MCCPS Board of Trustees


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday April 1, 2015 at 7:00 PM



Trustees Present

David Hausler, Jessica Merriam, Ken Schulman, Laura Jalbert, Lena Robinson, Mary McRae, Nina Cullen-Hamzeh, Paul McCarthy

Trustees Absent

Ellen Lodgen, Katie Hope, Lori Sherf, Patricia Hazelton

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Paul McCarthy

Guests Present

Cindy Canavan, Kay O'Dwyer, Lisa Louden, Paula Gold, Susan Munafo, Zach Newell

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Mary McRae called a meeting of the board of trustees of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Wednesday Apr 1, 2015 at 7:06 PM.


Approve Minutes

Mary McRae made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 03-12-15 with change of Laura Jalbert's status from "absent" to "arrived late" Board Meeting on 03-12-15.
Nina Cullen-Hamzeh seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Review Goals for Meeting

M. McRae reviewed the goals for the meeting which are to review specific questions on OML with the Governance Committee, to vote on the FY16 budget, and discuss a date for the HOS Mid-Cycle review meeting.

II. HOS Report


HOS Monthly Report

N. Cullen-Hamzeh presented HOS Report. MCCPS has been selected by DESE as the location for the Charter Presentation Ceremony on Mary 4. Ms. Cullen-Hamzeh and Ms. Lodgen attended the Essex County Foundation Institute for Trustees and recommended that this event be added to the Board calendar. Ms. Cullen-Hamzeh will begin her doctoral studies in the fall. Mr. Ruth resigned his position; Mr. Sullivan will take over as Interim Asst. HOS for the rest of the year, in addition to his teaching duties. Ms. Solomon will retire at the end of this year. Ms. Cullen-Hamzeh reported that all faculty/staff, enrichment teachers, interns and chaperones are CORI/SORIed. Mr. Barry will be responsible for processing CORI/SORI checks in Mr. Ruth's place. 20th Anniversary Gala is April 11. The HOS and faculty would like to invite Mr. Commeret to attend; majority of the Board did not object so this was left to HOS's discretion. Development Director job description was distributed but not discussed.

III. Governance Committee


OML Review

Governance provided OML overview with specific focus on email communication between Board members. P. Gold contacted the AG office to clarify this issue. Bottom line is email communication should be limited to procedural activities only. Facts may be shared but not opinions. L. Robinson suggested that board members be given individual Board email addresses to conduct all Board communication.
Paul McCarthy arrived.

IV. Board


Approve FY16 Budget

D. Hausler reviewed FY16 budget and Budget Narrative that explained changes since previous version of budget. Foundation has informed the school that it will no longer contribute $20K to operating budget. Also, tenant will end his lease as of Aug. 1, reducing expected revenue by $41,800. The budget was adjusted to accommodate these changes: Expected state revenue was changed from level funding to 2% increase (consistent with historical average); school will undertake fundraising activity in place of Foundation contribution. Also, bids are being reviewed for new benefits provider that can supply our existing coverage at a lower cost.
David Hausler made a motion to approve the proposed budget for FY16.
Paul McCarthy seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


FY16 Fundraising Goals

Board discussed the need to develop fundraising goals at the May meeting. N. Cullen-Hamzeh will provide "real needs" funding amounts at the May meeting, including dollar amount needed to bring teacher salaries to a competitive level.


Set Date for HOS Mid-Cycle Review

M. McRae reviewed the need to conduct this meeting in April. Possible dates include April 13, 14, 16, 27, 28, 30. M. McRae will send an email to Board members to determine a date.

V. Finance Committee


Update on current budget

D. Hausler provided an update on the current budget. Budget is projected to break even this year, as increase in state funding is offset by increased costs of snow removal and new HVAC system. Potential budget pitfalls include money not yet received from the Foundation for Innovation Grants and for the second half of the $20K commitment. N. Cullen-Hamzeh will send a formal letter to the Foundation to request these payments and will copy the Board. M. McRae will invite Foundation members to the May meeting to discuss if necessary.

VI. Academic Excellence Committee



L. Robinson announced that committee membership has grown to 9, and includes a mix of parents and teacher. Committee goal is to have a draft plan to the Board by the end of this school year.

VII. Executive Session


Motion to enter Executive Session for Reason #1 under the OML

Mary McRae made a motion to move to Executive Session under reason #1 of the MA Open Meeting Law.
Laura Jalbert seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll call: McRae, yes; McCarthy, yes; Jalbert, yes; Cullen-Hamzeh, yes; Schulman, yes; Hausler, yes; Robinson, yes; Merriman, yes.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Mary McRae