MCCPS Board of Trustees


Annual Policy Review

Date and Time

Tuesday January 8, 2019 at 7:00 PM


Wicks - 123 Pleasant St, Marblehead, MA 01945

Committee Members Present

David Hausler, Jeff Barry, Jen Jewell, Jeremy Bumagin, Karl Smith

Committee Members Absent


Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened

Jen Jewell, Jeremy Bumagin

Guests Present

Julie Santosus, Rudi Herve

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Karl Smith called a meeting of the Finance Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Jan 8, 2019 at 7:10 PM.

II. Policy Review - previous comments and existing documents


Review existing policy document

The group reviewed the printed document where mark-up highlighted some areas for discussion / open questions from the prior year.
Julie Santosus inquired as to the existence of a confidential hotline or unanimous tip-line for potential policy violations.  As a follow-up item, the team would look into how other public schools and / or charter schools receive communications / whistle blower complaints.
The group will consider the best available options and look to implement them.

The use of Debit cards attached to three accounts was reviewed in detail.  Jeff explained the approach and noted the section of the policy should be revised to reflect the current process.  The group agreed, maintaining a high-level policy and use of an appendix for specifics, is preferred.
Any GASB updates (to be confirmed with outside auditors) will be updated if needed.
Other various discussions ensued.  It was agreed that certain areas were ok as is, but may need updates when and if circumstances change.
Jeremy Bumagin arrived.


Review previous comments from prior year

Jen Jewell arrived.
Jen Jewell noted that the latest Revenue recognition audit standard may have an impact to the school, but any updates should have been reflected within the annual statements from the auditors.
Jeff noted there may be more research required with the MTRS and taxation aspects.


III. Other Business


Discuss and review proposed updates and changes to policy documents

Various other areas were reviewed and commented on by the group.
The next steps are to assemble the updates and changes, reflect the results of any research areas, and re-distribute the policy for the next meeting.
If completed, the group would then approve the updated policies for final review and approval by the Board.


IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Karl Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Jeff Barry seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Karl Smith