MCCPS Board of Trustees


Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 4, 2019 at 7:00 PM



Committee Members Present

Christopher Riegle, Cynthia Canavan, Jeanne Smith, Kay O'Dwyer, Nichole Thompson, Pam Ferris, Paul Baker

Committee Members Absent

David Moore

Guests Present

Eric Larsen

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Nichole Thompson called a meeting of the Governance Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Jun 4, 2019 at 7:02 PM.


Approve Minutes

Nichole Thompson made a motion to approve minutes from the Governance Committee Meeting on 05-14-19 Governance Committee Meeting on 05-14-19.
Paul Baker seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Governance


Update on New Trustees Presented to Board on 5/28/19

All of the new Board of Trustees candidates presented to the BOT at the May 28th meeting were approved.
Karl Smith and Paul Baker also renewed for full terms.
The Board is now full at 15 members but there are two members, Jen Jewell and Sean Killeen, whose terms will expire in August.
The Committee discussed mentoring and education of new members as well as strengthening the necessary skills of all Board members.


Board Meeting Update

Paul Baker updated the Committee on the 5/28 Board Meeting.
  • New Board candidates were approved.
  • The Committees and PTO gave updates including:
    • Katherine Koch and Mercy Baez to join Ian Hunt and Jessica Xhiaros on the Communication and Community Relations Committee.
    • Ellen Lodgen announced a 25th Anniversary event to be held in the spring of 2020.
    • The PTO hopes to net $6,000 from the Calendar Raffle, which will go towards a ga-ga pit.
    • The Strategic Plan is currently on hold while the new HOS transitions into his position.
  • Bill Sullivan gave HOS report including:
    • Parent surveys have gone out.
    • An offer was made and accepted for the new position of School Adjustment Counselor and Behavior Specialist.
    • Intent to return form was sent out to 6th graders only and staff will be calling families who are undecided.
    • There has been a final marketing push for another lottery to be held on 6/18.
    • Enrollment is currently at 208 (4th grade - 34, 5th grade - 49, 6th grade - 49, 7th grade - 35, 8th grade - 41).  At this time, 23 6th graders are not returning.
    • Any Board member who is a parent of an 8th grader will sign his or her child's diploma for the graduation ceremony.
The Committee discussed retention strategies.


Public Comment

Guest Eric Larsen relayed to the Committee his concerns about communication to parents by the Board of Trustees and MCCPS administration regarding the HOS transition and an incident this week involving the departure of a 5th grade teacher.  The Committee informed Mr. Larsen that there can be legal reasons for some of these communications to be framed in a certain way but agreed that community perception is important.

Nichole Thompson thanked Mr. Larsen and expressed thanks on behalf of the Committee for his comments, saying that they are valued and it helps the Board to know about any shortcomings or credibility issues.

Paul Baker agree to put Mr. Larsen in touch with Ian Hunt of the Communication and Community Relations Committee.  Mr. Larsen thanked the Committee and left the meeting.


Board of Trustees Training

The Committee discussed Board training for the upcoming retreat.  Nichole Thompson introduced the idea of team communication skills and suggested identifying Board members by style and then pairing them up with mentors/mentees with complementary styles.  The Committee discussed this approach and other ideas for training.


New Chair of Governance

The Committee postponed election of a new Chair of Governance until after the Board Retreat.

III. New section


Next Meeting - July

The next meeting was scheduled for July 9, 2019.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jeanne Smith