MCCPS Board of Trustees
Personnel Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Monday May 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM
17 Lime Street
Marblehead, Massachusetts
This is an In-Person Meeting, with remote participation.
Please note that the in-person meeting will not be suspended or terminated
if technological problems interrupt the remote connection.
Zoom Login information
Meeting ID: 914 6251 4433
Passcode: MCCPSper
Committee Members Present
John Steinberg (remote), Katie Sullivan (remote), Peter Cheney (remote), Peter Cohen (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Artie Sullivan, Jen Stoddard
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance and Guests
Approve Minutes
II. Old Business
Discussion of HOS Annual Assessment Process
Today is the due date for BoT to share their HoS evaluations with Artie.
Faculty & Staff appreciated the Internal Survey re-created by this committee. This tool had good questions and provided a lot for the HoS to learn from. The "numbers on the survey are easy to move" and can be well used to set goals for next year.
The Board was pleased with the work of the Personnel committee, especially John's.
Use of Val-Ed and Board on Track surveys for next year was discussed. John argued for Val-ed despite it's issues. Participation in that was the least due to technical difficulties, but still was decent. It produces good information, but the taking of it and it's format is not staff-friendly. Peter agrees on it's value and appreciates John's advocacy for it, despite that it is laborious for staff. John's least preferred is Board on Track, but it is the only one that allows for comments. The Board will discuss this further at the retreat. Participation rates also need to be emphasized along with the value of everyone's value. Peter will check in on the rest of the process with Artie.
Personnel Committee Membership & Schedule
Peter put out a pitch to join Development, then Governance, and his next one will be Personnel via constant contact. A current teacher's fiance has been hired for next year, so she is leaving and she may be interested in filling the Board position therefore may be able to join Personnel.
Peter talked to PTO regarding their shared struggle with membership and now that in-person events like Exhibition are returning, they will try to promote participation in committees.
III. New Business
HR Manager Update
She started last week and it has been going well. She will attend one of our meetings in the near future and may want to circle pack with some policies that we need to work on with her. This has been a huge help to Jeff Barry and Peter toward getting the "HR House in order" and while it may be a position that may not be long term, it is providing great benefit for the school right now.
IV. Action Items
Review Action Items from Meeting
Next meeting date: June 13, 2022
Katie was not present at last meeting so no quorum to approve minutes. Tabled to next meeting.