MCCPS Board of Trustees


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday April 26, 2017 at 7:00 PM


MCCPS, 8th Grade Classroom

Trustees Present

Bill Bowden, Ellen Lodgen, Jen Jewell, John Stickevers, Karl Smith, Katie Hope, Nina Cullen-Hamzeh, Paul Baker, Sean Killeen, Tony Palladino

Trustees Absent

Paul McCarthy

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Jen Jewell, Katie Hope

Guests Present

Christopher Riegle, Fred Ferris, Ian Hunt, Nichole Thompson, Paula Poss

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Bill Bowden called a meeting of the board of trustees of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Wednesday Apr 26, 2017 at 7:00 PM.


Approve Minutes

Bill Bowden made a motion to approve minutes.
Karl Smith seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Minutes for both the March 28th and April 6th Board Meeting were approved

II. HOS Report


Monthly Report

HOS presented her monthly report.
Danielle Fletcher has offered to assist with future school surveys.
Summer Adventure @ Charter is set and it is hoped that the programming will be, at the least, revenue neutral.
MCAS testing is ongoing and going well.
Chromebooks for the 6th Grade have arrived and will be distributed shortly.
Site Visit report from the Office of Charter Schools has been received. Will be shared with the Board this week.
School is fully enrolled..4 students have transferred to Village so far this year.
Following the approval of the FY18 budget, contracts will be proffered to staff and faculty.
MHD Fire Brigade representative toured the new space and indicated where improvements were required.

III. Finance Committee Report


Monthly Report

Katie Hope arrived.
Jen Jewell arrived.
Karl Smith presented Financial reports, Balance Sheets and P&L for March as well as comparisons for July thru March P& L's of previous years.
Karl is still working on the FY18  Budget with Jeff Barry and will present it to the Board for approval at the May 30th Board meeting.
Other/new areas of income streams were discussed ie. rental of the gym for sporting activities.


Upcoming Fiscal Year Budget

Please see above.

IV. Personnel Committee


Update on HOS annual evaluation

John presented a n update from personnel committee on the HOS evaluation for June. It was suggested that Val-Ed/Board on Track/ Staff,Teacher & Parent satisfaction Surveys would be used.
It was decided that only Val-Ed surveys would be used for the HOS Review.
Teacher and Parent satisfaction surveys will be shared with the Board.
Board on Track will be utilized to set Board & HOS goals for 2017/18 school year.
Motion made to approve by John Stickevers.
Motion seconded by Karl Smith.
Motion Carried unanimously.

V. Development Committee


Update on Development Activity

Ellen presented an update on the Gala Ad book..sales so far are up on last year and a decent number of new sponsers have been garnered.Sales of Gala tickets have been slow to date but there is expected to be an uptick in sales in the final week.
To date, $43,900 has been raised this school year from the various events. ($80,000 was projected).

VI. Governance


Update on New Board Candidates

Nichole Thompson presented Fred Ferris to the Board to be considered for a 3 year seat on the MCCPS Board beginning on 04/28/17.
Bill Bowden made the motion that the Board should appoint Fred Ferris as a member of the MCCPS Board of Trustees to fill a term commencing immediately upon approval by DESE and expiring at the close of 04/28/2020 regular meeting of The Board of trustees
Karl Smith seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.

Bill Bowden made the motion that the Board invite the newly appointed trustee, Fred Ferris, to all Board meetings and activities while his approval is pending with the DESE. Fred Ferris will be entitled to to participate as provisional Trustee and will be able to participate in all activities and discussions, but will not be permitted to vote on any matter until he receives formal approval from the DESE, and will not be counted when determining a quorum.
Karl Smith seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.

Nichole Thompson presented Ian Hunt to the Board to be considered for a 3 year seat on the MCCPS Board beginning on 04/28/17.
Bill Bowden made the motion that the Board should appoint Ian Hunt as a member of the MCCPS Board of Trustees to fill a term commencing immediately upon approval by DESE and expiring at the close of 04/28/2020 regular meeting of The Board of trustees
Katie Hope seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.

Bill Bowden made the motion that the Board invite the newly appointed trustee, Ian Hunt, to all Board meetings and activities while his approval is pending with the DESE. Ian Hunt will be entitled to to participate as provisional Trustee and will be able to participate in all activities and discussions, but will not be permitted to vote on any matter until he receives formal approval from the DESE, and will not be counted when determining a quorum.
Paul Baker seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.

VII. Other Business


Review of the Town Hall

The Board briefly reviewed the Town Hall meeting.
Overall, it was viewed as a success, although a larger number of attendees would have been preferred.
The Board will consider weather to engage the services of a facilitator to help with the formulation of the  strategic plan at the May meeting.
Nichole Thompson also asked the Board to consider how much time they would like the Governance Committee to devote to Board training at the June retreat.


Board Terms - Paul McCarthy

Paul McCarthy was absent from the meeting. His term officially ends on 4/30/2017.
Bill Bowden will reach out to Paul to find out if he will be renewing his seat on the Board.


Board Giving Policy

HOS emphasized the importance of promoting the MCCPS and being seen to "give" to fundraisers/events etc.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Baker