MCCPS Board of Trustees
Facilities Task Force Monthly Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Committee Members Present
Andrea Barlow (remote), Ariane Purdy (remote), Brad Rogers (remote), Christian Strom (remote), Jim Gaudette (remote), John Romano (remote), Peter Cheney (remote), William Rockwell (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Jen Stoddard, Karen Zieff, Marisa Fava, Nathan Dye, Rebecca Whidden
Guests Present
Peter Cohen (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
William Rockwell called a meeting of the Facilities Task Force Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Jan 18, 2022 at 7:05 PM.
Accept Remote Participation
William Rockwell made a motion to Accept Remote Participation.
Christian Strom seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Approve Minutes
William Rockwell made a motion to Approve Minutes from Last Month's FTF Meeting.
Jim Gaudette seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
William Rockwell made a motion to approve the minutes from Facilities Task Force Monthly Meeting on 12-20-21.
Jim Gaudette seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Action Item Updates
Mural Project Update
- Alex Cook selected as muralist for front of building
- Requires $6k up-front to begin project
- Planning for April-May start
- Fundraising
- Andrea Barlow acquired additional $1,500 grant
- Both Fund in Need and GoFundMe efforts ongoing
- Peter Cheney proposed "Donating a Block" fundraising campaign
- Ariane to get specific number of blocks that will be covered by mural
- Staging/Repointing
- Needs to be done in advance of project kick-off
- Peter Cohen to meet with Washington to understand how much pre-work can be managed in-house, how much needs to be outsourced
Roof Proposals Update
- Current Status
- Three proposals in hand, costs high due to cost of raw materials
- Next Steps
- Assessment of mechanical systems being done in March
- This will give Board better idea of current roof's life expectancy and scope of work
- Rebidding project
- John Romano putting together draft scope of work
- Mechanical assessment will help contractor(s) provide more accurate bids
- Assessment of mechanical systems being done in March
- Timeframe
- Potentially Summer of 2023- Summer of 2022 unrealistic given lack of funds
Building Lease Renewal
- Per FTF and Board of Trustees recommendation, MCCPS is renewing renters' lease
- Note: MCCPS can provide renters 60 days notice to vacate
III. Building Plan Comments & Updates
Updates & Discussion on Building Plans
- Brad Rogers provided overview of updated options from last month's meeting
- Option A
- Phase I
- Creates STEM lab, 3-4 windowed classrooms
- Knocks out current art/music rooms, which are relocated into backfill space (that would be created by moving current 5th grade classrooms to warehouse space)
- Music/Art approx. 2x size of current
- Creates new corridor through current warehouse
- Multiple Black-Box theatre options
- Either exterior or interior
- Phase II
- Add another classoom
- Art room would use borrowed light, other classrooms would have window access
- Phase I
- Option B
- Phase I
- STEM lab only (approx. 2k sf construction) to current warehouse space
- Phase II
- Classrooms move to exterior
- Art on perimeter and Music to current 4th grade space
- Multiple Black-Box theatre options
- Either exterior or interior
- Phase I
- Questions to consider
- Updating/expanding bathrooms in 5th/6th grade wing
- Black Box interior or exterior
- Note: FTF leaned interior given theatre's limited need for light/windows
- Where to place corridors to access space
- Thru computer lab area?
- Need electrical/mechanical assessment to fully understand any option Board decides to proceed with
- Requires architect(s) and engineer(s) for drawings, HVAC, electrical assessment
- Option A
IV. Closing Items
Recap Action Items
- Mural
- Andrea to follow up with Nahant/Swampscott re: grants
- Ariane to get definitive number of bricks that people could sponsor
- Peter Cohen to meet with Washington to understand what staging/repointing can be handled internally
- Peter Cohen to reexamine prior contractors for staging/repointing work
- FTF members also able to provide names
- Roof
- John composing draft scope of work for roof project and reaching out to the three contractors who submitted bids
- Peter Cohen to investigate possibility of receiving fundraising help from town of Marblehead
- Building Plans
- Brad to share options with FTF
- Will to walk Board of Trustees through Options A and B during next Board Meeting
- Peter Cohen to get clarification on monetary thresholds and approval process for this type of project
Board Member Comments & Resolutions
- FTF will need to decide appropriate path forward for Building Plan
- Fully developed set of construction documents first, or focus on fundraising first?
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
William Rockwell
Documents used during the meeting
- 2021_12_20_facilities_task_force_monthly_meeting_minutes.pdf