Gestalt Community Schools


2024 March Gestalt Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 28, 2024 at 8:30 AM


Power Center Academy Elementary and Middle: Southeast  

8216 E Shelby Drive  

Memphis, TN 38125 


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Directors Present

A. Evans Blackwell, D. Bradford (remote), D. Generette Walker (remote), D. Selberg (remote), G. Gonzalez (remote), G. Raggs, G. Sago IV (remote), K. Satterthwaite, K. Thomas, L. Harris (remote), M. Lady (remote), N. Woods Dobbins (remote), Y. Lewis (remote)

Directors Absent

A. Jacobo, K. Walker Burt

Guests Present

B. Mesailikh-Woolley, B. Turner, N. Rogers

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Evans Blackwell called a meeting of the board of directors of Gestalt Community Schools to order on Thursday Mar 28, 2024 at 8:34 AM.


Record Attendance

Approval of minutes Note:


• Ashanta Evans Blackwell (Board Chair) kicks off meeting, encourages everyone to watch  

  impactful documentary and seeks approval for minutes with proposed edits, while also 

  requesting an Executive Session to discuss finances at end of meeting.


Approve Minutes from Gestalt' Board of Director January 2024

G. Raggs made a motion to approve the minutes from 2024 January Gestalt Board of Directors Meeting on 01-25-24.
N. Woods Dobbins seconded the motion.

Approve with the acknowledgement of changing and/or deleting the incorrect amount in sentence, that shows crossed below in the finance presentation section of Jan 2024 minutes, under the title of:


Malco construction budget and design changes Summary:


  • COO/CS&DO explains revised budget of $21.5 million for school construction. with $17.8 million for construction costs and $1.1 million in redesign costs.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Finance


Finance Reporting & Updates (Presenter CFO N.Rogers)

Budget and financial performance upadate:



  • Open discussion with the budget performance and noting that the revenue for the year was $28.8 million.
  • Year to date expenses were budgeted for the entire year at $38.5 million and year to date. 
  • Feb of Y23 closed with a net income cash basis of $2.4 million.
  • The financial snapshot showing 70% of budget collected and spent 60% of total budget.
  • Presented the risk of ESSER funding and where each school's allocated budget is according to ESSER in the current year.
  • In Y24 Gestalt has identifies that the $2.5 million in ESSER funding must be use, as the organization runs the risk of losing this funding.
  • Mentioned that Elementary Hickory Hill has the largest ESSER allocation of $6.9 million. 
  • Mentioned EESER funding ends June 30.
  • CFO discussed the financial snapshot and how it shows the ability to meet current obligations.
  •  Gestalt is looking at Grants Receivable.  Gestalt has collected year to date $5.79 million.
  • CFO identifies potential risks to FY24 budget, including unused ESSER funding and Malco construction risks.
  • The school district's budget and expenses, including $5 million spent on mouth and Mouchel investments.
  • The meeting with lenders is mentioned to discuss the construction loan, with a predicted loan amount of $25 million and a focus on academic performance.
  • As of March 21st, its shown to have 23 days of cash on hand and after paying all liabilities there was around $6 million in cash. 
  • Gestalt collected year to date in grants receivable $5.79 million. Where $2.7 million is ESSER. $400,000 is ESSER reimbursements.

III. Operations


HR Reporting & Updates (Presenter CFO N.Rogers)

  • Gestalt has 59 position to fill for FY 25; of those, 29 are teaching positions.
  • The strategy on hiring for vacant positions is to target other nearby states as AR & MS, social media posting, and meet and greets. 
  • Created a relocation allowance to bring people to Memphis.  
  • Questions were asked around the vacancies and if the amount of 29 is a anomaly.
  • The answer was that the people was to come back the decision was made, more of leadership terminating because it may not have a good fit. 
  • Provided detailed listing of sources, budget updates, and HR updates for FY 25.


Operations Report (Presenter COO T.Leftwich)

School attendance and absenteeism:

  • Open with the analyzes attendance data to assess progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • In attendance rate Gestalt wants to be at 95%
  • In the areas of absentees, Gestalt identifies 2 areas of opportunity.

School enrollment update:

  • Discussion is had on the progress of enrollment at various schools in the organization, with a focus on the southeast campus where retention rates are lower than target.
  • The recruitment and enrollment team is working to close gaps and maintain enrollment levels at other schools.
  • CSOO is optimistic about the progress of the school's goal, despite showing a 72% gap in kindergarten readiness.

Construction progress and update:

  • Notates the project budget showing still above the target of $21.5million for the construction, but the contractor is optimistic about hitting the target with additional bids and allowances. 
  • Discussion is open in regards the construction's schedule and for a new K-8 school, with a target completion date of May 30, 2025.
  • CFO explains that the notice to proceed for construction will not be issued until after the final GMP is received and due diligence is completed, which could take at least 30 days.

Construction project timeline and budget:

  • Discussion is had to redesign of storm shelter to fit budget and schedule constraints.
  • Discussion on the cost savings and legal review with new attorney Christopher Lamberson.
  • Notation is made on the cadence of updates for a project, with a focus on keeping stakeholders informed and engaged, while considering various communication methods, including email and Zoom, and invite others to share their thoughts on the best approach.


IV. Academic


Academic Report (Presenter CAO B.Turner)

School progress towards academic goals and updates:


  • The discussion is open with the highlights of Hickory Hill Elementary's consistent progress towards double AMO goal, with majority of teachers returning for next year.
  • The elementary school shows steady progress towards AMO goals, with some variation in third grade.

School progress and action plans:


  • Notated the highlights and success in ELA and math at Hickory Hill Middle, with seventh and eighth graders showing improvement and sixth grade hitting AMO target.
  • The school's action steps were mostly accomplished, with southeast showing progress in data analysis and real-time coaching, leading to increased proficiency in reading and math.
  • Showed highlights of the success of Southeast Middle School's math and science departments, with a focus on teacher support and collaboration.
  • The high school is showing growth in algebra and geometry, with a new teacher that brought to help meet the AMO goal.


Academic progress and new laws in a school district:


  • There is a focus on subgroups, including students with disabilities, ESL, and math/ELA progress.
  • Discussion is had on the impact of the new law on third-grade students in Shelby County Schools, with potential for reduced retention and increased growth monitoring.
  • The school's academic team is making improvements, with a focus on small group instruction and teacher support.

V. Committees


Governance Reports (Presenter Committe Co-Chair M.Lady)

Succession planning discussion:.

  • Michelle Lady presents succession plan policy for approval, with Ashanta Evans Blackwell moving the motion.


A. Evans Blackwell made a motion to Approve Succssion Plan.
G. Raggs seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Academic Reports (Presenter Committe Chair A. Evans Blackwell)

Academic Chair discusses the aims to revitalize the education committee.


Finance Reports (Presenter Committe Chair D.Selberg)

Finance Chair discusses no need to repost as all the financ information is giving at the begoning of meeting by CFO. 

VI. Closing Items


Special Announcements

After adjourning the meeting, there will be an Executive Session for the Board Members. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Evans Blackwell