MCCPS Board of Trustees


Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday January 30, 2018 at 7:00 PM


MCCPS 8th Grade Classroom

Trustees Present

Ellen Lodgen, Fred Ferris, Ian Hunt, Jen Jewell, Karl Smith, Nina Cullen-Hamzeh, Paul Baker, Sean Killeen

Trustees Absent

Tony Palladino

Guests Present

Artie Sullivan, Martin Trice, Nichole Thompson

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Jen Jewell called a meeting of the board of trustees of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Jan 30, 2018 at 7:10 PM.


Approve Minutes

Karl Smith made a motion to approve minutes.
Fred Ferris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Nomination of Artie Sullivan to the MCCPS Board of Trustees

Paul Baker made a motion to move that the Board appoint Artie Sullivan as a member of the MCCPS Board of Trustees to fill a term commencing immediately upon approval by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and expiring at the close of the January 2021 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees. Paul Baker moved that the Board invite the newly appointed Trustee, Artie Sullivan, to all Board Meetings and activities while his approval is pending with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Artie Sullivan will be entitled to participate as provisional Trustee and will be able to participate in all activities and discussions, but will receive formal approval from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and will not be counted when determining a quorum.
Nina Cullen-Hamzeh seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. HOS Report


Monthly Report

HOS presented her Monthly report to the Board.
MCCPS was ranked #9 in a survey of best charter schools in MA.
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The Music Extravaganza was a great success with a splendid audience turnout.

As of 1/29/18 136 applications have been received for the 2018/2019 school year; Lynn 17, Malden 1, Marblehead 62, Salem 21,  Nahant 1, Peabody 7, Salem 21, Stoughton 1 and Swampscott 24. Twenty one of the applications are from siblings.
MCCPS is fully enrolled. One 7th grade student left in December and the place has been filled.

The Marblehead Charter Education Fund (MCEF) met at the home of the HOS for their Annual Meeting together with their spouses. Parent, Steve MacCallum, was added to to the board and officers were elected.
Signatories are being processed and the new certificate of solicitation will be submitted soon.
HOS met with Maryann Perry, Superintendent of Marblehead Schools to discuss strategic planning, new buildings and the sharing of student information.
Interviews for an additional special educator will begin shortly.

III. Other Business


Mid-cycle Head of School evaluation discussion

HOS passed out her amended goals for Board members to review. The Board will review, discuss and vote on them at the February 27th Board meeting.


Board Assessment review

There was a brief discussion of the Board assessment review.The discussion will continue at the February Board meeting.


Committee's Job Descriptions, Annual Goals, and Calendar

Each committee shared updates and will continue to to work on Job Descriptions, Annual Goals and the Calendar.
Katie Hope has stepped down from both the Board of Trustees and Chair of the Personnel Committee with immediate effect. The MCCPS Board would like to place on record their gratitude to Katie for her 8 plus years of service to our school.
New Board member, Artie Sullivan was nominated by Board Chair Jen Jewell as the new Personnel Committee Chair with immediate effect.

IV. Committee Updates


Governance Committee

Nichole Thompson presented Governance committee update.
Nichole noted that Pam Ferris will officially be interviewed at the Governance Committee at the 2/6/18 meeting, and then to the Board at the 2/27/18 meeting for approval. The Committee is, as always, looking to recruit potential new Board and Committee members and will continue to support the Board with advice and training wherever applicable.


Finance Committee

Karl Smith presented a brief update on financials and will present a five year projection of annual budgets at the 2/27/18 Board meeting.


Personnel Committee

Personnel will be meeting on 2/8/18 under the guidance of new chair, Artie Sullivan. It was decided, given the recent turnover in Chairs that members of the Board will also attend the Personnel Committee meeting to assist in attempting to formulate a HOS Secession Plan asap.


Academic Excellence

Chair, Sean Killeen updated the Board on Academic Excellence. The Committee met on 1/10/18 and membership is up to 8. Going forward, the Committee will be examining staff and student attrition.


Development, Communications, and Community Relations Committee

Ellen Lodgen and Martin Trice provided an update on Development and Community relations Committee Goals.
Fundraising Goal for the school year is $20,000.
Goal: Annual Appeal Campaign hopes to raise $13,000 from individual donors by 6/30/18. This will be achieved via appeals through  Facebook, Constant Contact and the MCCPS website. There will also be a phone calling effort to contact past donors to increase or match their gifts from previous years.
There will be a Winter Online Auction, via Bidding for Good with a goal of raising $5,000 from online donors by 3/1/2018.

Community Relations Goals for the year include raising $2,000 from public events including the hosting of a Sustainability Faire and/or public chowder tasting.
There will be a drive to have at least one MCCPS related item published each week in a local paper and/or on a social media site.
Open Houses will be held in order to further market MCCPS along with the distribution of lawn signs and flyers and the sale of Holiday cards.
Videography and Alumni stories will also be utilized in the marketing of the school.


Strategic Plan Committee

Strategic Planning Committee Chair, Fred Ferris and Martin Trice, updated the Board on the committees progress noting that a Strategic Planning Open House will be held for the MCCPS community on Wednesday March 21st @ 6pm.

V. Public Comment


Public Comment

There was no public comment.

VI. Closing Items


Recap Action Items

ACTION ITEM: Board members will attend Personnel Committee on 2/8/18 to provide support for their goals.
ACTION ITEM: Personnel Committee will be charged with reviewing the rubric for upcoming HOS evaluation.
ACTION ITEM: Board Chair, Jen Jewell, will condense Board and Committee goals and share before 2/27/18 meeting.


Meeting Evaluation

A brief discussion ensued and it was noted that a lot of material was covered within a packed agenda. More time was spent on some important discussions than was anticipated.
It was decided that all Board members would disseminate informational handouts before Board meetings wherever possible in order to further streamline Board meetings.


Adjourn Meeting

Karl Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Fred Ferris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Baker