MCCPS Board of Trustees


Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 30, 2018 at 7:00 PM


MCCPS, Room 8L

Trustees Present

Artie Sullivan, Ellen Lodgen, Fred Ferris, Ian Hunt, Jen Jewell, Karl Smith, Nichole Thompson, Nina Cullen-Hamzeh, Paul Baker, Tony Palladino

Trustees Absent

Sean Killeen

Guests Present

Adria Smith, Carol McEnaney, Cathleen King, Elizabeth Burns, Erik Larson, Jeanne Smith, Jeff Barry, Karen Kagan, Larry Lodgen, Michael Condon, Nicole Guerin, Rob Whitman, Rodolphe Herve, William Sullivan, Xhazzie Kindle

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Artie Sullivan called a meeting of the board of trustees of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Oct 30, 2018 at 7:03 PM.


Approve Minutes

Artie Sullivan made a motion to approve minutes from the Monthly Board Meeting on 09-25-18 Monthly Board Meeting on 09-25-18.
Fred Ferris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Presentations


Student Presentation

8th Graders Charlie Smith & Alex Usanov presented an informative overview of the academics that the 8th grade are pursuing this year and the privileges that they enjoy at MCCPS.


PTO Liason

Nobody from the PTO Liaison Committee was present at the meeting.

III. Public Comment


Public Comment

There was no public comment at this time.

IV. Review of Previous Meeting Action Items


Review of Previous Meeting Action Items

Board Chair, Artie Sullivan, a provided brief overview/recap of last meetings action items.

V. Other Business


Update on Board Goals for SY 19

Board Chair, Artie Sullivan, presented a brief recap of Board Goals for the year as noted/outlined per meeting packet.


SY 2017-2018 Audit Review and Adoption

Artie Sullivan made a motion to accept the audit report as drafted along with the representations of management and the expression of opinions made by Daniel Dennis & Co. LLP as embodied in the combined financial statements and independent auditors' reports for the year ended June 30, 2018 and submit the report to the appropriate regulatory body.
Karl Smith seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Head of School Vision Presentation

HOS presented her thoughts and visions for the future of MCCPS.
The presentation was both informative and wide ranging in scope. The presentation was particularly helpful to newer Board members, as well as guests, in that the HOS covered her teaching background prior to MCCPS as well as detailing her roles and accomplishments since the inception of the school.
Together with her visions, HOS provided an all encompassing picture of MCCPS, past, present and future.


Board Self Assessment Review

This topic will be discussed at next Board meeting.


Development of Board Policies

Board Chair, Artie Sullivan, reiterated the need for the Board to approve a "policy to approve policies" to enable policies past, present and future to be reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees


Policy Adoption

Karl Smith made a motion to Accept the Policy Adoption Policy proposal as presented with the edit/deletion of the word "solely" from the first sentence.
Fred Ferris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


HOS Succession Plan

HOS succession plan was discussed. Plan received universal approval. Plan will be reworded, re-presented and discussed for vote at 11/13 Board meeting.


Strategic Planning Update

Strategic Plan Committee met on 10/10...Have a couple of vision statements that are being fine tuned.."Navigators Chart The Course"


Planning for SY 2020

This topic was briefly visited and will be further discussed at next meeting.

VI. Committee Updates


Governance Committee

Governance chair, Nichole Thompson, presented Board composition update, information on procedures and mechanics of HOS voting format at 11/13 Board meeting.
Nichole also presented Governance Committee member Paul Baker for the position of Vice Chair of Governance Committee.
Artie Sullivan proposed the motion to accept and the motion was seconded by Nina Cullen Hamzah.
The motion carried unanimously.


Finance Committee

Artie Sullivan presented Julie Santosus for official membership of Finance Committee.
Artie Sullivan proposed the motion to accept and the motion was seconded by Karl Smith
The motion carried unanimously.


Personnel Committee

Personnel Chair, Artie Sullivan noted that committee had not met during October. 
At previous meeting the committee fine tuned and approved the HOS Succession Plan that was presented to the Board at this meeting. (See Agenda packet).


Academic Excellence

In Sean Killeen's absence, Artie Sullivan presented Academic Excellence Committee member Matt Cronin for the position of Vice Chair of Academic Excellence.
Artie Sullivan proposed the motion to accept and the motion was seconded by Karl Smith
The motion carried unanimously.
The Academic Committee will be meeting 11/7/18.
To date the committee has come up with the following:

1.Academic Excellence Committee draft:
MCCPS cultivates a learning environment rich in character and culture that nurtures community, project based and service learning. All students will grow in their ability and determination to be self-directed and contributory members of society who routinely demonstrate the essential habits of perseverance, leadership, initiative, and problem-solving.
2.Instructional Leadership Team draft:
MCCPS creates an environment that promotes community and project based / service learning. MCCPS students will generate questions for learning, be self-directed in the inquiry process, and be able to defend their findings. All students will be knowledgeable and contributory members of society who demonstrate perseverance, leadership, initiative, integrity, and problem-solving.



Development Chair, Ellen Lodgen, presented Development Committee member Nick Santoro, for the position of Vice Chair of Development Committee.
Artie Sullivan proposed the motion to accept and the motion was seconded by Paul Baker.
The motion carried unanimously.

Ellen also stated that the three fund raising events so far have brought in $6,000. Unsure whether this is gross or net.


Strategic Plan Committee

Please see H above re Strategic planning update.


Communications, and Community Relations Committee

Communications Committee (Ian & Ellen) has not met..planning on doing so during the 1st week of November.

VII. HOS Report


Monthly Report

HOS presented a brief overview of her monthly report. 
Enrollment is at 229.
Please see attached packet for details.

VIII. Public Comment


Public Comment

Xhazzie Kindle noted that, at a previous informational gathering meeting, parents had overwhelmingly indicated that they were in favor of enhancing MCCPS with the current 230 enrollment and NOT growing school size and enrollment.
Wanted to know why HOS & Board were discussing plans directly opposite to the parents wishes.
Expressed the need to take care of the present and not just the future.

Eric Larson asked for clarification regarding board comments made about the sustainability of the school and its funding.

IX. Board Member Comments and Resolutions


Board Member Comments and Resolutions

No further comments were made.

X. Closing Items


Recap Action Items

Thank you note to SuperFine for providing the space for the Board/Staff/Faculty mixer.
Rewording of succession plan re; leave of absence.
Collect payment from Board members for the Volunteer Award (Clock).
Rewording of Board Goals.


Meeting Evaluation

Meeting was productive and a lot of business was covered..meeting ran till 9.40pm


Adjourn Meeting

Artie Sullivan made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Karl Smith seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Baker
Documents used during the meeting
  • MCCPS Board Acceptance.docx
  • Audit Presentation.pdf
  • MCCPS Audit, Draft 10-23.pdf
  • Emergency Succession Policy.docx
  • Emergency Succession Plan For MCCPS HOS.docx
  • MCCPS Trustee Networking and Orientation Guide - DRAFT.pdf
  • HOS Renewal Vote Preparation Document - DRAFT.pdf
  • Board_Composition_Report_10.24.18.pdf
  • Finance Committee Members 18-19.docx
  • Sept-18, Financial Report.xlsx
  • HOS Report October 2018.docx