MCCPS Board of Trustees
Finance Committee Monthly Meeting
Date and Time
Friday June 17, 2022 at 8:00 AM
17 Lime Street
Marblehead, MA 01945
This meeting will be held in person at MCCPS, with the video link below available for those who cannot attend.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 996 2563 7131
Passcode: MCCPSfinco
Committee Members Present
Andrea Barlow, Artie Sullivan, Jeff Barry, Julie Santosus, NDack Toure, Rodolphe Herve
Committee Members Absent
Karl Smith
Guests Present
Peter Cohen, Tim Wadlow (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve minutes
II. Finance - Financial Statement Review
Committee review of Previous Month's Financial Statements
Discuss Funding requests
Understanding 1) that both the fire panel and roof upgrades are necessary projects that can no longer be postponed, and 2) that the Board had already discussed such items, and agreed to them in principles, the Finance Committee approved to release funds immediately as follows:
- $20K for the new fire panel (funded by FY 2022 operating surplus)
- $280K for the new lower section of the roof (funded by release of Board-restricted fund for $100K and the rest by a combination of FY 2022 surplus and line of credit use if necessary).
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- FinCom notes May 2022.docx
- MCCPS-May-2022-Financial Statements v1.xlsx
- Est_13107_from_UniPly_Roofing_Inc._14900.pdf
- 17 Lime St Fire Alarm System Upgrade (2) (1).pdf
The discussion tracked with the May notes previously posted.
Additional items not in the note include:
- Enrollment for next year currently stands at 225 (vs. budget of 224). HoS still targeting full enrollment of 230 as offers are out
- kitchen upgrades (fully paid for by donations, grants and kitchen profits) will also happen during the summer and include new equipment (fridge, freezer, oven) and the replacement of the floor
- Rockland Trust bank visited the school in June to introduce our new representative. This contact was very positive, suggesting we will continue to have a good relationship with our bank, pending the retirement of our long-term representative. The current mortgage rate will be reset in August 2024, but refinancing now would have the school miss out on 1 year of favorable terms (3.2% rate). This topic will continue to be monitored by Fincom.