MCCPS Board of Trustees
Development & Communications Monthly Meeting
Date and Time
Monday January 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Committee Members Present
Amy Leveroni (remote), Beth Taranto (remote), Connie DeBoever (remote), Ian Hunt (remote), Jessica Gelb (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Ellen Lodgen, Jeff Barry
Guests Present
Peter Cohen (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Ian Hunt called a meeting of the Development & Communications Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Monday Jan 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM.
II. Primary Agenda Items
Review DEVCOMM Strategy
Discussion Items
Fund A Need Web page
- Peter provided an update on funding progress through the recently launched Fund-A-Need page. Launched in November 2022, several items has been successfully funded for 4th and 5th grade Math equipment. Engagement / donations has dropped off since the holiday break. Noteworthy, larger infrastructure donations have seen less engagement than that directly funding student education. Team discussed tactics to reengage community on remaining funding opportunities (e.g. communication drive). However, team felt all focus should be centered on fund raising for mural – see next topic.
- Action – explore deprioritize backlot mural funding request from Fund A Need page and focus people’s attention on warehouse exterior wall (priority area of focus).
Warehouse Exterior Wall Mural
- Full cost of exterior wall mural is $20,000. MCCPS is targeting end of Q2 to have full amount.
- Grant Writing: Peter provided an update on grant submissions to support main MCCPS exterior wall. Approx. $7,000 have been secured (Mass Culture, Marblehead Arts Association), with additional grants submitted to local community organizations (Swampscott, Nahant, Awesome Fund, Beyond Walls). Team discussed reaching out to other community members to help identify additional grant / funding opportunities. Action(s) – Jess to contact @ PEM, Ian to connect to Julie Vinette (local artist and community member).
- Additional Fund Raising: Team explored other tactics to realize remaining cost and build awareness / engagement within school community.
- Fund-A-Brick – being led by parents.
- Fund-the-mural postcards – parents planning mass mail to parents / community members.
- Basket Raffle – explore opportunity for PTO to host basket raffle through. Action – Connie to connect with room parents.
- Community Night – explore hosting trivia / raffle night. Explore leveraging opportunity to engage local restaurants (e.g. Little Store). Action – Peter to connect with staff members to identify organizers.
- Explore inviting artist to present ideas to students / community – post video on MCCPS Facebook page. Focus messaging on student engagement / value proposition, rather than infrastructure needs. Action – Peter.
- Set-up dedicated “Fund the Mural” web page with “artist information” and other related information (e.g. donation button). Action – Peter and Beth to explore.
- Explore hanging banner / poster on wall encouraging donations – send to new web page. Action – Peter.
Entrepreneur Fair
- Explore opportunity to host a student led fair to display community groups / individuals. Target fall 2022 for live event at MCCPS. Potentially great opportunity to build MCCPS brand with local communities and engage potential new student / families. Additionally, event could provide a great enrichment activity for the school. Action(s) – Peter to ask for staff interest. Ian to connect with Ellen to understand if this is a potential opportunity for the student council to co-organize. Jess to get additional information on the program.
Other Opportunities
- Charter Bumper Stickers. Action(s) - Emily to explore sourcing / distributing car magnets for Jan / Feb. Align with Mural fund raising activities to build awareness of school.
- Staff Appreciation Activities. Jess to get more information on sourcing flowers for staff. Potential opportunity to be funded by MCCPS board.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ian Hunt
Reviewed 2022 DEVCOMM goals and aligned on major fund targets for 2022.