MCCPS Board of Trustees


Academic Excellence Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Friday January 28, 2022 at 2:45 PM

If you need to meet via Zoom:

Committee Members Present

Jessica Xiarhos, Kimberly Sullivan, Matt Cronin, Meg Upton, Meghan Hale, Molly Wright

Committee Members Absent

Elizabeth Burns, Ellen Lodgen

Guests Present

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Jessica Xiarhos called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Friday Jan 28, 2022 at 2:48 PM.


Approve Minutes from 12/03/21

Matt Cronin made a motion to approve the minutes from Academic Excellence Committee Meeting on 12-03-21.
Kimberly Sullivan seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic Excellence Committee


Department Updates Re:Criteria

Humanities - 


  • All dept. members have finished identifying major themes and connecting to criteria in Term 1. Nearly all done for Term 2. All focused in LA.
  • Global Studies criteria has been redone to reflect usability. Original Global Studies pulled from National Social Studies, very ideological statements, not enough of the skill sets. Wanted to ensure that the criteria extended across all 5 grade levels. New literacy standards directly tied to G.S.
  • LA criteria feel a bit redundant/vague to dept. members - hoping to narrow in on 3 major types of writing (types of skills within these types of writing)

Interesting to note that we continue to refine the Criteria. Help tighten up the portfolio systems, students can more clearly identify progress toward goals.



Use for templates -


  • Upload to Faculty page? Revised criteria + units + accessibility. We would need to "audit" yearly to ensure no outdated information is being used to guide faculty. 


MCAS Board Presentation

Administration of just one session in 2021 has truly limited the type of data and ways to look at it. Test administered to hold accountability, not necessarily being used as data to set goals from. 


Board looking for...

  • Cohorts of kids, breaking it down into demographics (IEPS/504s, Low-income, EL)
  • Progression of teachers/curriculum/skills
  • Comparison to other towns


Throw out ...

current 4th grade - 1 session in 3rd in 2021

current 5th grade - 1 session in 2021 in 4th, none in 2020 as 3rd (so 1st time ever)

current 6th grade - 1 session in 2021 in 5th, not in 4th in 2020


Consider ...

current 7th grade - 1 session in 2021 as 6th, not in 5th 2020, normal year in 4th

current 8th grade - 1 session in 2021 as 7th, not in 6th 2020, normal 5th, normal 4th


  • taking only current 7th and 8th and filtering through for just students here for the full 5 years
  • then comparing that to sending districts
  • list of concrete action items ("we look at it, we use it, here's what we do with it"), are we teaching the "formula"/rubric the open responses are scored on, adjust internal expectation  for students (and messaging from parents)
  • Other data points (iReady)


Consider messaging out how to approach MCAS with kids

III. Closing Items


Action Items

  • Vote on revised Global Studies Criteria - if approved, updates to Google Drive and website and Board.
  • Committee members to review G.S. Criteria
  • Matt, Jess, and Gianni to connect re:Board Presentation
  • Gianni to reach out to E. Roberts




Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 3:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jessica Xiarhos
Documents used during the meeting