MCCPS Board of Trustees


Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday January 8, 2019 at 7:00 PM



Committee Members Present

Christopher Riegle, Cynthia Canavan, David Moore, Jeanne Smith, Kay O'Dwyer, Nichole Thompson, Pam Ferris, Paul Baker

Committee Members Absent


Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened

Jeanne Smith

Guests Present

Phyllis Aldrich, Stephen Veiga, William Sullivan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Nichole Thompson called a meeting of the Governance Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Jan 8, 2019 at 7:00 PM.


Approve Minutes

Jeanne Smith arrived.
Approval of the minutes from the December 4, 2018 meeting was postponed until the next meeting.

II. Governance


Board of Trustee Candidates - Interview

  • Nichole Thompson provided an overview of the roles and responsibilities of Board members for guests and MCCPS teachers Stephen Veiga and Phyllis Aldrich.
  • The Committee interviewed Mr. Veiga and Ms. Aldrich.
  • Motion:  Nichole Thompson made a motion to approve Stephen Veiga as a nominee to the Board of Trustees for a full three year term, to be presented to the Board for a vote at the next meeting on January 29, 2019.  Paul Baker seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Motion:  Nichole Thompson made a motion to approve Phyllis Aldrich as a nominee to the Board of Trustees for a full three-year term or existing expiring term, to be presented to the Board for a vote at the next meeting on January 29, 2019.  Prior to presentation of nomination, Nichole Thompson will confirm with the candidate her intention to serve and her preferred term length.  Chris Riegle seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Discussion with teacher BOT candidates revealed some concerns, including teacher turnover, demands on teachers due to the student body composition, $20K lower salaries than other schools.


Board Meeting Update

Nichole Thompson provided an update from the recent Board meeting and reviewed upcoming events and needs of the Board.

III. Other Business


Engaging Teachers and Others to Serve on the Board

The Committee discussed an upcoming open house event.
The Committee discussed conflict of interest as it relates to MCCPS teacher as leader model and the consensus was that the Board of Trustees should interview school counsel, compare costs and get referrals from other schools.


February Governance Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 5, 2019.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Nichole Thompson asked for a Governance Committee Open House volunteer to orchestrate Facebook posts, weekly updates, communicate with Board Communications Committee Chair Ian Hunt, etc.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jeanne Smith