MCCPS Board of Trustees


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday August 29, 2017 at 7:00 PM


MCCPS - 8th Grade Classroom

Trustees Present

Bill Bowden, Ellen Lodgen, Jen Jewell, John Stickevers, Karl Smith, Nina Cullen-Hamzeh, Paul Baker, Sean Killeen, Tony Palladino

Trustees Absent

Katie Hope

Guests Present

Anne Brown, Annie Sullivan, Christopher Riegle, David Moore, Ed Harvey, Fred Ferris, Ian Hunt, Jeanne Smith, Jeff Freedman, Katie Freedman, Kay O'Dwyer, Lisa hoguet, Lori Sherf, Nichole Thompson, Samantha Rosato, Stephen Brown, Suzanne Labrie, Tobi Lew, Xhazzie Kindle

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Jen Jewell called a meeting of the board of trustees of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Aug 29, 2017 at 7:00 PM.


Approve Minutes

Karl Smith made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Retreat on 06-24-17 Board Retreat on 06-24-17.
Bill Bowden seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. HOS Report


Monthly Report

HOS provided her report/update. Opening ceremonies were a great success. The school is at full enrollment, although the 4th & 5th grades have higher enrollment than the 7th & 8th grades. HOS provided handouts detailing staff/faculty/student attrition over the last five years. 40 students left during the summer and 8 staff/faculty. All staff and students were sent exit surveys. As of today, some 50% of recipients have responded to the surveys. The student attrition was far greater this year than in previous years therefore Judith Nunez, as part of her studies towards gaining her Vice Principal licensure, will undertake a study of staff and student attrition so that the school may learn and better understand the reasons for early departures.
Erik Roberts has been hired as the new 7th grade Inclusion teacher.
HOS is half way through her Doctoral studies. Hours remaining are 250, and these hours will be put in during weekends, evenings and the use of vacation time so that her hours at MCCPS will not be compromised.

III. Other Business


Board of Trustees Goals for SY17-18

Board Chair Jen Jewell thanked outgoing Chair, Bill Bowden, for his services over the past year and and presented an overview of Board business for the upcoming year. Goals will include the implementation of a strategic plan: the need to develop Board membership, especially from within the faculty and non-parent community. The completion of member self assessment on Board On Track. Individual committees will present clear job descriptions as well as membership and goals by the December 2017 Board Meeting. Committees will take a look at Board policies, breaking them down by topic, in a concerted effort to streamline procedures for future Board members.


Address Governance Committee Letter

Nichole Thompson, Chair of the Governance Committee, sent a letter to Board Chair, Jen Jewell.
Concerns included staff attrition, especially senior advisory teachers and the loss of institutional knowledge, the loss of students as a result of these advisory teachers leaving, student attrition, exit surveys/interviews for staff and students, the processes for posting and hiring staff, the value of the 5 year program to students, the dirth of meetings convened by the Personnel Committee in the past year.
The letter was shared with the HOS.
In response, the HOS addressed the concerns of the committee citing the following:
Judith Nunez will undertake a study into student attrition.
Exit surveys and interviews have been offered to all departing staff in an effort to better understand the reasons for their departure.
An Induction & Mentoring program has been introduced where-in senior teachers will be paired with new or first year teachers for mentoring purposes. Mentors will have a choice of compensations for their efforts.
Board Chair, Jen Jewell, suggested that the Academic Success, Strategic Planning and Personnel Committees will address many of these concerns and they will be evaluated and analyzed accordingly.


Committee Membership and Goals

Board Chair, Jen Jewell, reiterated the need for each Board committee to both identify goals and increase committee membership during the upcoming year.

IV. Committee Updates


Governance Committee

Governance Committee Chair, Nichole Thompson presented an update on Board membership. Governance committee will continue to seek out and identify potential individuals for committee and board membership. Nichole will also follow up with the State on the status of Board members in waiting, Fred Ferris and Ian Hunt.


Finance Committee

Karl Smith presented an update on the school finances. In the interests of transparency,  Karl will present a general financial overview at each Board meeting throughout the year .

The Board of Trustees votes to make the following changes to the school's Operating Account (8934) at East Boston Savings Bank.

To Remove William Bowden as a signatory
To add Jennifer Jewell, Board Chair, as a signatory.

Changes to take effect as soon as the new signatories are active on the account.

The motion was presented by Karl Smith and seconded by Bill Bowden.
The motion passed unanimously.


Personnel Committee

Bill Bowden, new Personnel Committee Chair, shared his intentions to hold a committee meeting before the end of September. The date of 9/12/17 has since been set. At the upcoming meeting, the committee will work with HOS to set Academic goals for the year. Bill  also spoke to the importance of increasing the number of committee members.


Academic Excellence

Sean Killeen presented an update on the Academic Committee. Board members Ian Hunt and John Stickevers will join Sean on the committee along with MCCPS parent, Pam Ferris. Sean spoke of his intention of attracting at least two more parents and two faculty members to serve on the committee as well as members of the Instructional Leadership Team and perhaps older current students and Alumni. In an effort to increase interest, Sean will institute low key "casual coffee meetings".


Development, Communications, and Community Relations Committee

Ellen Lodgen, Development Committee Chair provided an update on committee membership. At present, the committee consists of Board Members, Ellen, Tony Palladino and Fred Ferris as well Dr. John Sullivan and parent and PTO President Ed Harvey.
To aid the Development committee in its endevours while the search for a new Development Director continues NIck Santoro will help with Alumni liason and Susan Hauck will help with Community Outreach.
HOS informed the Board that she had received resumes from a number of interested candidates for the Development Directors position  (which could, potentially be a part time position) and interviews had begun. Chosen candidates will be presented to the Board for interview/approval/discussion in due course.


Strategic Plan Committee

Fred Ferris spoke to the importance of hiring a Strategic planner asap. A second candidate is to meet with HOS, Fred Ferris, Jen jewell, Bill Bowden and Paul Baker August 31st @ 4pm.
A motion was made by Board Chair, Jen Jewell, to approve up to $6000 to spend on the Strategic Planners' services once they were identified by the Strategic Planning Committee. The motion was seconded by Karl Smith and passed unanimously.

V. Public Comment


Public Comment

There were a larger number of guests than usual present at this Board meeting and many of them shared both their appreciation for,  and constructive criticism of, the school and MCCPS staff.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Baker