MCCPS Board of Trustees


Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 8, 2018 at 7:00 PM



Committee Members Present

Cynthia Canavan, David Moore, Jeanne Smith, Kay O'Dwyer, Nichole Thompson, Pam Ferris

Committee Members Absent

Christopher Riegle, Paul Baker

Guests Present

Rob Whitman, Xhazzie Kindle

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Nichole Thompson called a meeting of the Governance Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday May 8, 2018 at 7:07 PM.


Approve Minutes

Nichole Thompson made a motion to approve minutes from the Governance Committee Meeting on 04-03-18 Governance Committee Meeting on 04-03-18.
Kay O'Dwyer seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Governance


Board Update

Nichole Thompson updated the Committee on the 4/24/18 Board of Trustees meeting:
  • Personnel Committee member John Steinberg presented an analysis of the HOS mid-term evaluation surveys.
  • Personnel Committee Chairperson Artie Sullivan gave an update on the Personnel Committee.
  • It was announced that the Chowderfest event had been cancelled.
  • Action Item:  Find out at next Board Meeting why this event was cancelled.


Upcoming Initiatives

Nichole Thompson asked for the Committee's updates to the Board training document, which she will incorporate into an updated version of the document.
Pam Ferris presented her research for Board training, including a mentoring document, a Board self-evaluation document and a Trustee expectations document (from Jen Jewell) and the Committee discussed.
After some discussion the Committee decided on a rough format for the training session of the Board Retreat:
  1. Nichole Thompson will do an introduction and check-in - engage the group and have them do the self-evaluation.
  2. Pam Ferris will review drafts of job descriptions (roles and responsibilities) and end with succession planning, including Board mentoring program.
Action Item:  Nichole Thompson and Pam Ferris to work on Board training package for 6/2/18 Board retreat.

The Committee discussed the idea of a "Breakfast with the Board" event at a morning meeting, where HOS could introduce the Board members and the students could ask questions.  Another idea was for Board members to meet with the Student Council.  Given how late in the year it is, this may have to wait until the Fall.
Action Item:  Pam Ferris will ask Fred Ferris to contact HOS to set up.

The status of the Board of Trustee candidate was discussed.  Pam Ferris invited Friday Ekpa to the next GC meeting for an interview.

The Committee welcomed Rob Whitman, who introduced himself and discussed his interest in serving MCCPS.

The Committee discussed the current Board composition (11 active members with 5 terms expiring in 2019) and the need for skills in potential new Board members such as previous Board experience, thoughtfulness and willingness to speak up, background in education, background in finance, background in law, diversity, HR experience.

Fumni Korede is not interested in serving as a Board member at this time, but is interested in serving on a Committee.
Rob Whitman mentioned that his neighbor is a lawyer and he could check to see if he is interested in serving on the Board or a Committee.

III. Other Business


Upcoming Events and Activities


Next Meeting: June 5th

The next meeting was scheduled for June 5, 2018.



Parent Xhazzie Kindle informed the Committee that an MCCPS parent posted a comment to a private group on Facebook regarding an incident that happened with a student at school and that the HOS asked her to delete the post.  She wanted to know if the HOS has the right to make her delete the post and if MCCPS has a social media policy.

The Committee discussed the issue and determined that it was a 3-part issue. 
  1. The email communication from the HOS regarding the incident at school was written in a manner that caused confusion and concern among parents, which caused some of them to look for information elsewhere.  The Committee discussed and agreed on the need for an overall Communication policy.
  2. Parents posted questions about the incident to a private Facebook group named "MCCPS 5th Grade Parents".  The Committee discussed the issue and agreed that no site or post should be named anything that could lead someone to believe that it is sanctioned by the school and that parents should put a disclaimer on any such site indicating that it is not sanctioned by MCCPS.  The need for parents to be thoughtful when sharing on social media was also discussed.
  3. The HOS asked for the post to be deleted.  The Committee discussed and agreed that the HOS cannot make a parent delete a post to social media.
Cindy Canavan recommended that the HOS talk to school counsel regarding social media policies.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:17 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jeanne Smith