MCCPS Board of Trustees


Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 26, 2019 at 7:00 PM


MCCPS, Room 8L

Trustees Present

Artie Sullivan, Ellen Lodgen, Fred Ferris, Ian Hunt, Karl Smith, Nichole Thompson, Paul Baker, Sean Killeen

Trustees Absent

Jen Jewell

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Fred Ferris, Nichole Thompson, Sean Killeen

Guests Present

Amy Ruocco, Carol McEnaney, Cathleen King, Erin MacCallum, James Rogers, Jessica Xiarhos, Mercy Baez, Sarah Wilson, Stephen MacCallum, Stephen Veiga

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Artie Sullivan called a meeting of the board of trustees of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Feb 26, 2019 at 7:04 PM.


Approve Minutes

With the apologies of the Clerk of the Board....Due to unforeseen circumstances, the minutes for 1/29/19 Board Meeting were unavailable to approve. They will be presented for approval at the 3/26/19 Board Meeting.


Nomination of Stephen Veiga to the MCCPS Board of Trustees

Artie Sullivan made a motion to Nomination of New Trustee to the MCCPS Board of Trustees Artie Sullivan made a motion to present MCCPS teacher, Stephen Veiga as a nominee to the MCCPS Board of Trustees. Artie Sullivan made a motion to move that the Board appoint Stephen Veiga as a member of the MCCPS Board of Trustees to fill a term commencing immediately upon approval by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and expiring at the close of the February 2022 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees. Artie Sullivan moved that the Board invite the newly appointed Trustee, Stephen Veiga, to all Board Meetings and activities while his approval is pending with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Stephen Veiga will be entitled to participate as provisional Trustee and will be able to participate in all activities and discussions, but will receive formal approval from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and will not be counted when determining a quorum. The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion. Karl Smith seconded the motion. The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Karl Smith seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Presentations


Student Presentation

Nichole Thompson arrived.
5th grade students Flynne MacCallum & Padric Sullivan presented a very informative overview of their experiences at MCCPS to date.


SEPAC Presentation

SEPAC chairwoman, Amy Ruocco gave a presentation on SEPAC activities and her desire for the Board of Trustees to help garner more members. At present, Amy is the only member of the MCCPS SEPAC and would very much like a co-chair.
Amy has also recently joined the Board of the Town SEPAC committee and is hoping for more collaboration between the two committees in order to better serve parents and children in the Marblehead School District.

III. Public Comment


Public Comment

Sean Killeen arrived.
Fred Ferris arrived.
There was no public comment at this time.

IV. Review of Previous Meeting Action Items


Review of Previous Meeting Action Items

Artie Sullivan reviewed previous meetings action items.

V. Other Business


Update on Board Goals for SY 2018-2019

The Renewal of the MCCPS Charter is front and foremost in the goals for the Board at the present time.
A meeting was scheduled at 7am on 3/20/19.
Criteria to be covered at the meeting include;
  • Submit Charter Renewal Application by August 1, 2019
  • Preparation for 3-day Site Visit in Estimated Fall 2019
  • Prepare Accountability Plan Draft


Strategic Planning Update

Please see below under Committee updates.


Planning for SY 2019-2020

Ellen Lodgen noted that the Annual Appeal notices will go out to parents and donors to coincide with Term 2 exhibition.
The much touted and anticipated Calendar Raffle will take place after the Spring Break in May.


HOS Search

To date, there had been 15 applicants to the HoS position, 2 of which have since dropped out.
Ten of the candidates were invited to complete assigned tasks, 6 of whom have done so to date.
The initial hiring committee is planning to schedule interviews with 4 of the applicants over the coming 2 weeks.


VI. Committee Updates


Governance Committee

Chair, Nichole Thompson noted that the committee was unable to meet during February.
The next scheduled meeting is 3/5/19 at 7pm.


Finance Committee

Chair, Karl Smith presented the finances for February. (Please refer to meeting packet for specifics)
Nothing untoward or unexpected were noted.
Karl presented a motion that the Board vote to approve presented budget numbers be sent to Eastern Bank.
Paul baker seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.


Personnel Committee

Artie Sullivan presented the Policy for Hiring if a Potential Conflict of Interest - for its 2nd Reading. (please see agenda for details).
Artie Sullivan presented a motion to accept the above policy as presented.
Fred Ferris seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.


Academic Excellence

Sean Killeen noted that the committee had met on February 6th.
Subjects covered included;
Academic Excellence: Data and Measures of Success and Progress
The focus of the conversation included
* MCAS Reporting
* Other common assessments utilized to measure student success and growth
* Surveys, rubrics and portfolios.
The next Academic Excellence meeting is scheduled for 3/6/19.



Please refer to item C above in "other Business" section.


Strategic Plan Committee

In Jen Jewell's absence, Fred Ferris presented an update as to where the strategic plan is to date.
The Committee had decided to put a hold on any further work on the plan until a new HoS has been hired.
Doing so, will allow the incoming HoS input into the process going forward.


Communications, and Community Relations Committee

Co - Chair, Ian Hunt noted that the committee had not met in February but would be scheduling a meeting for March.

VII. HOS Report


Monthly Report

Interim HoS, Bill Sullivan presented his HoS report.
As usual, his report was succinct and informative....

Faithfulness to Charter
Coordinated Program Review; The Corrective Action Plan (CAP)  As previously reported not all elements for the Special Education,  and ELL were ready for 1/25. A request for an extension until the February recess (2/15/19) was submitted and approved. It was completed on time, I have had initial contact with our contact and await their feedback.
Academic Success
WIDA ACCESS 2.0 Tests took place February 6, 2019.
MCAS Dates have been finalized and we are building the accommodations schedule. Once groups have been created staff proctor trainings will take place.
Teachers were busy over the break putting the finishing touches on their Friends Grant submissions. Marblehead Charter has submitted 8 grants for ~24K in funding. This is up from last year (5 grants ~14K) The requests were for such things as;
Mosaics Program Art FMPS
Star Lab Grant
Tower Garden Lights
Classroom Library
Cognitive Connections
Guitar Ukulele
Improve Self Regulation

Organizational Viability
Grandparents' Day Breakfast ~ Thursday, February 28th from 8:30-10am.
A record 66 grandparents have RSVP'd, should be a fun event. Student performances, slide show, breakfast, school tour and group photo.
Integrated Sound Therapy and Neurofeedback: Brain-Based Therapies that Improve
Intellectual, Emotional and Physical Function Presented by:Christine King, COTA/L and Kim Martell MS, OTR/L, BCN of Project CHILLD ~ Thursday, February 28th from 6:30-8pm.

Hercules performances the weekend of March 8th, 9th 10th.
Exhibition #2 ~ Thursday, March 14th at 6pm, half day for all Friday.  
Professional Development Monday, March 18th

Staffing/Staff Retention
Intent to return forms were distributed and due before break. 4 remain outstanding, mosts intend to return. 8 staff have requested meetings to discuss. These will take place over the next 2 weeks.  
Jeff and I are looking at contracts with stipulations and our needs for next year.
Currently there is a need to replace the 4th grade Inclusion Teacher, we also anticipate the need for another person in 5th grade.
Next year we anticipate needing
  • Part time School Adjustment Counselor
  • Part time SPED admin support
We are looking to hire 2 maternity subs for this Spring
  • 8th grade Humanities, Anticipated start 4/22
  • Part Time OT, Due 4/8; Investigating contract services for remainder of the year. Placing announcement in Highlights to see if there is community interest.
Enrollment/ Student Attrition
On Wednesday January 30th,  at 6:30PM Parents of potential and existing upper grade students attended an informational presentation by the Acting Head of School and members of the faculty, followed by a brief question and answer period. Topics included school curriculum for upper grades and what we do to help them prepare for and apply to high school. 15 parents attended the event. At least 1 parent applied after attending.
A student intent to return form will be sent to existing families. Last year they were distributed March 1st. After discussion Administration has decided to return to the May timeframe.

2019-2020 Admissions Update
Enrollment for next year continues to be a top priority. The application window is now closed. The lottery will be drawn tomorrow at 9:00AM. Diane Canty from National Grand Bank will be on campus to do the honors.  

2018: Total Applicants at deadline = 177- (Salem + Lynn) = 129
2019: Total Applicants at deadline = 138- (Salem + Lynn) = 101

VIII. Public Comment


Public Comment

There was no Public comment at this time.

IX. Board Member Comments and Resolutions


Board Member Comments and Resolutions

Chair, Artie Sullivan joined the entire Board in thanking Board Member, Nichole Thompson for her stellar work, not only as a Trustee but as Chair of Governance for the past 4 years.
Nichole's term expired at the meeting.
Nichole will be sorely missed.

X. Closing Items


Recap Action Items

Additional Board meeting scheduled for 3/20/19 at 7am.


Meeting Evaluation

Meeting was productive, moved along at pace and concluded on time.


Adjourn Meeting

Artie Sullivan made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Fred Ferris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:03 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Baker
Documents used during the meeting
  • MCCPS-FY'18-19-forecast-based on 6 mo YTD.pdf
  • Financials, Jan-2019.pdf
  • Policy for Hiring if a Potential Conflict of Interest.docx
  • Interim HOS Evaluation Criteria.docx