MCCPS Board of Trustees


Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 4, 2018 at 7:00 PM



Committee Members Present

Christopher Riegle, Cynthia Canavan, David Moore, Jeanne Smith, Kay O'Dwyer, Nichole Thompson, Paul Baker

Committee Members Absent

Pam Ferris

Guests Present

Ian Hunt

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Nichole Thompson called a meeting of the Governance Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Dec 4, 2018 at 7:06 PM.


Approve Minutes

Nichole Thompson made a motion to approve minutes from the Governance Committee Meeting on 11-06-18 Governance Committee Meeting on 11-06-18.
Cynthia Canavan seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Governance


Board of Trustee Candidates - Update

The Committee discussed the Board of Trustee candidate pipeline.  There are currently two candidates, one of whom is an MCCPS teacher and the other a former charter school head of school.  Nichole Thompson has a meeting scheduled to meet with the MCCPS teacher and is going to ask Jen Jewell to follow up with the other candidate.

The Committee discussed Board recruitment and the possibility of attracting candidates through the upcoming GC open house, the pending HOS search, strategic planning initiative and other communication tools such as advertising, etc.

The Committee discussed Board member succession, with top priority being the recruitment of high quality candidates with finance, legal, education and HR backgrounds and/or previous board experience and the second priority being diversity, including non-Marblehead parents, community members, etc.  Of particular concern is the Treasurer role as Karl Smith's term will end in August.  Nichole Thompson has discussed this position with Julie Santos, who has a finance background and is currently on the Finance Committee.


Board Meeting Update

Nichole Thompson updated the Committee on topics addressed at the 11/13 Board meeting including:
  • Board goals
  • Strategic Plan
  • Board development
  • Succession planning for executive team and committee chairs (all committees now have vice chairs)
  • Communication
  • Framework and best practices for building policies
  • Preliminary planning for 25th anniversary celebrations - how do we celebrate and recognize with fundraising events.
  • Committee updates
  • HOS report read by Board Chair
The Committee discussed 25th anniversary celebration and fundraising ideas.

III. Other Business


Engaging Teachers and Others to Serve on the Board

The Committee discussed the importance of having teachers serve on the Board, particularly because of MCCPS Charter (teachers as leaders).  Nichole Thompson relayed to the Committee recent discussions had with MCCPS school counsel and the State Ethics Commission regarding Board member conflict of interest as it relates to forming a quorum, executive session, participation at Board meetings and voting.

Cynthia Canavan educated the Committee regarding her knowledge of the subject and requested more detailed information to further research the issue.  She also suggested the idea of having school counsel come to a meeting to discuss.


2018 Year End Review

The Committee discussed planning a January open house event for the purpose of recruiting new Board and/or Committee members. 

Action Item:  Nichole Thompson to reach out to Pam and Fred Ferris to discuss the possibility of combining the GC open house with the upcoming Strategic Planning meeting.

Paul Baker and Ian Hunt volunteered to help with the planning process.

Nichole Thompson thanked the Committee for all the hard work over the past year!


January Governance Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for 1/8/2019.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jeanne Smith