MCCPS Board of Trustees


Personnel Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday February 8, 2018 at 7:00 PM


MCCPS, 8th Grade

Committee Members Present

Artie Sullivan, John Steinberg, Katie Sullivan, Nina Cullen-Hamzeh, Patricia Rietti, Xhazzie Kindle

Committee Members Absent

Paula Poss

Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened

John Steinberg

Guests Present

Jen Jewell, Karl Smith

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Artie Sullivan called a meeting of the Personnel Committee Committee of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Thursday Feb 8, 2018 at 7:12 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests

Welcome to our new chair, Arthur Sullivan, MCCPS Board member.


Approve Minutes

Xhazzie Kindle made a motion to approve minutes from Nov. 14, 2018 meeting.
Patricia Rietti seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Old Business


Review HOS Support Committee Job Description

Discussion re-opened on the Personnel Committee Job Description change that was voted in by this committee in the Nov. meeting.  It was noted that the parts of the Charter by-laws listed in Section 7 that this committee had historically not been responsible for need to be taken care of by someone.  Artie suggested that those items be kept in this committee's job description and that the committee create the policies for them.

Action item:  Members will begin to get a better sense for what some of these policies will look like for further discussion at the next meeting.  Resources include Board on Track, the Marblehead District School Committee website, Salem School website, etc.  Artie will forward some resources to consider.

This committee will hold off on presenting the Personnel Committee Job Description to the Board of Trustees until we have a better understanding of those items in the by-laws that have not been part of the committee's purvue in the past.  Arthur will share this rationale with the Board at the next meeting.
Vote: All committee members present voted in favor of nullifying the vote taken at the Nov. meeting to present the new job description to the Board.  This will be discussed further at the next meeting before presentation to the Board of Trustees.

John Steinberg arrived.


Progress of HOS Goals 2017-2018

Nina presented a list of indicators that connect to her goals.  This overlay was intended to streamline the rather large rubric used for HOS Evaluation.  By covering these within her goals, they would not need to be covered on the rubric.


HOS Annual Review

A Board on Track webinar suggests that there be a "sub-committee of the Personnel Committee" that conducts the HOS Evaluation.  The HOS Evaluation should be informed by evidence.  The HOS will present evidence toward her goals and in addition, survey(s) will be administered (Val-Ed and/or the Board on Track CEO survey).

Action item: Committee members will watch the Board on Track webinar on HOS Evaluations.

Action item: Artie will contact Marty Trice about how the Mystic Valley Charter School does their HOS Evaluation.  The goal will be to streamline the MCCPS process instead of being held to the current lengthy rubric.  Artie will invite him to a future meeting.

The Personnel committee firms up the details of the revised process in March.
The Val-Ed and Board on Track CEO Evaluation surveys will be administered by the Personnel Committee in early April.
Nina will present her evidence toward her goals to the Evaluation sub-committee (which consists of Personnel committee members and Board Executive committee members) at the May Personnel Committee meeting.
The Evaluation Report of the sub-committee is presented to the full Board at the June meeting.

Motion:  Artie moved and Katie seconded the motion that the Personnel Committee, for the 2018 HOS Evaluation, accepts the responsibility to conduct the HOS Review and will present the HOS Summative Evaluation to the Board of Trustees, pending Board approval.  Vote was unanimous.

Action item: The Personnel Committee will review the current HOS Policy & Procedures documents and rubric for discussion at the next meeting.

Action item:  Karl will check on the Board on Track subscription for use of the survey.  Katie, Artie and Karl will coordinate on the survey administration.

III. New Business


Succession PLan

Board member Karl Smith believes it is necessary for the school to have a Succession Plan in the event that the HOS is no longer performing his/her duties.  Board on Track has a recommendation outlined and Karl shared an article on Succession Planning from  Karl is willing to work on this with the committee and provided the resources for our consideration and review.  Further discussion will take place at a future meeting.

IV. Action Items


Review Action Items from Meeting

Action items are listed in the minutes above and were reviewed orally at the close of the meeting.


Meeting Schedule

Next meeting: Monday, March 5, 2018 7 p.m.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Katie Sullivan made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Xhazzie Kindle seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Katie Sullivan