MCCPS Board of Trustees

Development & Communications Monthly Meeting - March (delayed)

Published on March 28, 2022 at 4:17 PM EDT
Amended on March 28, 2022 at 4:51 PM EDT

Date and Time

Monday April 4, 2022 at 6:30 PM EDT


Zoom Meeting


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes from Past Meetings
    Approve minutes for Development & Communications Monthly Meeting on January 24, 2022
  D. Approve Minutes from Past Meetings
    Approve minutes for Development & Communications Monthly Meeting on September 27, 2021
  E. Approve Minutes from Past Meetings
    Approve minutes for Development Committee Monthly Meeting on February 27, 2020
  F. Approve Minutes from Past Meetings
    Approve minutes for Monthly Development Committee Meeting on September 18, 2020
  G. Approve Minutes from Past Meetings
    Approve minutes for Development & Communications Committee Monthly Meeting on November 20, 2020
  H. Approve Minutes from Past Meetings
    Approve minutes for Development & Communications Committee Monthly Meeting on January 15, 2021
  I. Approve Minutes from Past Meetings
    Approve minutes for Development & Communications Committee Monthly Meeting on February 26, 2021
  J. Approve Minutes from Past Meetings
    Approve minutes for Development & Communications Committee Monthly Meeting on April 26, 2021
  K. Approve Minutes from Past Meetings
    Approve minutes for Development & Communications Committee Monthly Meeting on May 21, 2021
II. Primary Agenda Items
  A. Review DEVCOMM Strategy
  B. Discussion Items
  • Committee Expansion  - identification of new committee members to lead fund raising activities.
  • Mural(s) -  explore / develop strategy to realize targets.
  • Entrepreneur Fair - discuss ideas for hosting a MCCPS  entrepreneur fair (date to be determined).
  • Other Fund Raising Opportunities.
III. Other Business
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting