MCCPS Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday September 24, 2019 at 7:00 PM
MCCPS, 17 Lime St, Marblehead MA
Trustees Present
Artie Sullivan, Ellen Lodgen, Fred Ferris, Ian Hunt, Jessica Xiarhos, Karl Smith, Paul Baker, Peter Cohen, Rebecca Whidden, Richard Doron, Rodolphe Herve, Stephen Veiga
Trustees Absent
Peter Cheney
Guests Present
Carol McEnaney, Jeremy Bumagin
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Artie Sullivan called a meeting of the board of trustees of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Sep 24, 2019 at 7:03 PM.
Approve Minutes
Stephen Veiga made a motion to approve minutes from the Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting on 08-27-19 Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting on 08-27-19.
Paul Baker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Public Comment
Public Comment
There were no public comments.
PTO Liason
Jeremy Bumagin. - PTO liaison - provided an update, noting the upcoming events such as the Halloween dance.
III. Review of Previous Meeting Action Items
Review of Previous Meeting Action Items
Artie Sullivan lead the discussion and took the group through the various points.
Desired skill sets and recruitment efforts for both sub-committee and board seats were covered in detail.
Other items such as the SEPAC, Governance, Personnel Committee, and board membership were also covered.
Desired skill sets and recruitment efforts for both sub-committee and board seats were covered in detail.
Other items such as the SEPAC, Governance, Personnel Committee, and board membership were also covered.
IV. Yearly Meeting Agenda Items
Upcoming Meeting Agenda Items
The following upcoming meetings were reviewed:
- Presentation by Strategic plan - overview
- HOS evaluation and training provided by the Personnel Committee - the group agreed to hold that meeting in November
- Peter Cohen suggested the board meet in October before the standard month-end board meeting, and it was determined the best date would be October 22nd at 7 PM
- End of October, the annual finance statements and audit opinion will be presented and the MCAS scores will be reviewed
- The Charter renewal site visit is scheduled for November 7th and members of the board will meet with inspectors (will be a posted / public meeting)
- The mid-year HOS review will be held in January.
- Presentation by Strategic plan - overview
- HOS evaluation and training provided by the Personnel Committee - the group agreed to hold that meeting in November
- Peter Cohen suggested the board meet in October before the standard month-end board meeting, and it was determined the best date would be October 22nd at 7 PM
- End of October, the annual finance statements and audit opinion will be presented and the MCAS scores will be reviewed
- The Charter renewal site visit is scheduled for November 7th and members of the board will meet with inspectors (will be a posted / public meeting)
- The mid-year HOS review will be held in January.
V. Other Business
Board Goals for SY 2019-2020
The following topics were discussed in detail:
- Strategic plan
- Health and sustainability
- Fundraising / Development
- Communication / community development
- By-laws review and formation of a task force
- 25th anniversary planning / preparation
- Strategic plan
- Health and sustainability
- Fundraising / Development
- Communication / community development
- By-laws review and formation of a task force
- 25th anniversary planning / preparation
Planning for SY 2019-2020
See the notes in the goal discussion above - the planning and goals were generally covered at the same time
Board Self Assessment
Artie Sullivan presented the self assessment information and the group discussed nature of some of questions and how the responses drove the numeric scores.
The team noted the general alignment between the board and the head of school. And the areas that need improvement are not surprising given the board's focus and goals over the past year or two.
Other discussion points included:
- On-boarding HOS - providing Peter with the information he needs
- Open meeting laws - compliance
- Committees and Chairs - ensure the notifications are going out timely and packets are sent to the clerk and Peter
- Use of BOT and how to navigate
- Potential addition of a faculty member on the Governance Committee
- Goals and accountability
- Development - considered a key, recurring area for improvement
- IXL - new tool used to track overall student performance
The team noted the general alignment between the board and the head of school. And the areas that need improvement are not surprising given the board's focus and goals over the past year or two.
Other discussion points included:
- On-boarding HOS - providing Peter with the information he needs
- Open meeting laws - compliance
- Committees and Chairs - ensure the notifications are going out timely and packets are sent to the clerk and Peter
- Use of BOT and how to navigate
- Potential addition of a faculty member on the Governance Committee
- Goals and accountability
- Development - considered a key, recurring area for improvement
- IXL - new tool used to track overall student performance
VI. Committee Updates
Governance Committee
Karl Smith provided and update to the group on the Governance Committee meting held earlier in the month.
The main topics covered included the by-laws review, mentor program for new board members, and overall recruitment efforts.
For the by-laws review, the following individuals were identified to participate in the review:
- Chris Reigle
- Pam Ferris
From the board, Artie Sullivan suggested that Karl Smith, Stephen Vega, and Rudi Herve join him as members of this task force.
A tentative meeting was scheduled for October 8th
Karl Smith made a motion to create a by-laws task force:
Rebecca Whidden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously
The main topics covered included the by-laws review, mentor program for new board members, and overall recruitment efforts.
For the by-laws review, the following individuals were identified to participate in the review:
- Chris Reigle
- Pam Ferris
From the board, Artie Sullivan suggested that Karl Smith, Stephen Vega, and Rudi Herve join him as members of this task force.
A tentative meeting was scheduled for October 8th
Karl Smith made a motion to create a by-laws task force:
Rebecca Whidden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously
Karl Smith made a motion to create a by-laws task force.
Rebecca Whidden seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Finance Committee
Rudi Herve presented the Finance Committee update noting the following:
- Need for a board vote for the revised budget for the school year based on enrollment and updated reimbursement rates.
- Required waiver from East Boston Savings (the mortgage holder on the building loan) for the debt covenant for the external auditors.
- Desire to maintain professional development to retain teachers
- Enrollment figures - current and projected
- 5 year look-back at the per pupil expenditures requested from Jeff Barry
- Anticipated clean audit report to be presented at the next scheduled board meeting
- Need for a board vote for the revised budget for the school year based on enrollment and updated reimbursement rates.
- Required waiver from East Boston Savings (the mortgage holder on the building loan) for the debt covenant for the external auditors.
- Desire to maintain professional development to retain teachers
- Enrollment figures - current and projected
- 5 year look-back at the per pupil expenditures requested from Jeff Barry
- Anticipated clean audit report to be presented at the next scheduled board meeting
Karl Smith made a motion to To accept the amended budget as present and approved by the Finance Committee.
Ian Hunt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Personnel Committee
Since the last meeting, the Personnel Committee did not meet, however the group is working on linking HOS goals to rurbric - and will present the information to the board once completed.
Academic Excellence
Jessica Xiarhos walked the group through the topics covered at the sub-committee meeting held earlier in the month.
The team is looking to recruit another parent to have more representation from that faction.
She explained the goal is to focus on the road map and vision for academic excellence. The team is attempting to formulate steps to maintain and track academic progress at the school.
The team is looking to recruit another parent to have more representation from that faction.
She explained the goal is to focus on the road map and vision for academic excellence. The team is attempting to formulate steps to maintain and track academic progress at the school.
Ellen Lodgen briefed the committee on her recent sub-committee meeting and that the meeting schedule has been updated to avoid conflicts with other meetings.
Among the topics covered included:
- More contact / communication with alumni - Nick Santoro is looking to schedule some planned events
- Jeff Barry is the only member of the board of the education fund and there should be focus on recruiting additional members
- Grants - more focus and attention by Peter to determine what is available and how to pursue those
- Scheduled trips with the 6th and 8th grades - fundraising is needed for those two big trips and some parents have been identified
- Calendar raffle will occur in November
Artie Sullivan proposed an over all goal for the Development Committee to raise - $75K by the end of the school year
Among the topics covered included:
- More contact / communication with alumni - Nick Santoro is looking to schedule some planned events
- Jeff Barry is the only member of the board of the education fund and there should be focus on recruiting additional members
- Grants - more focus and attention by Peter to determine what is available and how to pursue those
- Scheduled trips with the 6th and 8th grades - fundraising is needed for those two big trips and some parents have been identified
- Calendar raffle will occur in November
Artie Sullivan proposed an over all goal for the Development Committee to raise - $75K by the end of the school year
Stephen Veiga made a motion to set a goal for the Development Committee to raise $75K by the end of the school year.
Fred Ferris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Strategic Plan Committee
Fred provided an update
During the previous week a meeting was held to finalize the strategic plan. Although there were some remaining minor edits, the document is ready for distribution. The committee was looking to have a vote from the trustees at the next scheduled meeting.
Peter provided his outlook of the plan and urged everyone to consider it more a living document, being adapted to circumstances as they develop.
Additionally he noted that a 3 year plan was more appropriate for a number of factors such as the charter renewal and providing flexibility to reach shorter term goals first.
During the previous week a meeting was held to finalize the strategic plan. Although there were some remaining minor edits, the document is ready for distribution. The committee was looking to have a vote from the trustees at the next scheduled meeting.
Peter provided his outlook of the plan and urged everyone to consider it more a living document, being adapted to circumstances as they develop.
Additionally he noted that a 3 year plan was more appropriate for a number of factors such as the charter renewal and providing flexibility to reach shorter term goals first.
Communications, and Community Relations Committee
Ian Hunt walked the board through the progress of the Communications Committee.
The following items were highlighted:
- The school's story - and how MCCPS is a great experience
- Establishing a standing agenda for Staff meetings
- Bench-marking with other school
- Redesign web-page
The following items were highlighted:
- The school's story - and how MCCPS is a great experience
- Establishing a standing agenda for Staff meetings
- Bench-marking with other school
- Redesign web-page
Charter Renewal
As previously noted, the group agreed to meet on Tuesday, October 22nd.
VII. HOS Report
Monthly Report
Dr. Peter Cohen provided his head of school update and covered all of the items detailed in the document previously distributed.
VIII. Public Comment
Public Comment
There were no public comments.
IX. Board Member Comments and Resolutions
Board Member Comments and Resolutions
Artie Sullivan reminded the board members who have not yet submitted a head shot and a brief biography, that these items should be provided as soon as possible.
Additional information about the upcoming PTO events was provided.
Additional information about the upcoming PTO events was provided.
X. Closing Items
Recap Action Items
The general items for consideration include:
- Training on Open Meeting Laws
- Board on Track use and navigation
- Development overall
- Board member recruitment
- Strengthening sub-committee membership - keep a look out for parents who may be interested
- Mentoring - those meeting should be scheduled for October
- Training on Open Meeting Laws
- Board on Track use and navigation
- Development overall
- Board member recruitment
- Strengthening sub-committee membership - keep a look out for parents who may be interested
- Mentoring - those meeting should be scheduled for October
Meeting Evaluation
The overall consensus was that much was accomplished tonight.
Adjourn Meeting
Fred Ferris made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Richard Doron seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Karl Smith
Documents used during the meeting
- Board Assessment Report, 9-19.pdf
- FY19-20 Board Assessment, recommendations.pdf
- MCCPS-Aug-2019-Financial Statements.pdf
- FY20 Approved Budget V 4.0.pdf
- HOS Report to Board of Trustees 9_24_19.docx