STEM School Highlands Ranch
Board of Director's Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday February 4, 2025 at 5:30 PM
8920 Barrons Blvd
P-TECH Mechatronics Room
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
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Directors Present
C. Gustafson, D. Lomelino, E. Quigley, G. Shick, G. Wing, I. Kalra, R. Lukez
Directors Absent
K. Reyna, L. Davison
Ex Officio Members Present
M. Cartier
Non Voting Members Present
M. Cartier
Guests Present
A. Westfall, Gordon Mosher, L. Kovalesky, Laurie Veldhuizen, Sean Milner
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Reciting of the Mission Statement
II. Approve Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Jan 7th
Roll Call | |
E. Quigley |
G. Shick |
K. Reyna |
C. Gustafson |
L. Davison |
R. Lukez |
D. Lomelino |
G. Wing |
I. Kalra |
Board Meeting Jan 21st
Roll Call | |
R. Lukez |
G. Shick |
C. Gustafson |
G. Wing |
L. Davison |
E. Quigley |
I. Kalra |
K. Reyna |
D. Lomelino |
Advancement Committee Meeting Sep 24, 2024
Will table till next meeting because some Advancement Committee Members not present
III. STEM School Highlands Ranch Updates
Executive Director Presentation
Enrollment update- Enrollment is down 5 students for 2nd semester. But with transfers we are expecting in, there is not a significant change from 1,395. There are 540 Open Enrollment Applications for 2025-26.
Immigration Law Updates- Protocol for STEM
-Trauma informed care will be provided to students, staff and families in need.
Virtual Delay Update
- There was a Parent, Staff and Student Survey sent out. Results will be reviewed in SAC and Academic Excellence Committees.
Student Government Update
Student Government 2025 Officers:
President- Auburne Mauger
Vice President- Kylie Pautler
Secretary- Colette rubin
Treasurer- Maya Thatcher
Student Outreach- Evan Choi
OAL - Maggie Nelson
Student government shared past and upcoming events.
IV. KOSON Schools
CIO Update - Strategic Updates
M. Cartier shared updates on growth strategy within Douglas County School District.
Presentation on KOSON Core Values
Why - Mission
How - Distinctives, Culture
What - Incredible STEM School
The team worked on finding out core values together over a series of meetings in hopes to be implemented in the 2025-26 School Year:
July - Leadership Team Brainstorm
August / September - Faculty / Staff Input
September - December - Task Force Consolidation and Wordsmith
January - Presentation to Faculty and Staff
February - Presentation to Board
March - Proposed Approval from Board
March - June - Incorporate in Hiring Procedures and Replication Application
August - Incorporate in Training Procedures
25-26 School Year - Incorporate in Evaluations
Culture is built through Core values.
9 main values build the Foundation of who we are and where our focus is:
Student Centric -Prioritizing the Best Interest of Students
Community- Stronger Together
Integrity- Do Right, Always
Stability- Rooted in Resilience
Growth- Embrace challenges
Innovation- Never stop Innovating
Stewardship- Dedicated to Making a Positive Difference
Excellence - Mastery in Motion
Fun- Makes the Team Work
Our next step (after BOD approval) is to create a one pager for each value and show what this really means and how to implement. This will be turned into a booklet which will be shared in our staffing materials. This is why we are asking for BOD input and a BOD vote.
Request for Board approval of Core Values in March Meeting
V. Board Committee Updates
CIO Support and Evaluation
Erin Quigley and Kelly Reyna present the CIO Mid Year Evaluation Report for approval.
Goal for this year: Establish systems that empower contributors of the Strategic Plan to support achieving the objectives and focus areas for these priority areas: Identity, Experience, and Growth.
Strategic plan
Reduction in staff attrition
Bottom-up budget rebuild
Developing the board
Proactive comms to board
Focus on the strategic growth plan of replicating
CIO to provide the Board with more visibility into:
-Progress on CIO goals
-Organization of school (org chart w/ roles & responsibilities outlined)
Board and CIO to work together to develop more clarity on how to report progress
Setup new Expansion/Replication Task Force
Growth Task Force will focus on expansion and replication efforts. Carla requests one pager for each committee
Finance Committee Update
One thing to Bring to the BOD attention: Fund 43 is a seperate account or accounting treatment of excess money that we bring in. The main difference is that it gives us flexibility to use it as needed. Darrell thinks this would be a smart account to implement moving forward.
Board Q & A followed
Software Updates- We are looking into 2 solid vendors to provide a more robust finance and HR platform - looking to implement in Jan 2026.
Sean Milner shared the Revenue and Expenditure analysis percent to date data, 2nd Qtr reporting and current state of Finances.
Finance Committee - Approve Vendor Contract
Subject came up after finance committee
Five year contract (might have a TABOR issue, but as long as it has an opt out option)
CRM need highlighted by staff; FinalSite is recommended by staff to meet the needs in one solution (need enhanced capability than what the district has). It has been vetted thoroughly by multiple staff members. Staff has negotiated custom website integration and will enhance
Might be able to use bond year - waiting to hear back from DCSD
Discussion around additional capabilities and add-ons
Board approval is requested for a 5-year contract with FinalSite to host/manage website, parent portal, school enrollment, co-curricular enrollment, communications, and customer relationship management (CRM). The value of the 5-year contract is over the threshold of $25,000 over 12 months therefore Board approval is needed.
Staff Handbook Update and Approval
There was just a typo and some formatting that needed to be corrected, there were also pages with a floating line.
Add the one pager of the values into the staff handbook in the future.
Every Dec/Jan will be future timeline for approving staff handbook
Parent Handbook Updates
Last approved in June 2024
Will see an updated version in Spring 2025
Governance Committee - Policy Review
Board Policies for confirmation in March Meeting (consent agenda)
-Equal Access to Facilities
-Rights of Students to Organize
Class A Parent Election Plan
Information was shared with the parent community, SAC Meeting and PTO Meeting, asking for parents to submit their information.
4/1-4/21 - Candidate Submissions
By 4/25 - Candidate Voter Book published
4/27-5/4 - Election
5/5-5/9 - Results announced
The June Board meeting will be when we ratify the results of the parent election for the 3 year term.
VI. Consent Agenda
Vote for Consent Agenda Items
VII. Public Comment
Public Comment Sign up link
No public comment
VIII. Board of Director's Updates
Preview of Next Meeting
February Meeting:
- Finance - Present Proposed Auditor Selection for FY 24/25 Audit
- Governance - Updates to Community Use of Facilities Policy
- CIO Support and Evaluation - Present Draft CIO Contract
- Annual Board Training - June 13th - all day event
Future Meetings
- New Bylaws (beginning of next school year)
- Academic Excellence Committee
IX. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Motioned by Gina, Second by Greg, passes unanimously
- February Board Presentation 24_25.pdf
- 2_4_25 board meeting slides .pdf
- Board Presentation 20240204.pdf
- Slides_for_Meeting__CIO_Mid-Year_Check-In_Presentation.pdf
- 2nd Quarter Finance Presentation.pdf
- Staff Handbook Presentation - Feb.pdf
- 2024-25 STEM Staff Handbook - Final.pdf
- Parent Student Handbook Updates from July 2024.pdf
- Parent Election Plan.pdf
Gordon Mosher updated the BOD with changes and updates to DCSD in the next year.