MCCPS Board of Trustees
Governance Monthly Meeting - December 2020
Date and Time
Monday December 14, 2020 at 7:00 PM
November Governance Meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 941 8854 5183
Passcode: MCCPS
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 941 8854 5183
Passcode: MCCPS
Committee Members Present
Cynthia Canavan (remote), Elizabeth Burns (remote), Karl Smith (remote), Kay O'Dwyer (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Paul Baker
Guests Present
Peter Cohen (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak, Governor Baker issued an emergency Order on March 12, 2020, allowing public bodies greater flexibility in utilizing technology in the conduct of meetings under the Open Meeting Law. This committee makes a motion to accept this Executive Order for this meeting of the Governance Committee, on December 14th, 2020 and hold the meeting remotely.
Kay O'Dwyer made a motion to Accept the Governor's Order and hold the meeting remotely.
Cynthia Canavan seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Karl Smith |
Cynthia Canavan |
Elizabeth Burns |
Paul Baker |
Kay O'Dwyer |
Call the Meeting to Order
Karl Smith called a meeting of the Governance Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Monday Dec 14, 2020 at 7:07 PM.
Approve Minutes
The Chair explained that he was not able to adequately update the minutes in advance of the call and therefore would present them for approval at the next meeting.
II. Governance Matters
Board Meeting Update
Paul Baker provided a brief update of the latest Board of Trustees' meeting, highlighting the following:
- Bylaws updates
- Trustee renewals and officer approval.
Karl Smith indicated that he had received a letter of resignation from Jeanne Smith with regards to her service on the Governance Committee. With the additional requirements of her business acquisition, she is no longer able to dedicate the time needed. The group expressed their appreciation for her efforts and lamented her loss.
Board Composition
The board composition was reviewed and two potential board candidates were highlighted and discussed by the group.
Some potential dates for interview were noted. Potentially February, one or both could be included on the agenda for interviews.
Additionally Karl Smith noted that Governance now has 5 active members and that we should be recruiting more members.
Some potential dates for interview were noted. Potentially February, one or both could be included on the agenda for interviews.
Additionally Karl Smith noted that Governance now has 5 active members and that we should be recruiting more members.
Read through of Charter document
As has been previously indicated, there is an opportunity for the school to update our charter. With the requested remediation efforts regarding the community enrollment, both the Board of Trustees and the Governance Committee should be looking at the Charter document to consider updates and revisions. The group noted that some of the content either could be updated or modernized given our current status along with changes that have occurred since the document was last updated.
Some of the members expressed their opinions on the document's original purpose and background as to how and why it emerged. This will be a continuing discussion as August will be due date on all of the changes.
Some of the members expressed their opinions on the document's original purpose and background as to how and why it emerged. This will be a continuing discussion as August will be due date on all of the changes.
III. Other Business
Planning for future meetings
It was noted that in January a potential general information session for board or committee services could be conducted either virtually or in person if possible.
The goal would be for everyone to more fully understand the roles and responsibilities that are available.
Additionally the January meeting could include more information for the formalization of the board member renewal process, and succession planning.
Next meeting tentatively scheduled for January 5th - Tuesday - 7PM.
The goal would be for everyone to more fully understand the roles and responsibilities that are available.
Additionally the January meeting could include more information for the formalization of the board member renewal process, and succession planning.
Next meeting tentatively scheduled for January 5th - Tuesday - 7PM.
Board training discussion / planning
Karl Smith noted that some of the Open Meeting Law trainings have been offered and taken by a couple of the board members.
This is a great time to refresh knowledge and more fully understand what is expected during these 'remote' times.
Karl indicated that he would send out a reminder to the board members, along with requesting that all committee heads send out reminders to their respective sub-committees members to attend the courses offered.
This is a great time to refresh knowledge and more fully understand what is expected during these 'remote' times.
Karl indicated that he would send out a reminder to the board members, along with requesting that all committee heads send out reminders to their respective sub-committees members to attend the courses offered.
Other matters - discussion
Elizabeth Burns inquired as to the school's progress and status with regards to COVID-19. Peter provided a quick update and noted there were no current plans for extended remote learning.
Karl Smith also reminded everyone about the fundraising efforts - in specific the Little Store take-out night that is going to benefit the Charter School.
Karl Smith also reminded everyone about the fundraising efforts - in specific the Little Store take-out night that is going to benefit the Charter School.
IV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Karl Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Cynthia Canavan seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Kay O'Dwyer |
Cynthia Canavan |
Karl Smith |
Paul Baker |
Elizabeth Burns |
Karl Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Cynthia Canavan seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Paul Baker |
Kay O'Dwyer |
Cynthia Canavan |
Karl Smith |
Elizabeth Burns |
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Karl Smith
Documents used during the meeting