MCCPS Board of Trustees


Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 2, 2018 at 7:00 PM



Committee Members Present

Christopher Riegle, Cynthia Canavan, David Moore, Jeanne Smith, Kay O'Dwyer, Nichole Thompson, Pam Ferris, Paul Baker

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

Artie Sullivan, Larry Lodgen, Martin Trice, Nina Cullen-Hamzeh

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Nichole Thompson called a meeting of the Governance Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Oct 2, 2018 at 7:07 PM.


Approve Minutes

Nichole Thompson made a motion to approve minutes from the Governance Committee Meeting on 09-17-18 Governance Committee Meeting on 09-17-18.
Kay O'Dwyer seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Governance


Board of Trustee Candidate Discussion

Martin Trice appeared before the Governance Committee to respond to new information brought to the Committee's attention after the 9/17/18 meeting.  Mr. Trice answered questions and there was some discussion.  Nichole Thompson thanked Martin Trice and he left the meeting.  The Committee decided to proceed with the agenda and come back to this issue at the end of the meeting.

The Committee reviewed the list of other potential Board candidates.


Board Meeting Update

Nichole Thompson and Artie Sullivan updated the Committee on the 9/25/18 Board meeting, including:
  • 9/20 open house was a success
  • 50 people attended Navigator Night - all committees and PTO had tables with sign-up sheets.
  • Student Council members from 7th grade attended meeting to present their initiatives to the Board.  8th grade Student Council members will attend next meeting.
  • Upcoming events - Karaoke night 10/12/18, PTO yard sale 10/13/18, Sustainability Fair with 40 vendors, Superfine 1st Tuesday of each month % to PTO, Board/Teacher social event at Superfine 10/17/18.
  • Next Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday 10/30/18.
  • HOS goals were reviewed and approved.
  • Strategic Plan was reviewed.
  • Board Composition was reviewed - 11 active members, 5 expiring terms within next 12 months.  Goal is to move beyond Marblehead and also recruit non-parent community members.
  • 2019 Board goals were discussed.
  • Charter renewal application due 8/1 and 3-day site visit will take place in the fall.

III. Other Business


Preparing for Upcoming Milestones

The Committee is tasked with nominating a Vice Chair to help with succession planning and to help the Committee Chair with the workload.  Artie Sullivan questioned why the Chair of the Governance Committee doesn't have to be a Board member (according to the by-laws).  The Committee discussed the issue and decided to continue the discussion at a later date.  Paul Baker was nominated as Vice-Chair.

The Committee discussed potential Board member candidate Martin Trice. After hearing Mr. Trice's responses to questions about new information brought to the Committee after the 9/17 meeting, the Committee decided to proceed as scheduled.  Nichole Thompson moved to present Martin Trice to the Board as a potential Board of Trustee candidate at the next Board meeting as voted previously.  Cindy Canavan seconded the motion and the motion passed.

The Committee discussed Open Meeting Law.

The Committee discussed whether Martin Trice, if approved, would have a conflict of interest in the future when voting on matters with regard to the HOS (as an ex-employee).  Cindy Canavan recommended a discussion with the school counsel.  Depending on the answer from school counsel, Martin Trice, if approved, may be a voting or non-voting member of the Board when it comes to matters of the HOS.
Action Item:  Nichole Thompson to contact school counsel with this question.

Nichole Thompson motioned to move the remaining agenda items to the next meeting.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.


Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for 11/6/18.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:11 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jeanne Smith