MCCPS Board of Trustees


Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 25, 2018 at 7:00 PM


MCCPS, Room 8L

Trustees Present

Artie Sullivan, Ellen Lodgen, Ian Hunt, Jen Jewell, Karl Smith, Nichole Thompson, Nina Cullen-Hamzeh, Paul Baker, Sean Killeen

Trustees Absent

Fred Ferris, Tony Palladino

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Paul Baker

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Artie Sullivan called a meeting of the board of trustees of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Sep 25, 2018 at 7:03 PM.


Approve Minutes

Jen Jewell made a motion to approve minutes from the August Board Meeting on 08-28-18 - with minor grammatical updates August Board Meeting on 08-28-18.
Ellen Lodgen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Presentations


Student Presentation

The students explained the main aspects of the student council and their roles.
The students indicated that they would enjoy regular field day and trivia night events and would like to kept informed of events going forward


PTO Liason

Judith Nunez - PTO  liaison - outlined planned events for the school year
Started with back to school BBQ -
Welcome dinner for 4th grade parents

Three family game nights are planned with dates yet to be determined
Three Dances - Halloween - Winter / black light - Spring
Fundraising - charter night at super fine - 10% on first Tuesday of every month - 
Yard sale - October 13th - collecting good quality items - buy your own table or contribute and it goes back to PTO
Other events being discussed include Sky zone / laser tag / pottery
Ongoing tops and Crosby receipts

III. Review of Previous Meeting Action Items


Review of Previous Meeting Action Items

Items discussed:
Artie - 100%  Board participation 
Strategic plan
Letter of thanks to Peter Jalbert
Fred and Nicole - faculty social - SuperFine proposed as event space-Date to be determined in October
Ellen  Lodgen development committee- spoken with her acquaintance regarding Board development training
Nomination of Vice Chairs to all committees to ensure smooth transition


IV. Other Business


Board Self Assessment Review

Artie Sullivan reviewed the Board self assessments
Provided examples and noted areas of of interest.
Artie posed the question if the group wants to schedule a special meeting to review the strategy and review of the assessments
Nicole - two topics - 
Homework assignment - filter it to compare your answers to the group and Nina's
Jen - make action items - either break up or have a special meeting
Jen - has this assessment been used before for governance - do they refer to this.  
Ian - Pull in the data from last self assessments/comparison would be helpful. The need to delve deeper into the results are imperative to enable the Board to see move forward and identify what we lack and any training required



Discuss and Approve Board Goals for SY 19

Board goals for the year included within the agenda were discussed - the plan is to continue to schedule the retreat for June and that some measures may be in place after goals identified.
Update to the composition and slight tweaks are required.
Due to three (3) terms expiring within the next 12 months, the group recognized the need to recruit 3 new members by the end of the school year.
Other topics discussed:
 - Executive team meetings to be held regularly with the vice chairs
 - Succession plan has been drafted and is being refined.  As part of the review, key employees and functions are being identified
 - Retention goals - it was noted that the measurement or success criteria need further development.  Key indicators from study should be clarified and realistic, attainable retention goals established - in conjunction with the strategic plan
 - HOS goals - specific listing has been developed.  The consensus was to have expectations clearly set for evidence of attainment and more that just a long listing of "to do's"
 - Communications committee needs to develop a schedule - with a launch plan intended to strengthen the communication with the community, the school, the HOS and the board.
Karl Smith made a motion to Accept the revised board goals and expectations with rewording - with the understanding that updates may be made as we progress through the school year.
Nina Cullen-Hamzeh seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Paul Baker arrived.


Head of School Goals for SY 18-19

HOS revisited her goals for the school year.
It was noted that the current goals were developed utilizing the prior year's goals and updated where appropriate.
Additionally it was discussed that the HOS Job description is meant to address the various aspects of goals identified.
The total fundraising goal of $55,000 (student success, MCEF and school based) was noted and that ongoing efforts from all fronts would be needed to attain this amount.
The importance of a clear tracking mechanism and documentation was noted for monitoring progress on the ongoing goal attainment.  
Various aspects of the goals such as professional development, mentoring, class observations, service learning, curriculum and academic excellence were discussed. 

Artie Sullivan made motion to approve HOS goals
Karl Smith seconded the motion.
Motion approved unanimously



Development of Board Policies


Policy Adoption


Strategic Planning Update


Planning for SY 2020

V. Committee Updates


Governance Committee


Finance Committee

Karl Smith noted the monthly financial were provided and that the results were on track with expectations.
Jen Jewell requested that if the state allocation remains higher than first anticipated and once all of the additional student needs have been addressed, the board should meet to discuss what will be done with extra funding, if any, is forthcoming.


Personnel Committee

Personnel committee reviewed the member listing of all committees.
HOS made a motion to approve the listing of committee members
Paul Baker - seconded the motion

Ian  Hunt  stated that it would be great to hear from HOS regarding her visions, thoughts and aspirations
At October meeting, HOS will present to the Board.



Academic Excellence

Update tabled till next meeting due to time restraints.



Update tabled till next meeting due to time restraints.


Strategic Plan Committee

Update tabled till next meeting due to time restraints.


Communications, and Community Relations Committee

Update tabled till next meeting due to time restraints.

VI. HOS Report


Monthly Report

HOS presented her monthly update highlighting the following:
 - SPED student numbers are up on last school year
 - Grading changes have been instituted school wide
 - Full list of current facility and staff were presented
 - Attempting to find 3 more students for 7th and 8th grade.
 - A new MCCPS sign has been installed out front of school
 - A great start to school year, new staff are fitting in nicely and there is a great "feel-good" vibe among the staff.

VII. Public Comment


Public Comment

There were no public comments

VIII. Closing Items


Recap Action Items

Ian Hunt will reword goals for the October Board meeting


Meeting Evaluation


Adjourn Meeting

Artie Sullivan made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Ian Hunt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Baker
Documents used during the meeting
  • Governance Committee Members.pdf
  • Personnel Committee 18-19.docx
  • Board Assessment Report - 2018.pdf
  • Recommended Resources - 2018.pdf
  • HOS Goals 2018-19 Draft.docx
  • Governance Committee Update 9.18.18.pdf
  • MCCPS - FinCom report - Sept-2018.docx
  • MCCPS Financials, 9-18.pdf
  • Emergency Succession Plan For MCCPS HOS.docx
  • Succession Plan, HOS - Emergency, from job description.docx
  • HOS Job Description.doc
  • Fundraising & Friend-raising with dates.xlsx
  • HOS Report September 2018.docx