MCCPS Board of Trustees


July Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday July 10, 2018 at 7:00 PM


MCCPS, Room 8L

Trustees Present

Artie Sullivan, Fred Ferris, Jen Jewell, Karl Smith, Nichole Thompson, Sean Killeen, Tony Palladino

Trustees Absent

Ellen Lodgen, Ian Hunt, Nina Cullen-Hamzeh, Paul Baker

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Artie Sullivan called a meeting of the board of trustees of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Jul 10, 2018 at 7:09 PM.


Approve Minutes

Last meeting minutes will be approved in August

II. HOS Report


Monthly Report

Artie Sullivan read the HOS report to the group and provided some helpful insights
There was extended discussion on the pro-ration comment in the HOS report regarding the student reimbursement amount from Salem district.
Follow-up requested - more details regarding when this would be effective, how siblings would impact the calculation, and the anticipated pro-ration amount or rate - more clarification is needed.
Equal pay and minimum wage laws and potential impacts were discussed by the group - with more consideration needed.
Analysis may be needed for the gender based considerations - 
12 weeks of paid leave - this will have an impact.


III. Other Business


Strategic Planning Update

Jen and Fred provided a brief update on the strategic plan.
Martin's transition plan and next steps were reviewed.
Gary was thanked on behalf of the board - requested electronic copy.
Next steps:
 - clean-up / consolidation will happen (Jen)
 - core areas will be highlighed
 - Martin to remain active / involved on committee
 - Send the areas back out to committee chairs and sub-groups of the SPC (strategic planning committee)
 - Prioritize / finalize core areas - bring it back together
 - Draft final complete plan - September time frame.

Some feedback was provided by board members based on the information presented to date and impressions of the process.
More leadership on these projects - next steps - follow-through and continuity
Ownership and leadership roles - pulling in more staff and management was discussed



Finalize Head of School Evaluation

The re-worked evaluation was reviewed.  Artie indicated that Nina was comfortable if the board wanted to vote on the revised evaluation.
Vote - Jen made motion to accept the HOS 2017-2018 executive summary and summative evaluation report
Second - Fred and Tony
Passed unanimously


Discuss Board Goals for SY 18-19

Artie reviewed the goals discussed at the retreat in detail and general discussion ensued on each of the four proposed goals.


Development of Board Policies

Artie reviewed the links he had previously sent today to all of the policies and google documents.
Within the folders are useful documents and examples for many different areas and aspects of school policies and governance.
He expressed hope that the work could be allocated to the various sub-committees to stress the importance of review and evaluation of existing policies.
Some policies may flow into other areas - we are hoping to establish relevant links.
Artie is requesting that Governance review the "adopting a policy" policy - and provide feedback so that it can be adopted and in place - hopefully a draft for August.  Nicole - timing is tight.
More of a framework?  We don't have anything currently
Policies - need to formalize certain areas.


Board Transition

Karl Smith made a motion to Make the following changes to the school's Operating account (8934) at EBSB to remove Jennifer Jewell as a signatory To Add Arthur Sullivan, Board Chair, as a signatory Changes to take effect as soon as the new signatories are active on the account.
Fred Ferris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Some discussion was had by the board to review the officer positions and requirements of the by-laws.  Specifically the Treasurer position was noted as Karl will soon be entering or has already entered his third year.
Proper transition and adherence to the rules should be adequately considered.

IV. Committee Updates


Governance Committee

Based on the timing of this meeting, the Governance Committee has not met since the last meeting.
Nicole discussed some thoughts and ideas surrounding succession planning for all potential scenarios / outcomes.  


Finance Committee

The Finance sub-committee also has not met yet and the financial statement have not been reviewed.  There was no substantive update for finance


Personnel Committee

No current update - next meeting scheduled for September


Academic Excellence

Sean indicated the next meeting will be schedule in the near future.



No one present for Develpment


Strategic Plan Committee

Update provided above


Communications, and Community Relations Committee

Jen requested that board members consider recruiting members to the Communications Committee.
Additional staff membership was also noted by the group.

V. Public Comment


Public Comment

No one present

VI. Closing Items


Recap Action Items

Artie requested the following:
 - Chairs to look at policies that pertain to their sub-committee - compare contrast, review and propose updates
 - Committee members are urged to designate vice chairs for each committee
 - Nina is requested to perform a self-assessment to be shared at August or September meeting as part of 2018-2019 HOS goals.
 - Board to adopt their preliminary goals for 2018 - 2019 school year
 - Board members must complete their disclosures and required state filings for the August meeting and need to provide Nicole with evidence of such.


Meeting Evaluation

The board members provided their thoughts on the effectiveness of the meeting.
No substantive comments were received.


Adjourn Meeting

Karl Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Tony Palladino seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Karl Smith
Documents used during the meeting
  • EBSB Board Motion FY19.docx