MCCPS Board of Trustees
Facilities Task Force
Date and Time
Tuesday January 19, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Committee Members Present
Andrea Barlow (remote), Ariane Purdy (remote), Brad Rogers (remote), Christian Strom (remote), Marisa Fava (remote), Rebecca Whidden (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Amy Leveroni, Jim Gaudette, Nathan Dye
Guests Present
Jessica Gelb (remote), Peter Cohen (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Rebecca Whidden called a meeting of the Facilities Task Force Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Jan 19, 2021 at 7:02 PM.
Approve Minutes
Ariane Purdy made a motion to approve the minutes from Facilities Task Force on 12-15-20.
Christian Strom seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Rebecca Whidden |
Ariane Purdy |
Christian Strom |
Marisa Fava |
Amy Leveroni |
Andrea Barlow |
Jim Gaudette |
Nathan Dye |
Brad Rogers |
II. Facilities Task Force
Goal Setting
- Becca updated the Task Force about her discussions with the Finance Subcommittee and the Board of Trustees; updates included the Board's thoughts on financing different scales of renovations to the school facility, and their desired schedule for proposals from the Task Force.
- Task Force agreed that it is realistic to target the production of three options, to be presented to the Board in June 2021.
- Brad noted that the biggest impediment to this target schedule will be getting Board feedback in a timely fashion; Peter suggested the possibility of scheduling dedicated special Board meetings for facilities conversations.
- Christian notes that effectively delegating the work to Task Force members will also be critical to meeting this six month target.
- Brad suggested cartooning out a final report deliverable to the Board, to serve as a framework for the Task Force's efforts.
- Becca suggested that the presentation of options be made at the annual Board retreat in June.
- Brad notes that schools in Massachusetts are incredibly expensive, and that we need to begin prepping the Board and Finance subcommittee now about how expensive any proposed renovations will be. He notes that even a paint and carpet refresh will be costly.
- Ariane shared that Swampscott Middle School is looking at a new roof that will cost somewhere around $3 million dollars. She will try to track down a specific figure to share with the group.
- Peter advocates for taking the idea of a second story addition off the table as a way to narrow the scope of options and to permit roof replacement sooner than later. He notes that deferred maintenance continues to be a real problem.
- Peter emphasized the need for small group spaces.
- Science labs could be a differentiator for upper school grades.
- Ariane described the potential scope as "making what is there the best building we can." and suggested putting together a preliminary "facelift" package that includes graphics, roof repair and other deferred maintenance.
- Marisa asked about if and when the Task Force would hand off options to professionals to complete the preparation for and execution of a final renovation project; Brad suggested that the Task Force write any necessary RFPs and be involved in consultant selection(s).
- The Task Force discussed the need to solicit stakeholder feedback; Brad demonstrated how digital tools (for example, MentiMeter) can be used in a remote meeting environment to collect feedback. The group experimented with a few MentiMeter questions, and will explore the tool further in a future meeting.
Identify Next Steps
- The Task Force brainstormed the following list of preliminary tasks, and assigned them as indicated.
- Purge stuff in warehouse: Peter / Jim?
- Complete existing conditions documentation: Ariane / Christian
- Quantify program / desired adjacencies: Becca
- Code research (including viability of existing mezzanine space): Christian
- Outreach (in-school and digital): Andrea / Marisa
- Estimates: Nathan? / Amy?
- Report cartooning and graphics: Brad / Ariane
- Report presentation: Marisa
- The Task Force agrees that additional tasks will be identified and delegated in future meetings.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rebecca Whidden