MCCPS Board of Trustees
Development Committee Monthly Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday May 28, 2020 at 10:00 AM
Remote meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 890 3285 1276
Password: 3THHZx
Meeting ID: 890 3285 1276
Password: 3THHZx
Committee Members Present
Amy Leveroni (remote), Connie DeBoever (remote), Ellen Lodgen (remote), Jeff Barry (remote), Peter Cohen (remote), Susan Hauck (remote), Xhazzie Kindle (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Fred Ferris, Stephen Veiga
Guests Present
Katherine Koch
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Ellen Lodgen called a meeting of the Development & Communications Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Thursday May 28, 2020 at 10:02 AM.
Record Attendance and Guests
Approve remote attendance
Ellen Lodgen made a motion to Accept remote attendance.
Jeff Barry seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Connie DeBoever |
Ellen Lodgen |
Stephen Veiga |
Susan Hauck |
Jeff Barry |
Xhazzie Kindle |
Fred Ferris |
Peter Cohen |
Approve Minutes
Jeff Barry made a motion to Accept minutes from April meeting.
Susan Hauck seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Ellen Lodgen |
Jeff Barry |
Fred Ferris |
Stephen Veiga |
Connie DeBoever |
Susan Hauck |
Xhazzie Kindle |
Peter Cohen |
II. Development Committee
Auction Report
Susan led the discussion
- Giving Tuesday raised $2450
- plan to launch again in November when National Giving Tuesday occurs after Thanksgiving
- Auction
- Raised $13,560; 11 ChromeBooks sponsored for the school; multiple cash donations
- First time using 32Auction platform; easy to use
- next time will work on increasing gift card selection
- solicit more teacher experiences and will be more effective when have kids in school to promote these items
- run a pre holiday one; will gather items over the summer
Plans for 2020-2021
Susan led discussion
Peter added a discussion of plans for school for fall
- Student Success Fund solicitation in later summer, early fall
- ramp up to maximize the number of families participating
- reintroduce as a separate ask and emphasize importance and what it provides for the students.
- Holiday auction planned in November, December
- Annual Appeal
- run in Dec-Jan
- emphasize importance of funds for operations, facilities, PD, technology infrastructure
- Spring Event
- early April?
- looking for an offsite location such as Salem Waterfront Hotel
- firm up a date and reserve a site
- Working on pushing out these fundraising opportunities to wider community to maximize possible donors
- Peter and Susan have each joined a different Rotary group to make connections
- Plans include
- Building of community is key
- recognition of donors
- a more robust engagement of parents
- welcoming new families; parent ambassadors to help families assimilate and get involved
- Work on plans to engage new parents if we are not in school in person
- Head of School coffees
- important to maintain student population and recruit new ones
- Suggestions for increased engagement included
- a volunteer recognition event such as Navigators Night from previous years
- grade specific social events at someone's home or elsewhere (with board member or committee member speaking briefly)
- volunteer sign up forms (Amy found some examples)
- getting a parent to host a new grade 4 FaceBook page
- maybe letters from current 4th graders to new ones.
- Grant writing
- Matt, Peter and Jeff have identified key areas of need
- will start identifying appropriate sources of support from various foundations
- Matt, Peter and Jeff have identified key areas of need
Peter added a discussion of plans for school for fall
- waiting to hear from DESE and state for guidance about opening school
- created a Reopening Commission which has begun work on various scenarios
- planning some sort of new student orientation in the next few weeks
- maybe a Zoom orientation
- maybe a "drive by" to see teachers and get a goody bag like they would have received before closure occurred.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ellen Lodgen
Documents used during the meeting