on site and will be installed after
      • Expansion
        • Dr. Cohen meeting with several architects this week to assist with planning for building expansion into warehouse
      • Painting
        • Currently painting classrooms, including 6th grade and 8th grade rooms
      • Mural
        • Mural complete on back wall of school
    • Staffing updates
      • 7th grade team
        • Brought in 2 new specialists from another charter school
          • New nurse
            • John Purdy, new nurse 
          • New 5th grade inclusion teacher
      • Current learning specialist openings
    • Covid
      • State no longer supplying new tests, but MCCPS has stockpile
      • Annual report
        • Dr. Cohen hoping to create community-facing annual report to include alumni catch up section
      • Enrollment
        • Current enrollment of 224 confirmed, still aiming for 230
        • 3rd lottery beginning August 
      • Staff enablement
        • Workshop in August focused on what it means to teach in project-based learning environment
        • Workshop for 7th-8th grade teams on MCCPS’ upper-grade teaching model 
      • School calendar
        • No school on Jan. 2nd (observing New Years)
        • Tim- have we thought about creating a digital calendar/schedule?
          • Parents could subscribe to receiving 
          • Dr. Cohen to explore
    • DESE Site Visit
      • DESE came in April, report is largely positive =
        • BOT side- publishing meeting minutes
        • Instructional side- noted increase in classroom management issues
          • Trend coming out of COVID
      • Tim- worth noting strong financial state indicated by report
        • Jeff Barry and Andrea Barlow pursed a number of grants
        • Higher-than-average attrition rate among MA charter schools
    • Annual Report
      • Dr. Cohen has sent draft to DESE, which has returned initial feedback

VI. Other Business


Staffing Updates

  • Please see above for details


DESE Site Visit Final Report

  • Please see above for details


MCCPS Annual Report

  • Please see above for details


Paul Baker additional term as board member

Nick Santoro made a motion to Nick Santoro made a motion for Paul Baker to serve a third term on MCCPS' Board of Trustees for a term ending August 5th, 2025.
Jessica Gelb seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
NDack Toure
Jessica Xiarhos
Jessica Gelb
Tim Wadlow
Rodolphe Herve
Artie Sullivan
Peter Cohen
William Rockwell
Paul Baker
Nick Santoro
Ian Hunt

VII. Committee Updates


Governance Committee

  • Governance committee didn't meet in July, but will be meeting on Tuesday, August 2nd.


Finance Committee

  • MCCPS Fiscal Year ended June 30th
    • School had a surplus of over $500,000


Personnel Committee

  • Personnel Committee didn't meet in July but will be meeting in August


Academic Excellence

  • Academic Excellence Committee didn't meet in July but will in August


Development & Communications

  • Dev. & Comm. Committee didn't meet in July but will in August


Strategic Plan Committee

  • Strategic Plan Committee didn't meet in July but will in September


Facilities Task Force

  • Number of ongoing projects
    • Lower roof being redone this week
    • Kitchen floors being done with new kitchen equipment to be installed next week
    • McLaughlin Masonry will be moving the stone wall line in the front parking lot back to improve flow of traffic 
    • New Fire Panel being installed this week
    • Washington Ponciano, Facilities Director, painting a number of classrooms before school year begins 
    • Dr. Cohen meeting with architects this week regarding expansion into warehouse
      • Down-selected architects will pitch their services to Facilities Task Force during future FTF meeting (final time/date still TBD) 


Covid/Pandemic Response Task Force

  • This task force was disbanded during June Board of Trustees meeting

VIII. Public Comment


Public Comment

  • N/A

IX. Board Member Comments and Resolutions


Board Member Comments and Resolutions

  • School year kick-off BBQ scheduled for August 28th

X. Closing Items


Recap Action Items

  • Tim Wadlow to reach out to Ian Hunt to request status update on his drafting of Board's SY22-23 goals


Meeting Evaluation


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
William Rockwell
Documents used during the meeting
  • HOS Report to Board of Trustees 7_26_22.pdf
  • MCCPS Year 27 Core Criteria Site Visit Report FINAL.pdf
  • MCCPS 2021-2022 Annual Report.DESE review-1.docx
  • MCCPS-June-2022-Financial_Statements_v1.xlsx